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Everything posted by GLOCKMEISTER
didnt you guys know, everyone that owns more then one guns thinks they are a freaking "Sniper"... lol Seriously, wehear so much BS in our store its not even funny... then they decide to take a permit class, and well we find out how good of a shot they really are.
I dont understand why anyone would want to shoot lead round nose out of anything anyway. Just saying
in fairness I understand the safety aspect of it all, however some of those folks out there have a power/ego trip thing going on. I have heard nothing but negatives from customers that come in my store. The last customer was fuming because they were told they couldnt pick up their own brass. Thats insane!!!
what hurts open carry now, especially in middle Tn is... it only takes one "Kwik" to screw it up for everyone. Now open carriers are considered "nuts" by most of the LEO's I have spoken to about it lately, and they all reference Leonard. The metro Nashville training Academy instructors are even telling police officers that.... "People that are going around carrying in the open are just asking for it so they can pull the trigger themselves, they just wanna be killers" That statement was actually told to a group of police officers recently by one of the staff out there. Sad really sad... I have been afraid something like this was going to happen, and now it has... people like Kwik are consedered..."The Perfect storm" that keeps getting worse and worse and worse.
Call a brother out over anything huh? ok, maybe I mispoke... but every vet, thats faced the ak in combat, I have talked to loves the AK. I have been told some guys like them because of stopping power compaired to the 556, thus the reason for the existence of he 6.8cal. I even know where some guys used them back in the 1st gulf war, but heck they brought out a bunch of m14's for that one too. But I guess it depends on the mission. I heard Special Operations were the only ones allowed to use AK's back in Vietnam. Regular soldiers wanted too but were supposingly forbidden because the sound it makes, looking like enemy, and the CIA always booby trapped them. But many a vets told me they would rather have an AK. In todays military there are lots of guys that like them, and even some tank/bradley crews that pick them up becasue they dont have m4's. But hey, to each his own... I dont have time to go back and pull a bunch of links to try and prove something thats probably unprovable.
Pulled my weapon for the first time.Opinions?
GLOCKMEISTER replied to Jack's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
or pointing his shotgun right at your face at 4ft and asking.... "Hey can you see... is this thing loaded".. -
ok, you got me but some people dont know the difference in a 3 and a 2 or a 4 ... anyway you know what I meant :taunt:
Im with Todd here, all are good choices. Fortunately you have a gun that will eat anything you put thru it.
Pulled my weapon for the first time.Opinions?
GLOCKMEISTER replied to Jack's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
years before I met those to... I worked with them when I worked at Millersville P.D. RC always needed backup when coming into our city. -
i'd take an good AK going into battle just as quick as any AR15... Over the years more people have put down the AR and picked up an AK then vice versa.
btw.. anyone else want a Glock 23 we got in a bunch of LE trades, they are 2 year old Generation 3's with night sights, extra mag, and light rail. $485.00 out the door, price includes tax and tics....
Joey, Since I feel partially responsible for you choosing the Glock 23 heres what I will do. If you want to take a training class I will give you a discount on our handgun permit class. I have been teaching that class longer then anyone in this state. Its set up for novices and I'll make a point to give you one on one instruction with your new firearm. Since I have been carrying/training with the Glock 23 for most of my "carry life" I'll teach you the ins and outs of the gun. I'll even let you shoot mine thats set up with several modifications. I am also a 15 year certified Glock factory armorer and can teach you everything about your gun while your in class. Now for a little FYI on barrel conversions going from 40 down to 9mm. Simply put it will eventually mess up your gun. Its not just swapping out the barrel and mag. The breach face is different and so is the ejector, guide rod spring, and extractor. Doing this will also void your Glock warranty. Thus the reason Glock wont sell you a 9mm barrel if they know thats what your going to do. Glock only recommends the conversion too and from 40-357sig. Now all that being said, I know customers that went ahead and did the 9mm swap, and the gun ran for a while... but then parts started breaking. I'd leave it alone and get professional lessons. Its just like getting your first high performance car of 4x4 truck, your going to need some help getting the most out of it. Anyway just an FYI...
yea, but he problem is... I try to be that "reputable company"... so if the guns junk the customer brings it back to me pissed. Im sorry but I cant sell or stand behind any of the WASR series guns anymore because my butts been chewed up too many times, and my wallets hurting because of the returns.
but what kind are you getting for $350... will it shoot, is the black spray paint flakeing off he end of it? Not trying to be an funny, seriously but we have seen some cheap junk out there lately. We have had them come in and be so out of whack you cant even line up the sights. Weve had them come in and the stocks were broken when we open the box. I finally gave up on all the cheapies.
Pulled my weapon for the first time.Opinions?
