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Everything posted by TripleDigitRide

  1. I got mine for 1/2 price during a deal they had on Facebook. There was a blemish in the finish, but hardly noticeable. It's a great barrel, but I'm not sure I would have paid full price. Not that it's not worth it, but I have a hard time believing a $300+ barrel is THAT much better than a $150 barrel, for my intended purpose.
  2. I had good luck with a barrel I purchased from them.
  3. Here's one. http://www.joeboboutfitters.com/Lower_Receiver_Parts_Kit_without_Trigger_Group_w_p/rra-ar0120ltg.htm
  4. If you plan on using the trigger that comes with the LPK, I prefer Stag Arms. That's assuming you don't want some sort of enhance or two-stage trigger. I've yet to find a better stock trigger than the Stag.
  5. I see what your saying, but if there's enough play to separate the two halves that much, it's time to think about replacing something. I don't think they've come up with a way bring the receivers closer together, so this is the next best option. You're making me think too hard.
  6. I'm far from an expert, but I think the tension screw is just an added feature that makes their already top of the line products another cut above the rest. If needed at all, I suspect it would be with an upper other than a CMT. I don't think it's designed to be cranked down. I imagine just enough pressure to snug it up a bit is all that's needed. Either way, it can't hurt.
  7. Umm.. You sure? It's a set screw that's covered by the grip.
  8. [quote name="2.ooohhh" post="1076404" timestamp="1386643128"] Made some more progress this evening, friend loaned me a 5.56 barrel for the first TGO upper for the time being to be able to check the "yes, it was a pistol first" checkbox. :woohoo:[/quote] I put my stippled Umbrella Corp grip on mine, just to get a feel. Man, the grip angle is so much better, especially for a pistol.
  9. So much for a bulk discount.
  10. The 150-round boxes of American Eagle 62 grain were sixty-something-dollars. Less than 50 cents per round.
  11. This isn't so much a need, as it is a want.
  12. Ah, but that was 62 grain.
  13. Wal-Mart in Gallatin had a handful of the 150 round boxes yesterday evening.
  14. Seekins is missing the boat by not making a forward assist to match their magazine release and bolt catch, so I'm on the hunt for something similar. Sadly, my Google-fu isn't turning up what I have in mind. I'd like something with a waffle/diamond pattern, as I think that's about as close as I can probably get to the Seekins design. I've found the over-sized teardrop design with the waffle/diamond patterns, but I'm not sure I'll like something that big. I've also found a cap/cover of sorts that is placed over the original forward assist, being held in place with two set screws. If I can't find what I'm looking for, this is probably the option I'll try first. Just thought someone around here may have seen something closer to what I'm looking for.
  15. I could really use a getaway to someplace like that.
  16. It destroyed the rear sight, and damaged the front sight pretty good. It must have landed perfectly upside down. Luckily it didn't really damage the finish. I think I may have seen a tiny stop, but barely noticeable.    It was an expensive lesson. I will make sure to have some sort of case next time.
  17. Naw, just the purple Sig Mosquito I had listed. It's not a too terribly expensive gun, so the cost of replacing the sights is a rather large ding to the bottom line. 
  18. Tip of The Day!   As your walking out the door to sell a gun, don't drop in on the concrete and break the sights. It'll cost ya.  :stunned:  :yuck:  :puke:  :rant:  :sadwave:  :shrug:  :sick:  :poop:  :panic:  :cry:  :censored:  :wall:  :eek:  :mad:  :doh:  :dropjaw:  :grouchy:  :(  :angry:    Man, I am bummed. I guess it could have been worse.
  19. I was just in Clarksville. I knew I could smell somethin' cookin'.
  20. I've done more than my fair share of searching for .300 BLK, and I haven't seen prices anywhere near that price.
  21. I did one of those online TBI background checks on someone, and it turned out to be a complete waste of time and money. I know for a fact this person has a history of arrests, and I knew all of this person's personal information. The report came back that no information was found. Like I said, a waste of time and money.
  22. Yes, nice meeting you there. What do you mean by "parts kit"?


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