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Everything posted by TripleDigitRide

  1. Yes, nice meeting you there. What do you mean by "parts kit"?
  2. I am guilty of taking extra care with all of my firearms, but I'm not afraid to get a little blood on them. If they get banged up, they get banged up. But I do go out of my way to avoid that from happening, if possible. It's an OCD thing. 
  3. As fat as I am, they probably don't make them in my size. I'm sure I could fashion one out of a tarp and a couple truck hoods.
  4. Thank you. Just wanted to make sure.
  5. So it is perfectly legal to a civilian/TN resident to purchase a firearm from a soldier stationed at Ft. Campbell, no matter which side of the border they may be stationed on? 
  6. Before I make a purchase, I want to make sure I'm not breaking any laws.  I have the opportunity to buy a gun from someone stationed at Ft. Campbell, near gate 1. From what I understand, part of the base is in TN, and part is in KY. Should this be of any concern?
  7. Well worth the watch. Thanks.
  8. This die set that Gordon suggested is a 2 die set, and if I am understanding correctly, it crimps. http://www.midwayusa.com/product/261325/rcbs-ar-series-small-base-2-die-set-with-taper-crimp-300-aac-blackout-762x35mm
  9. Why do some 300 BLK die sets come with 2, and some with 3.
  10. I think he's closed his business.
  11. I do appreciate the kind gesture, but I'm not a fan of fruity cake.
  12. I know it's freezing. I just watched my dog slide down the stairs on the deck. As if him actually sliding down the stairs wasn't funny enough, once he gained a footing at the bottom, he turned around and looked at the stairs, like WTF? 
  13. Congrats! You're ready to rock and roll.
  14. At 7"+, that seems to be the typical pistol tube length.
  15. That tube looks familiar. Looks good. If you're interested, you can buy the foam tube used on the Phase 5. It fits perfectly.
  16. Point taken, and I agree. I should have substituted the way or "Too" for "So". My bad.
  17. There is some validity to you point. Unfortunately, this is pretty typical in the trucking industry. Too many truck drivers are poorly educated and barely living paycheck to paycheck. It's even more complicated where owner-operators are concerned. There are so many trucking companies competing for contracts to haul everything under the sun. Too much competition forces the companies to bid at such low prices, the profit margin can be - and often is - razor thin. In order for the company to be profitable, someone is going to get screwed at the hands of loopholes and fuzzy math. The easiest person to screw is the truck driver. If you dig into this company, you'll find that they have been doing this for a very long time, and the proper authorities have been notified on numerous occasions. This is also something that's very common. A fine here, a fine there. But the. gov refuses to shut them down. Many of these companies hire ex DOT employees who know better than anyone how to take advantage of the system. Again, in the end, it's the drivers being taken advantage of. I'm extremely thankful I drive for a great company. Sadly, they are in the minority.
  18. This has been a long time coming. This trucking company has had a bad reputation for a long time. I know the .gov forced them to pay employees back wages in the early or mid-2000's. If I recall correctly, the total was nearly $100,000. I would bet my last dollar that this has a whole lot to do with how they are paying their drivers.    As a contractor for the USPS, you are required to pay your employees prevailing wages. They have been using some real fuzzy math for a long time to avoid paying the required wages and provide the required benefits. This couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch of scumbags.
  19. http://www.aimsurplus.com/product.aspx?item=XAIMNiBBCGV2&name=AIM+NiB+.223%2f5.56+AR%2fM16+Bolt+Carrier+Group&search=boron
  20. Considering the possible alternative, I suspect you are right.


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