GLOCKMEISTER replied to Jack's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
I remember when he did that... I also remember searching a many houses with him and Charles Campbell lol, the memories!!! -
Ok, Legal question about vicous dogs
GLOCKMEISTER replied to Wyldk2's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
can we say beaten to death... Btw, in again before the lock. -
Now Im vague on this but I beliieve its the one that took away the ability for everyone with a felony conviction passed in 2008. I think its codified in 39-17-1307... I will recheck it in a few when I have time. Btw, I was just asking I consider you and some others here more up to date then I am.
Hey Pat, there was a law that passed here in Tn either last year or the year before that pretty much said any felony even with an expungment would be prohibited. Me and John Harris were talking about it yesterday, but I cant remember the tca.
they will, and we were goign to try and sell them... but we determined they may actually not be legal to own at that point, you know being a smoothbore shorter then 18in and such.
its a great gun but if you cant solve you issue take it in and let a gunsmith in your area look at it. We had to send some back to Smith last year for rifleing problems. We had two that left the factory ... get this... WITH NO RIFLEING IN THE BARREL AT ALL!!! They were shooting all over the place keyholing.
Really, I thought the only main difference in the two guns was... caliber? Thus I dont think im dumping. The op's intention was to get a poll of opinions, I only explained like others in the thread the difference in the two, and why my opinion is what it is. Besides its pretty clear by the poll results quite a few more people like the 19, but it doesnt mean its better. Besides I didnt start this debate, I was giving my opinion given my credentials and vast experience on the subject. Someone else decided to rudely call me out on my information using words like "ignorant" and comparing my info to .. "a third nipple". These persons obviously wasnt prepared to debate civilized. Btw, to accurately answer your original question of "Why"... well it goes all the way back to the Vietnam war when the 1st Navy Seal units used an modified and silenced S&W 39/Mark 22 Mod.0 called a "Hush Puppy" to take out attack dogs. The seals quickly realized, like their older British SAS cousins the 9mm round didnt really have the stopping power to take down a man with one shot, so they nicknamed them "Poodle poppers". All this really goes back to WW2 when the Brits and Canadians had their Browning Hi Powers and the GI's were carrying 1911's. The Brits SAS, LRDG's and Special Boat units made the determination they were going to have to shoot the enemy twice in order to stop them, so they decided to initiate what the termed the "double tap" at the begining of a shooting encounter. The GI's didnt have this same problem so many of the Brits decided to carry the 1911 instead. On the other point velocity doesnt equal stopping power. And no matter how hot you load a 9mm case it will never equal the velocity of a 357 sig loaded to its max with the same bullet. Also while the Glock 9mm's have sold more then the 40cal's in Glock, it isnt because its a better caliber, its because the 9mm's had a 10 year jump between 1980-1990 on the 40cal. Now the best selling glocks, especially for law enforcement, are by far the 40's... specifically the Glock 22. Fact is the Glock 22,23,24,27 were considered improved models over the Glock 17,19,26 and 17L. If they werent then why build them? Heres a link with articles, including local references, proving its not only my theory but Law Enforcement in general. The Glock 22: America's best-selling police pistol | Guns Magazine | Find Articles at BNET If you still cant see the light, well hell contact the source... GLOCK INC. 600 HIGHLANDS PARKWAY, SMYRNA, GA 30082 (770) 432-1202, WWW.GLOCK.COM ;-)
really, then name an agency that still uses 9mm... no one around here in Tn does, that I recall. And i said special forces, not regular military units that bow to nato. Dude can you read? i never said 40 was better then 357 or 45, just that it outperforms 9mm with stopping power. And your saying 357 is the same as 9mm... wow! Same bullet diameter but no where near the same in any other aspect. Kinda like 38 special and .380, same bullet diameter as 9mm but totally different. Although .38 +p gets really close to 9mm. After the Miami massacre law enforcement nationwide decided .38 and 9mm wasnt enough. Im amazed how quick some here with no real knowledge are so quick to attack. I just hope someone else thats educated in these matters gets in here to set yall straight before the lock.
So you cant articulate any better response then to call someone else "ignorant" when you called me out and I totally oblitorate your theory. Real mature, I think I made my point at least to anyone with any kind of firearms knowledge.
Btw... a groin area shot isnt nowhere near..."dead quick". All it does os shatter the pelvic plates which makes the attacker immobile, but isnt lights out by any means. It will stop the attack from an edged or impact weapon but if they have a gun then they will still be able to squeeze a trigger.
If 9 was better all the law enforcement agencies and special forces would be useing it, fact is they are not. Why, because it has virtually no knockdown power compared to 40 and 45. A 22 can kill.... if your shot placement is sniperistically perfect... in a very stressfull situation. Wanna really train to see if you can make the kind of shot it would take for ... "lights out" with a 9mm? Go run a few miles and then give me a 4in group at 20 yards. That will tell the tale.