Many times my opinions differ from others on TGO, but that's actually one of the aspects I truly like about TGO. I don't agree with everyone, all of the time, and I'm quite sure many disagree with my opinions.
As grown men and women, we should be long past the "I'm takin' my ball and goin' home" pahses in our lives. I have some very close friends whom I often disagree with, and vice versa, but never have we concidered not being friends over differing opinions. There are a handful of members who I often disagree with, but I'd still love to hang out with them at the range, or a cold one. Differing opinions is one of the many things I find most fascinating about people in general.
Stupidity, one the other hand, that's a whole nother story.
BTW--I can only imagime who's ignore list I've made.