[quote name="TankerHC" post="1119508" timestamp="1393872232"]The couple who found the 10 million in Gold Coins are now facing arrest. In California there is a law that states any find over XX amount has to be reported to the Police and an ad ran to find the decendents of the owners of the find.
Now, they face arrest for finding the coins on their own property, but not reporting them.
The IRS says they owe them 4 million, even if they do not sell the coins.
The Government says they were likely the stolen hoard from the SF mint and that they belong to the Government.
They owe the State 17% tax (1.7 million) for the find.
They might as well forget it. Between the Fed, the IRS (seperately), the State of California and the local police, they are going to end up with nothing. [/quote]