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Everything posted by jacob

  1. jacob

    S&W Shield 9mm

    Got a shipping notice on mine also today Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  2. Because they know whats best for us... Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  3. jacob

    First AK

    Wow...dont know how I missed these extra replies...I got it thru a friend for 1400...included 3 extra arsenal mags for good measure...still waiting to get to shoot it...nowhere in memphis to break it in.... Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  4. They keep rehashing because they know people are gullible enough to keep getting upset and distracted... Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  5. I dont see eye to eye with him on some things but overall he seems to have his head screwed on straight...it would be nice to see more things like this in ths news to counter the race baiting MSM loves to practice...but I guess these news stories arent sensational enough for the general population... Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  6. Sounds like a good plan...seems like the only way this country will be saved is from a grassroots level...the Rs and Ds have both effectively shown that if the voters are complacent they will grab for power at every chance....if they fear reprisal from THE PEOPLE they will tuck their tails and run everytime as evident with the backlash toward the ACA.... Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  7. I apologize also, didnt mean to divert the topic Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  8. I would be interested in that knowledge also...I inherited several cans of powder along with my dad's reloading equipment when he passed...would be nice to not ha e to worry about buying any at this time... Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  9. Thanks for those links....definitely bookmark worthy... Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  10. Just because Kerry signed the treaty doesnt mean it is ratified, Congress bears that burden... Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  11. Most citizens value their votes...just depends on whether they are voting with liberty or laziness in mind...I for one am frustrated with both political parties and a lack of a "VIABLE" 3rd party to keep things honest.... Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  12. YMMV Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  13. I actually bought my Shield at Classic Arms about a month ago, only because they had them in stock and are closer to my house. But in all the times I've been in there seen alot of improper gun handling by the some of the staff and just heard alot of ill founded opinions to be had, kinda like G&A. But I guess most LGSs are like the equivalent of the old lady knitting club for men... Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  14. If it's the usual 5/4 you better start getting worried... Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  15. Since the Constitution bars anything of that sort, "if" SCOTUS allowed it then we don't....
  16. I would 2nd Arms Fair on Trinity.  I have bought a couple of guns from them with good experience.  They don't tend to up the prices either like I've seen on some things @ G&A.  IMHO stay away from Classic Arms...some of their staff come off as knuckle draggers to me...
  17. yea...doesn't seem to make much sense, but I guess not everyone operates the same way upstairs....
  18. That quote right there worries me about some of the guys in LE...
  19. I guess that's why in my initial post I was so irked...you pretty much summed up my thinking...there wasnt really a reason for him to react the way he did...especially with her handing him the permit on the front end...and as someone stated earlier, you would think the PDs would have written procedure for dealing with lawful HCP holders during a stop...
  20. jacob

    S&W Shield 9mm

    Just got 3 myself...have had 3 more back ordered via S&W for about 2 months now...hopefully I will get them shipped soon also...thanks for the info
  21. Since there is no duty to notify I will leave that up to her.. in hindsight she feels like she should have at least asked the officer why she needed to unload the handgun even though she would have been willing to comply...it has defininitely given her more taste for training and education, that is most important IMO...
  22. This is the first time my wife has been stopped since she got her hcp so I guess she didnt want to take any chances and was trying to be proactive and give the officer her permit...I can pretty much bet she wont do it again...
  23. Memphis PD...
  24. Although it would not seem so, I would agree for a minimalist approach also...I guess I just didnt see the harm in asking the officer for a reason in said circumstance if only to maybe bring the error in handling a loaded firearm in excess to his/her attention in a passive manner...
  25. I wouldn't refuse to do what I was reasonably asked to do...but like I said I am not a 2yr that is incapable of reason...if LE is uncomfortable and has valid reasoning, then I have no issues...but if I am to comply for the sake of compliance then I call B.S. that is hunger for power not fear of safety. ..and for the record I am in no way being argumentative...this just boggles my mind....


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