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Everything posted by TN_Hiker

  1. Long trip! Welcome to the state though.
  2. Did some searching and it's Season 3 Episode 11. When I got laid off I finally decided to give Psych a try on Netflix... god I went through those shows so quickly and I loved them. They really helped keep me entertained and destressed during that period. Talk about a sad day when I came up to the last episode....
  3. Another one I enjoyed that had a nice mix of heat vs flavor was Scorned Woman. My friend kept telling me about it and I decided to buy me and him a bottle when I found it. Really good stuff.
  4. This reminds me of an episode of Psych. I don't remember the particulars of the episode, but there's one where Lassiter has been temporarily suspended and the police have cleared (or so they think) his house of weapons. The scene progresses on where him and Shaun are being held at gunpoint. Shaun distracts the bad guy while Lassiter pulls a gun out of a bowl of peanuts and shoots the guy. There's a comment by Shaun "Looks like they missed one" with a reply by Lassiter of something along the lines of "One? There's atleast eight" You definitely have to feel sorry for the girl referenced in the story though and hopefully the guy will come out fine. Amazing how something can develop so quickly. You also have to wonder how rare and unrelated they are that they've happened so quickly in the same month and nearby? Several dozen miles I think they all were, but that's a far cry from states away.
  5. Never seen or even heard of these two, but definitely like the look of them and I'm glad I'm not to see I'm all by myself here As for wasabi.... wow... I don't even know what to say about that stuff. So many different flavors and things going on I think my brain popped. I only tried it one time and left it at that. There's a place where I stocked up on some sauces and got some beef jerky while I was by the Bass Pro shop in Sevierville called the Beef Jerky Outlet. I spent about $100 by the time I left the place on jerky and sauces Some really great tasting jerky though! Especially the Fire on the Mountain jerky. It's the only place of its kind I've come across locally. If anyone knows of a place like it, especially in the Chattanooga area, I'd love to know.
  6. Need a face palm smiley for things like this! Sadly some poor sap will still end up buying from this guy
  7. Anyone else here into hot food? Like.. insanely hot? I was stalking the forums and watching through my subscribed YouTube videos and came across one that was uploaded today from on a jerky review. I got to wondering who else enjoys these things.Most folks I know think I'm crazy for eating things so hot. They don't see the enjoyment in it and to be honest... I can't really explain the rush and enjoyment in feeling that burn. I have a cabinet full of hot seasons, spices, peppers, and sauces for adding whatever flavor/heat combo I'm in the mood for at a given moment. I only have one friend, and the only person I've met, who will eat things like this so I thought I'd see if there was anyone else here who is the same. If you're not that kind of person eat hot sauces like Dave's Insanity Sauce or Blair's Death Sauces but still want a little flavor and zing then I'd have a suggestion of trying Tapatio. You can find it in most grocery stores hispanic section. It's a great sauce that will add flavor to your food. The more you add the more heat you get but the sauce doesn't become overpowering. It also has no vinegar in it, so you're not ruining the taste of your food like Tobasco does
  8. I've been playing when I can after work you can add me as Spank#1349. I don't know why they decided to put numbers in with the battletag, but it is how it is. I've been playing a ton of characters on both norm and HC so I'm not past act 3 yet but should be soon.
  9. Always good to see another person from Cleveland here
  10. Old topic I know. Took a little bit to get the magazine back and then I apparently forgot my password so a little delay in an update. Got the new magazine and everything is perfect. Not a single issue at all now I want to say thanks for everyone that gave their
  11. Sorry for the delay, life gets in the way! I finally got to go out after work this morning and do a little shooting. The magazine performed perfectly while shooting but still had issues if I had to chamber a round by hand, either by racking the slide or using the slide release. I'm thinking I'm just going to end up mailing it back for the few dollars it'll cost me. I'll see if the new one has an issues and go from there. I appreciate everyones input.
