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Everything posted by jacob

  1. Reminds me of Jim Carrey shooting the cow in Me, Myself, and Irene...
  2. Since my dad isn't around anymore I will post one for him: "when your 10 yr old son can setup a VCR faster than you"... (hint, I was the 10 yr old 26 yrs ago)
  3. no kidding right?? just a short time ago, i wouldn't have thought about wanting to have something like that...i guess after years of hearing my dad talk about being in the mountains and woods he finally rubbed off on me..
  4. Saw this posted on FB and thought it was pretty cool.  Link is below...   http://www.viralnova.com/retired-mathematician-cabin/
  5. has this been introduced on the house or floor? 
  6. seems that would be a "slippery slope"...but i am sure the slope has existed since well before my time...
  7. Per the ACLU website CO laws prohibit discrimination in employment, housing, and public accomodations...would have to dig deeper, but on the surface don't see how a private business broke the law in this instance since the bakery doesn't fall into any of the above categories...
  8. I found this quote from the Judge's written order online: http://www.seattlepi.com/news/us/article/Judge-orders-Colo-cake-maker-to-serve-gay-couples-5042240.php   "At first blush, it may seem reasonable that a private business should be able to refuse service to anyone it chooses," Judge Spencer said in his written order. "This view, however, fails to take into account the cost to society and the hurt caused to persons who are denied service simply because of who they are."   Now, outside of knowing what actual statute was cited as a support to the ruling, this is a ruling based on emotion.  While I agree that all people should be treated with respect, that is not how human kind operates.  Some people really should learn to move on with life and quit trying to get even over something as trivial as a cake...
  9. i need a tylenol...   What if, for the sake of argument, the baker based his discrimination against the couple on a secular viewpoint?  There are plenty of people out there who don't care for the gay lifestyle who have never set foot in a church...There again, religion doesn't really play into the bigger scheme of this "argument".  What does is the govt sticking it's nose into PRIVATE matters...the baker doesn't work for the govt so he has no obligation to treat everyone equally if he doesn't choose to do so...
  10. I have 2 pair of Caldwell that we bought when we first started shooting. One pair of them the electronics are fried in them, the others are meh. This has only been for indoor range use. I am only recommending the Peltor because I have had better luck with them and have options to continue use of them as my shooting advances....I understand everyone's budgets and intended uses are different. I am just of the mind that I will always buy a little better than what I think I need so that as I progress in my skills I will not have to spend more money as quickly. ..I am like that with everything, not just shooting...
  11. I unfortunately would not be one of those people. A private business is not under any obligation to provide services if they so choose, regardless of whether it is a gay person or Jesus Christ himself. What is the incentive of working for yourself if you have to worry about what the govt thinks? I will tell you, none. The govt is the only entity that is responsible to catering to all people regards of race, sex, or morality, period. And I am inclined to think that if the govt can't treat everyone fairly, then they should stay the hell out of things. And since they have proven they can't treat everyone fairly because that's life, well....
  12. Most of time price difference is gonna be electronics and just the quality of construction in general...Some models can be used in conjunction with radios, etc...I have the Peltor Tac Sport....very good for less than $200.... I know some people will say that the $30 Caldwell are ok...and they aren't bad for the price if you have to buy another pair down the road...If you are just going to the indoor range then get them...but I would say if you will be shooting outside in adverse conditions or in a training environment, spring for the little more expensive pair...
  13. I would spend as much as you can afford on this purchase. The electronics in the more expensive models will hold up under use and stress....
  14. I've got the G19 and G30 strains of glockitis, the M11A1 signess, and various diseases of the AR/AK variety...
  15. Congrats to Auburn. ...hopefully they will represent the SEC well if they go to the title game...
  16. Ha! If those 2 go back to that baker now that the judge has ordered him to make the cake against his will they are insane...
  17. So is someone being treated differently based solely on their skin color or genitals ok with you?? Or should they be judged by the content of their character?? That is what that sounds like....and it sounds like what you also stated unless I am mistaken... Let me REINTERATE; I am not taking the side of the homosexual couple...they were wrong IMHO for taking the case to court....simple enough?
  18. might wanna go back and check my posts...I stated repeatedly that I felt the court case was a farce with only a political goal in mind, not because of a true case of discrimination....
  19.   I haven't seen anyone in this thread take up for the gay couple...The only questions that have been posed here are more in regards to business owners retaining the right to serve whom they choose and where the line of crossing over into discrimination exists....and most all have commented that govt should mind it's own business and stay out of that business' choice of to whom they provide their service.
  20. because it suits a political talking point the liberals use that the dumbed down masses believe....
  21. there is a difference between making someone an equal through legislation and making their morals, sex or ethnicity something that is protected.  i would venture to say that the civil rights movement or women's suffrage was not about a "protection" but rather elevating people to the same level as others.  where this becomes dangerous is when you make it a crime to discriminate against one party, but don't give the opposite party equal protection from discrimination.  that obliterates any form of  true equality at all, and only serves to cause degradation in society.   the sad truth is that equality today isn't about equality at all, it is about forcing someone else to support a belief system they do no agree with...that is not a principle our country was founded upon
  22. no and I am not trying to label you as one...if you read my previous posts in this thread you will see that i am not in favor of what the gay couple did but i am also feel that the baker should have used a CYA tactic instead of blatantly being uncouth....they could have found a way to refuse them service and had a little grace instead of blatantly refusing because they were gay....and it very could be that the business did try that approach and the couple may have continually pressed and pressured to a point that business owner was fed up and just truly told them why they weren't going to be served. who knows?  none of us were there so all we can do i speculate on this end.
  23. most people don't relate to causes that aren't near and dear to them....
  24. The link below lightly addresses what I was trying to make a point on.  Basically that Zimmerman used the 911 tapes as a way to avoid trial testimony and use them as a way to cast reasonable doubt on the charges that could possibly be levied against him in those circumstances.  I am not saying that he is wrong in essence for using that to his advantage, if anything that makes him a hell of alot smarter than most people are thinking that he is.  The fact that he has had 3 serious encounters with law enforcement inside of a 2-3 year period IMHO casts suspicion on the content of his character.  And the fact that he has, so far, escaped being found guilty isn't, again IMHO, dumb luck.   http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/11/19/experts-11-calls-can-be-powerful-pieces-evidence-but-can-also-be-easily/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+foxnews%2Fnational+%28Internal+-+US+Latest+-+Text%29


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