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Everything posted by jacob
Thug down! of the knockout game variety
jacob replied to Sam1's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Isn't that true for most handgun calibers?? -
I like the one that spit on the guy and kept interrupting him...
Watch "Funny Goats Screaming like Humans" on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlYlNF30bVg&feature=youtube_gdata_player
That is correct...but acting as if the simple fact of the guy carrying a firearm is the sole reason he was not a victim is asinine....If he would have been tased (sp?) then the gun would have been a moot point... I am also not going to act as if any form of self defense training is the end all be all answer to these scenarios either...I would agree that awareness would be the best possible habit to be practiced to avoid something like this happening....I just simply observed that based on the way these attacks play out that it may be somewhat easier to defend against them by having some sort of training in self defense outside of carrying a firearm...
Ever seen the screaming goat video...that is pretty dang funny..
Because they teach a combination of situational awareness along with the ability to defend/attack...would you disagree that training in self defense may have allowed these people to fare a little better than they did?? It would certainly have IMHO more than thinking I am safe simply because I have a concealed firearm...
IMHO this isn't an issue of being armed...If someone is swinging their fist at your head you won't have time to draw and present a firearm...This is all about being alert and having some form of self defense training to stop these fools from hitting you and knocking you out...
Hot women in tight skimpy outfits....
Would have been hilarious if they'd picked up the phone and heard your voice on the line and from you standing in front of them simultaneously. ...
How is he not changing the law? He has given waivers/delays to government employees and big business. Then he is now given joe schmo a delay, and for some it is too little to late. This president is again trying to unilaterally create laws. If it wasn't in the original law passed by congress and the law/regulation is created outside of a congressional vote then guess what? it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. The founders specifically stated the function of each branch of government in the Constitution. I don't recall any mention of the executive branch having any authority to legislate (read: create laws). the founders also had ZERO intention of Congress relinquishing the exclusive authority to legislate from themselves to another branch of government. By doing this, Congress has allowed a group of people who are not DIRECTLY accountable to the citizens of this country the ability to create laws and regulations with no oversight whatsoever. I do agree that all this is a smoke screen to keep the Dems from losing their asses in the mid-terms and in 2016. After all this is said and done, if these idiots keep their seats then I am scared for my children...
Same for us...I don't think we've bought Christmas in a store for 2 years now...we might even buy the dang batteries online this year...
Been reading The Liberty Amendments and Ameritopia....Both are pretty good books...Some may be put off by Mark Levin, but that is a very smart guy who knows his history...
"The checks in the mail" "You can keep your health insurance"
jacob replied to seez52's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I figured there was some kind of angle being worked to make this cluster come out in favor of the dems. ..especially since it seems his uglier half will most likely make a run in 2016... -
"The checks in the mail" "You can keep your health insurance"
jacob replied to seez52's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Ole Bill Clinton proclaimed that BHO needs to fix the ACA law to allow people who currently have insurance to keep it since he told em they could back before the law was passed...wonder how that will play out these next few days... -
Seems like the threat to 2A rights will eventually be fought within the states, not to forgot that pesky 4A right...we can't give up: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/11/11/police-entering-homes-to-make-sure-guns-are-stored-safely-if-this-politician-has-his-way/
Like Gotthegoods said...If this guy is doing this and he is still in business then something is working...and it is only working because people are buying....unless this guy has a lot disposable income he won't sit on those higher prices long before he gets hungry...you should ask him for $6 next time you go in for letting him keep the brass you brought in from Walmart...
I definitely wouldn't pay $6 more for reloads to be able to leave with them...If this is the SOP, then there must be some pretty desperate people patronizing his business...
I was looking at the Midwest Industries extended rail...didn't seem to pricey...heard several people speak highly of them...
speaking of racket, I wonder how many people bring their own ammo in and don't pickup their brass?? wonder how much extra cash they have coming in from that source?? I am all for capitalism, but if they have to charge people to buy and leave the range without shooting, they should sell exclusively to people that are there to shoot and not walk-in customers...
is that range usa?