First of all, I'm not b!t@h!ng , nor am I insinuating the Admin(s) made the wrong choice, just not sure I really understand.
Is it really that big of a problem? Does it really matter if someone only comes here to posts guns for sale? Since most of us at least look at the Trading Post on a daily (some hourly, I'm sure), how could more options be such a bad thing? I'm sure most of us would buy from a member with 3 posts, just the same as a member with 43987459854957954754979547 posts.
Is this issue really that much worse than those who post 8974396798769487907 meaningless posts, in 4387349769756987654998 meaningless threads? I see no difference.
Now, some of the crazy asking prices--that's for a whole new thread.
With that being said, I love this place. My girlfriend, not so much.
I do have a question/suggestion for the Admin. Why not delete the closed/very old threads in certian sections? I know I make it a habbit of closing my FS/WTB threads after it's over. I see no reason to keep them around.