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Everything posted by GLOCKMEISTER

  1. with all the computers in the cars now days Im sure they can, they may not be supposed to anymore... but they can. Back in the day some used to run the 10-28, and then sometimes run the 10-27 from the owners information that came up on the 10-28. Thus you get HCP status.
  2. agreed, and right now they have no way to know what you have purchased out of state. Theres no way to track it like a regulated item with a serial number. However if this state has their way we will have to pay tax on averything we buy on the net or over the phone, technically were supposed to "volunteer" that payment right now... but since they cant track it they cant enforce it.
  3. its hard when they catch guys making stupid mistakes and even stupider comments... watch this and you will see what were up against. http://www.gunshowundercover.org/ the way I understand it they are going to have some local guys on here in the next few days, it wouldnt surprise me if you saw a familiar face or two.
  4. You wont, its kinda inside information, the only public reference that I can remember given about it was on the history channel when they were telling about the career of Charlie Wilson from Charlie Wilson's War. Anyway, Im sure he gets a kick out of it now. I probably shouldnt have mentioned it.
  5. next time anyone sees Ronnie ask him about his AD on the street of Washington DC... yes it was a 50.
  6. done
  7. wrong, if the guns coming in from anywhere and is a brand new gun the state can demand collection of sales tax. On a transfer inside the state the purchase could have been made on the end of the shipping dealer, thus tax can be collected by them or the transfering dealer. As dealers were required to inform the buyer/transferee if tax collection is needed, if the buyer refuses, then were required to forward a copy of a special form used to pay the tax to the buyer/transferee and document that on our return. Then its up to the buyer to pay it, if not then they may get a knock on the door one day by the state collecting the tax plus interest. It kinda boils down to this. If the guns used or coming from a mom and pop outfit, your good to go. The state has no way to track it or know about it. If its coming from a gun wholesaler or distributor then your going to have to pay the tax because they have to report whats sent into our store to the state where they are and they forward that info to the State of Tennessee. Back several years ago this want a big deal, now they have figured out they can track new guns pretty easy, thus the paying of an unfair tax.
  8. the one in Hendersonville wasnt as of a few days ago.
  9. Actually I think were right in line with everyone else at $30 plus TICS, if not I'll sure match the price. That price was the total. It included transfer fee and the tics/tbi check, and we offer a stolen check prior to getting the gun if the seller will give us the serial number. No one else offers that as far as I know. Its kinda like insurance. We also supply you with our FFL or fax/email it at no charge to the shipper. We have 18 years experience with these sorts of things, none of our competition can say that. Im actually known to have the best prices in this industry, actually we guarantee it. There is something you can say for customer service, and handleing transactions in a fast and timely manner... thats something you cant put a price on. Sometimes cheaper isn't better... We'd be glad to earn any of your business if given the chance.
  10. if ya'll are wanting a Glock, i'd get them before November. They are supposed to go up $35-40 in price. Btw, I can beat Bellshire's price by about $20 or more on the same gun.
  11. if your around guns long enough you will learn theres two kinds of gun people those that have had an AD and those that are going to have one.
  12. a brand new glock 20 or 29 regular or slim can be had less then $600 about anywhere. We sellem for $595 out the door includeing tax and tics. My other favorite 10mm platform is the Smith and Wesson 1006.
  13. theres no advantage... get a HCP and you'll be good to go
  14. the walther is twice the gun the sig is, imho
  15. So far they arent posted, so lets not rock the boat anymore until we see signs. Every day that goes by without incident is another feather in our hat.
  16. i used to use 40 grains, but that was an old army ruger
  17. i'd leave it alone. If it starts to be an issue we can let the NRA or TFA handle it using the freedom of information act to obtain a list of those businesses that decided to comply with this crap... then we send out a huge mailer to every HCP holder in Davidson county asking them to Ban those businesses.
  19. ya know I used to say "dont call they will get it too you and your just trying them up"... but now, hell... call... because if you dont bug the living crap out of them you will be waiting however long it will take. By law they have 90 days, but they arent following the law.
  20. WELL, WHEN THEY FIRST CAME OUT A FEW PEOPLE HAD ISSUES... oops caps locked... anyway, I took one home and have ran several hundred rounds thru it with no problems... so far I love it.
  21. yep... there are cases where people have died, but it is rare. They usually have to have some sort of allergic reaction or respiratory condition to be fatal. The real point is it for sure causes temporarily blindness, thats is serious bodily injury... IMHO. Police dept's consider them weapons in their force continuum also.
  22. nope, sorry but thats not what I said. Go back and look at post 13 in this thread, I said "stun guns and tasers are technically illegal for civilians to carry in Tennessee". That is a true statement because they have no common law legal use except as a defensive weapon. A ice pick has a use if your in the business of using it as a tool like.. well... picking ice. Same thing with penny rolls and scissors if your going to the bank or use them in your job as a cutting tool. See, its all in how your using it and how the officer deems your using it and what your intent is in carrying it. If your carrying it as a defensive instrument, and that item hasnt been specifically exempted from prosecution in the TCA, then you can be charged with it.
  23. again keep the buger hook off the bang button... works every time.
  24. what you have to understand is that there are things that can be used as a weapon but that wasnt their intent when made. Ex: Ice pick, penny roll, peice of broken glass, or even an automobile. When an officer deems an individual is carrying/using these items as a weapon then that person can be charged with carrying a weapon.


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