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Everything posted by GLOCKMEISTER

  1. here stories like that all the time, but honestly the Badge of America card probably helped out quite a bit too.
  2. nope, your right... JayC is misinformed.
  3. yea, I guess were both weird.
  4. it had a lifetime warranty to the original owner, as the 2nd/3rd owner you have nothing... and you will need it.
  5. wow, then I stand corrected. I thought they all were, actually pretty sure they all were. So which PD's are you refering too?

    Kahr Question

    some guys love the Kahr, me I never could get one to run worth a flip to be able to depend my life on it. That said I love the size and weight, but it it wont run its worthless.
  7. However from a crime rate point of view, and it being very close to Nashville I'd consider it more of an Urban Dept. then a rural one. To answer your question, most of the smaller Dept. have persons of interest come in while doing investigations, and some times have prisoners in and out as well. The chance of a HCP holder being in a close proximity to a prisoner or suspect and being disarmed is an issue. Hcp holders dont get retention training and can be disarmed quicker then a trained police officer. You add that with the desire for some to carry openly, and you have an issue most LEO's will have a problem with.
  8. I consider these guys the best in the buisness here in Tennessee. PRI, they have their own 75-yard handgun range and its 600-yard rifle range are located in Hickman County, Tennessee, less than an hour's drive west of Nashville. Several of their instructoers are Gunsite Instructors, and I believe they have the best advanced classes going. www.prifirearmstraining.com
  9. If this is the same instructor I think it is, he's been in trouble with the Dept. of Safety before. All im going to say is this, if you feel you didnt get good instruction then you probably didnt. If you, a presumed novice in the law, caught several thing the instructor missed... then how much other stuff didnt get covered that your not aware of? If you want to complain to someone that will take care of it then PM me and I'll get you in touch with that particular person that can make a difference. It might mean you may have to take another course, but it would be the right thing to do. Its instruction like this that makes everyone look at Tennessee's program with questions. Its also fly by night instructors like this that is going to make the state change everything they are doing soon, and ultimately cost all of us lots of money as instructors just to continue teaching. See it doesnt matter how many do it right, it only takes one "fly by nighter" to ruin it for everyone.
  10. agreed, its the difference in the part of the state were refering to. I worked for several rural county dept's over the years and they are laid back, these urban Dept's however arent. If they post, and you choose to ignore it and carry, your up a creek.
  11. I'd let them both walk, theres a buck around probably. Then again if you hungry, shoot the fawn, the meats better.
  12. to and from? Well I guess if your walking 5 miles to the station you have a point. If not, most of us would be parking in the parking lot with all the Crown Vic's, and Chargers with the pretty blue lights on top of them. In that case I still dont see the need to carry thru the parking lot, I'll leave it in the car. Btw, no one really thinks the police Dept's are going to go to the expense of installing gun lockers for HCP holders... or do you?
  13. guys, I hate to even chime in but here it goes..... why is this all the sudden an issue? If caught in the police dept. with the gun, your going to have a really, really, really bad day. If anyone wants to test my theory, go ahead and use that "open carry is better" idea thats popular around here while your at it. If your so scared you have to have your gun on you for the what, 15 minutes it would take to get a police report... your not living right. You should also be too scared to fly, drive a car at night, or cross a street too. Police Dept's are considered "secure" areas, most of the time your on camera and have to get buzzed in and out. The police Dept. is probably the last place your going to need your gun. I'd treat it like any other Govt. building and leave it in the car, get in and out and conclude your business as soon as possible. If you cant do that, then send a family member or use the mail.
  14. rabidrhino, NRA Insurance is just the name for endorsements, they even call themselves the "NRA ENDORSED INSURANCE" most of the policys are written through larger companies, ours is thru Loyds Of London. Btw, if anyone finds one that will for sure work, and has a history of paying off in intentional acts of self defense cases let me know and I'll buy it myself. So far everything we have sought out couldnt guarantee that, so IMHO its a waste of money.
  15. In Tn if you go home and burn your house down, your not getting paid. If you go out and attack someone.. your not covered, whats the difference? FWIW NRA is just the sponsor. And thats just the page to advertise it. Get it and read the policy. Lords or another company will have to write it, and to the best of my knowledge it isnt worth a dime in Tennessee. But hey, if it makes you feel better go ahead and get it, just pray you never need it. aLL IM SAYING IS EVERYTHING i HAVE HEARD IS ITS NOT ANY GOOD, SO PLEASE JUST MAKE SURE BEFORE YOU SPEND YOUR MONEY.
  16. Keep the sig, buy a glock with spare funds
  17. you cant get coverage for it in Tennessee,even thru NRA, because using a gun in Tennessee even in a self defense action is an intentional act, therefor Ins. wouldnt pay off. So no matter what anyone tells you or sells you its worthless, if you dont believe me call the state.
  18. it is, or you can have them all in the back seat in your range bag as long as your guns or mags arent loaded. I think your good to go eitehr way.
  19. $429 out the door, that price is the total including tax and tics. 9mm or 45acp, your choice. We only have a few left.
  20. no problem. I have several of them is stock in the tan color in 9mm and 45acp on sale. Everyone that bought them have been very pleased. The ones I have shot seem to shoot well, I think you will be happy with it.
  21. I wouldnt have, hell I didnt really care. I think everyone should carry. But to answer your question correctly you have to be more specific. Example: You get pulled over, officer ask if there are any weapons in the car. You say "YES" then for officer safety concerns he can obtain possession of them while on the stop. That doesnt mean he can "toss" your car. But if you say "YES" and tell the officer they are in the glove box or trunk, then he can go into the glove box of trunk to obtain them. If you have drugs or a body in the trunk in plain sight, and he sees it while attempting to obtain the firearm then your up a creek too. Btw, most officers dont care as long as your not messing with it while on the stop, and IMHO if you cant get to it then it shouldnt be an issue. Some officers dont feel that way.
  22. I agree this was way out of line, but locking the car wont help in this situation. Remember he admitted he had a weapon. Therefor the officer has a right to obtain the weapon because of officer safety. In other stops this is really a non issue, most LEO wont allow you out of the car anyway.
  23. now about the incident... Tel your friend to Call and ask for the Chief/Sheriff. Stuff like this shouldnt happen, and the more we ignore it the more it will happen. All that said the officer has a right to obtain any weapon in your possession for his safety. Btw, locking your car wont do any good.


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