  12. I did what you suggested OhShoot and let slide release push the round in and it seems to feed most of the time but it still jams the gun on occasion. I've made sure that everything is seated and loaded properly every time. Something else I didn't add on earlier was when trying to rack the slide by hand sometimes it will jam with the Hornady CD before I can even get the slide back all the way. To recap (since I have things spread over a few posts ), all these problems have only been with the Hornady Critical Defense in the 7 round extended magazine and only with the first round that I try to chamber IF it's a Hornady CD round. I've tried feeding through several different Hornady CD rounds to be sure it wasn't just one bullet causing the issue and they've all done this if it's the first round. If I have a round in the gun already, slide in the extended mag, and try to rack the slide, then the round in the gun ejects while the first round in the magazine will jam. If I replace that first round with an FMJ and made the rest in the magazine the Hornady CD then the FMJ feeds properly then I can rack the slide to feed the rest of the Hornady CD rounds through perfectly. If I only load the 7rd magazine with 6 rounds of Hornady CD then it feeds perfectly. The stock 6rd mag also works perfectly. This is a brand new gun and I've still not even got to take the gun out on its first test run. It's just a problem I had noticed today when I had emptied the gun and tried feeding a round in using the extended mag. Previously I had used the stock magazine for doing this. Also this new extended mag has sat around about two weeks fully loaded before I tried doing this. Is that about as clear as mud? Lol. I've done my best to explain what's going on. I wish I could just somehow do a video. I want to say thanks to everyone that's taken the time to read and reply so far.
  13. Well, here's a top down picture. With some decent light, it seems to me like the tip could be causing it? But why does that one extra round affect the feeding? Is the magazine design not the same aside from being a tiny bit longer? I really need to try and make some time for going out and shooting one morning.
  14. Well, it seems to have something to do with the Hornady Critical Defense ammo that I have in it. I have some FMJ ammo that I swapped it out for and it fed perfectly. As soon as I put the HCD ammo back as that 7th round the problem occurs again. I'm wondering if it has something to do with that rubber (?) tip that the HCD ammo has? I called Sig, they're willing to replace it. I just didn't know if I'm going to run into the same problem again. I've kept the magazine fully loaded for about two weeks. Sadly I've had no chance of shooting yet. New job has me working third shift so not as much playtime as there used to be. Speaking of which, it's waaaaaaaaaay past my bed time.
  15. I recently bought a P238 and I also decided to buy the extended 7 round magazine, which I'm having problems with. When using the standard 6 round the magazine feeds correctly into the gun but not with the 7 round magazine. When I rack the slide to try and feed the first round it gets jammed into the feed ramp of the gun. If I take a round out and leave just 6 in there it feeds perfectly. Anyone have any thoughts on this? Here's the best picture I could get
  16. Good to hear you got yours. I ordered a minituck for my P238 and that shipped out yesterday and I had about the same time frame as you, around 3 weeks. I'm looking forward to getting it in the mail.
  17. 150 sure does have a much better ring to it! Maybe the fellow I spoke with was incorrect? Hard to say though. Either way I'll probably end up paying for the full year. I hope to at least head up there once a week minimum.
  18. I don't know if anyone else plans on giving their range a go when they get it going but I decided to give them another call and see if there was any update on the progress. Right now they're hoping for May 9th to open and as far as cost goes I was told $15 a day or $250 a year. A whole lot cheaper in the long run if you plan on shooting a bunch. I'm excited for it as I'll finally have a place nearby to shoot.
  19. I'd be interested in the location too, thanks. Well as soon as I clicked back to the manage page I noticed an events calender... and here's the info. http://www.gunshowst...thton-gun-show/
  20. I was thinking the same thing with Judge Dredd. I'm guessing everyone will be Nice tag BTW nightrunner, got the same one on my Jeep.
  21. Sounds like you're lucky to have any time to go shooting! Welcome!
  22. I wish I could get something like that! It would literally fall through the floor like in a cartoon I think though lol. Ignoring the problem of getting it inside
  23. I'd definitely become a benefactor for that Right now I just buy the bulk Federal .22 from Cabelas for $79 for 2100 rounds. Only beats Walmart by a little bit. Plus I go by that website and wonder about a Garand from time to time.
  24. Well, there's one thing a person always need that owns any gun. Ammo If I get something I get a gift card. It's exciting giving a person something to unwrap but with a gift card you know the person isn't going to be disappointed. Good luck with the gift
  25. Gotta keep the fellers busy somehow


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