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Everything posted by TripleDigitRide

  1. It is a requirement from many insurance companies over there.
  2. If you already have the lower covered, you're probably better off going with a dedicated upper. 
  3. Ah, I didn't even consider the need for running power to the wireless cameras. DUH!  :doh: 
  4. I don't have one, but from what I've found, you can buy a S&W M&P 15-22 for about the same money, or less in many cases. The Wal-Mart in Springfield has had an ample supply of them for about $450. That is the route I plan on taking.
  5. I can get it to open, but can't join. I just noticed, when I go to the Social Groups page, it says I cannot start a group, either. I'm being treated like a red-headed stepchild.  :sadwave: 
  6. They want a background check done on every single firearm exchange, even those between private parties.
  7. If the muzzle device is to be considered part of the OAL of 26" for an AR pistol, does it need to be pinned or welded?
  8. Ah, just redneck it...
  9. Correct. I believe the area may be too small for engraving, so they decided to etch the logo. I could be wrong, but that's how I understood it.
  10. I can achieve the same results with a Hi-Point without a single drop of lubricant. Lame!
  11. Had a single ounce of common sense been used in the writing of this article, there would be no article.
  12. The rendering of the lower shows the engraved TGO logo, but I didn't see anything on the pictured upper.
  13. It is my understanding that the logo with be engraved on the lower and etched on the upper.
  14. If nothing else, he deserved to be shot for trying to ride a bike while wearing flip flops.
  15. You have until the 10-20-13 to place the order. Try signing into the CMT website, look for the TGO tab on the left, then place your order.
  16. Yes. If you're having trouble, shoot MacGyver a PM.
  17. :rock:
  18. Don't they make wireless cameras? My house is only 1700 square feet, so the signal would need to travel very far, no matter where I place them.
  19. Have you thought about trying the KNS anti-rotation pins?
  20. Hey now! Not all of us unlimited data snobs are bad people.  :yuck:
  21. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/user/11573-lawenforcementsalestn/


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