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Everything posted by subsonic

  1. I own a 605 snubby, my everyday carry piece. I put a reduced power hammer spring in it (which in reality is what reduces trigger pull, it's now about 5 lbs). Always fires, has never locked up and as previously mentioned, as accurate as you might expect with a snubby. I think I paid about $400 new.
  2. High Standard Sport King .22LR. Yes, I still own it.
  3. I saw some video from a friend on Facebook last night, extremely well attended and skeptical crowd. I would estimate a couple hundred in attendance.
  4. You can tell him what you think of his ideas in person tomorrow night at the Manchester/Coffee County Community Center, from 6:30 to 8:30. http://patterico.com/2013/06/01/a-call-to-any-tennessee-readers-attend-the-meeting-on-how-the-feds-might-prosecute-those-who-post-inflammatory-documents-about-muslims/
  5. Just posted a different link about this in "Politics and Legislation".
  6. Supposed to be tomorrow, June 4th. Here's some info if anyone down that way can make it and remind them that there's no constitutional rights regarding being offended.   http://patterico.com/2013/06/01/a-call-to-any-tennessee-readers-attend-the-meeting-on-how-the-feds-might-prosecute-those-who-post-inflammatory-documents-about-muslims/  
  7. Aaaaaaaaaaaand, it's gone.
  8. My first handgun was a High Standard Sport King in 22LR. I still own it and shoot it and will never part with it. The earliest version of the gun in the 1940's was a contract for military intelligence applications ( aka hitpiece). I believe they're back in business these days and sell factory direct. Rugged simple design and very accurate, always eats what I feed it.   http://highstandard.com/index.php/weapons-a-products/weapons#22
  9. This is pretty neat:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkWJdWGdgaM
  10.   Hmmm, my wife and I always stay in the Quarter. If anything was stinky, it was the bleach used to wash out the kitchens in the morning. Had no such issues, although I'd expect it during the summer months, like in NYC.
  11. I was down there this past week, and yes.....I went for the food, worth the risk.
  12. I'm LH/LE, but because of a nuisance level benign tremor I've developed in my left arm, I started practicing shooting RH/LE.....wasn't working, I was hitting consistantly right of center. I decided to try RH/RE and everything fell into place. I still use my left eye when shooting LH.
  13. I had a P95 and it was very finicky about which ammo it liked or didn't. Hated Remington UMC, American Eagle was fine, Winchester White Box was fair. I did clean and lube the gun meticulously when I got it, put several hundred rounds through it, decided I wanted a CZ after shooting one at the range one day and replaced the P95 with a CZ75 Compact. It eats everything I put on its plate.
  14. Article 1, Section 9, paragraph 5 of the Constitution states: "No tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported by any state". SCOTUS ruled in 1992 that if a business does not have a physical presence in a state, they cannot be compelled to collect sales tax for goods sold to someone in those states.   This is yet another example of the federal government being mindless of the unconstitutionality of a law that they pass. They're reverse engineering. There should be an amendment requiring that Congress vet the constitutionality for laws being drafted.
  15. Check directron.com for parts and prices, I've had good luck with them for a variety of components for my recording studio computer (which was a gaming machine I bought from them in the first place).
  16. Interesting perspective on it here......yet another case of a Republican falling for a Democrat promise of the check being in the mail:   http://hotair.com/headlines/archives/2013/04/18/rubio-got-rolled-by-chuck-schumer-on-immigration/
  17. Buy low. I plan on it. Sooner or later the paper house of fiat cards will crash and precious metals will spike in a huge way. Silver is still a better bet than gold, undervalued by historical comparison. Gold has historically been worth 14 times that of silver, but is currently trading at 57 times silver.     It might also be an intentional move to kill the price of gold and then snap it up cheap. It's how George Soros has made billions shorting currencies.
  18. My brother has a Rizzini FAIR 12 gauge Sporting Clay for sale, in your price range. It has a hardshell breakdown case and a full set of choke tubes. Beautiful gun. PM if you'd like his contact info, we're in Franklin, just south of Nashville.
  19. He's lived in NY all his life and doesn't know any better. John Stossel dope slapped him the other night, told him he was promoting statism as aggresively as Obama. I about wet my pants laughing.
  20. I just noticed you're in Danbury. I used to live in Redding. Git 'er done and git gone from up thar!
  21. I second the Pepe's!
  22. But will we get a free armored vehicle with every 5 million round purchase?
  23. We had a family friend who was Secret Service. Despite their depth of training and accuracy and high probability of pulling off head shots, they were told that if the perp has a firearm and it was even remotely pointed at them, a headshot could cause a neurological flinch from the target and a subsequent round being fired in their direction. Always go for center mass first.
  24. Made in Montana if I remember correctly. I've shot a bunch of .357 and .38 spl, clean and consistant.


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