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Everything posted by TripleDigitRide

  1. WHAT!?! There were cookie and brownies? Now I'm p!$$ed that I didn't make it. I'm really gonna try to make it next month.
  2. I went to both. Bob Pope show seemed much smaller than in the past. They didn't have any vendors down in the pit, so there were less items to browes through. The fairgrounds probably had a few less vendors than in Franklin. I really wish I would have purchased one of those range bags for $20. I think that was one hell of a deal that guy had on bags. In the end, neither were very impressive, and both should be ashamed to charge what they do for admission.
  3. Yep! thanks again, guys. They fit perfectly.
  4. Thanks guys. I hope we got the right ones. We found 3 sets of K-Frame Square Butt's between both shows today. The best looking set were found at the 2nd show. At the Fairgrounds. Potential problem is, they are not the same as the set in the picture. The set in the above picture only cover the side of the grip (metal part). The set picture leave the front and backstrap of the grip visable. The set we purchased at the show will end up covering the front strap, and leaving the backstrap visable. The bottom part of the butt will also be covered with the new set. If they fit, of course. The grips from the show were clearly used, but still in much better shape than his current set. I suggest he try some aftermarket grips, but he just had to have the original S&W medalion on the grips. I guess we'll see if they work when he gets a chance to put them on.
  5. He thinks it's a 64-3, but is going to call me back to let me know for sure. Thanks again. **EDIT- yep, 64-3. Thanks for all your help.
  6. Thanks for all help. He's wanting a set of original grips, so I'll keep a look out.
  7. I don't know much about wheel guns, so I need some info if possible. My girlfriends father just purchased a S&W 38 Special CTG. The Serial number is 7D529? He wanted me to look for some grips at the show today, but I have no idea what kind of frame that is. Can anyone give me some info? Exact model, Frame type and age? Thanks in advance.
  8. Not so sure about that. I wouldn't be surprised if Gun Control was one of the first issues by the next president. It's too much like work for them to tackle the real issues at hand.
  9. I'm not a big rifleman, but I can't say I've ever heard anything bad about a Weatheryby. Well, except they are expensive and seem to be louder then most rifles. Again, I don't know first hand, but that's what I've heard.
  10. OH! For some reason, I was under the impression that someone who moved from the north to the south and never went back was a Damn Yankee. I feel better now.
  11. I know it. The old man told my dad that some offered him $100 for each of the motorcycles, and $50 for each motor, but he never heard from them again. That was kinda strange. I'm still trying to understand why they wouldn't have been there in a heartbeat.
  12. It's only gonna be cool if my father gets his hands on them. I'm gonna be crushed if he doesn't. Problem is, how the heck do you go about finding a realistic value on this deal?
  13. My father buys and sells certian used motorcycles, running or not. Today, some old man answered my fathers newspaper ad. During the conversation, above mentioned old man informed my father that he had 2 50something year old motorcycles and 2 or 3 motorcycle motors of roughly the same age taking up space in his barn. Come to find out, the 2 motorcycles are a 1954 and 1956 Harley Davidson Panheads. The motors are 1950 something Indians. Now, this wouldn't be a huge surprise, except for the fact that all of the above mentioned items are BRAND NEW AND STILL IN THE CRATES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! None of this stuff has ever seen the light of day. The old man and his brother purchased these bikes and motors new, and had some sort of intentions at the time. According to this guy, he just wants them gone. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
  14. LOL. I'm gonna have to take your word for it. I'm one of them there Damn Yankee's. I was born and raised in the suburbs of Chicago until about 13 years ago. That's when I moved to the wonderful state of Tennessee, and never looked back.
  15. That's what makes this place so wonderful. Even if I disagree, I still enjoy hearing/reading the points of view from others. Like Rightwinger, I too tinkled before I logged on. Nothing wrong with a healthy disagreement. No hard feeling on my end.
  16. I disagree. What are you doing for all the starving, homeless, parentless children who are already in the system, and nobody wants? Out of the millions upon millions of starving, homeless, parentless children, how many have you taken into your home? How many children have you saved from the misery of being passed from foster home to foster home? How many children have you rescued from millions of children stuck in the adoption system? Trust me, having an aunt who's worked in the foster and adoption systems for the last 30+ years, I KNOW that is no life of luxury. Most of these children live emotionally devistatded lives. Many of them will never get over it. Not even as adults. I always hear people who want to force their personal (mainly religious) beliefs on me when it comes to abortion, yet they do nothing to help the already overwhelming number of abandoned and suffering children. In my opinion, most of those children would have been much better off being aborted in the first place. They wouldn't be forced to face years of a miserable existence of nobody wanting them. If the government is going to take such control of our personal lives, they should be forcing unfit parents to be spayed and neutered. I agree. The welfare system is a complete joke. A majority of people on welfare are perfectly capable of working, and at least attempting to support themselves. It pisses me off knowing that I go to work every day, all the while, generation after generation after generation are living off my hard earned tax dollars. Many of them seem to be living much better than myself, simply by sitting on their dead a$$es. This group of people would also benefit from the process of spay and neutering. They should not be allowed to breed. Although a wonderful idea, how exactly do you suggest the government control this? Mandatory birth control? Chastity belts? Again, it's a great idea in theory, but not realistically enforceable. I agree 100%. If able, you should have to do something to pay back your debt to those of us who've supported you through your tough times. Again, this tends to be the answer coming from someone who's looking to force their religious beliefs on the rest of us. Yes, I know that there are even non-believers who are totally against the homosexuals among us. This is simply an absurd comment. You act as if the homosexuals walk around telling everyone what kind of dirty sinful sexual acts they performed on each other the night before. That is complete BS. Maybe you need to stop thinking about the homosexual acts they may or may not be involved in, because I'm fairy sure they aren't coming to work waiting to share those stories in the breakroom. I've not wasted my time distancing myself from homosexuals, and I've yet to hear one (live and in person) telling me or anyone else what they've done in the bedroom. I'm not saying it doesn't happen. I can't say the same thing for the straight people I've been in contact with. For you to act as if straight people don't chat about what type of sexual acts they've perfomed with their husbands, wives, boyfriends, or girlfriends is completely ridiculous. I've spent the last several years working mainly around men, and I've heard it much more than I care to remember. I've also heard my fair share of straight women talking about the very same subject matter. Like you, I could go on forever, but I think you get the point as well.
  17. That is badd a$$. I've been wanting a salt water tank. That one is very nice.
  18. [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0fONGFYzX0[/ame]
  19. You're probably right.
  20. Sounds like it can only get better from here. I hope it does. Soon.
  21. I understand where you're coming from, but I'd like to think we have more options. I don't believe what we currently have, and what is going on in Israel are our only 2 options. I agree, our system is likely better than most (if not all) other countries, but that doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement.
  22. Congrats on the new HCP and the wife. Enjoy both this evening.
  23. That's exactly right. And that's exactly why, we, as a country, need to force the issue. It's beyond me how anyone could possibly consider themselves, and vote strictly as a Democrat or Republican, for any reason. There is no way in hell that anyone could honestly agree with 100% of the policies on either side of the fence. The two party system sucks, and needs a complete makeover. In fact, the entire inner-workings of the government needs a complete makeover. It's become little more than the blind leading the blind. We follow them like a bunch of beaten puppy dogs. True feelings, beliefs and ideas have taken a backseat to greed and corruption in our government, and we sit back and let it continue. As I stated earlier, the lobbyists run this country. Our polotician are bought and paid for by big corporations and extremely wealthy special interest groups. They employ these slimeball lobbyists to bribe our politicians into seeing things their way. And God knows, these slimeball lobbyists have no honor to anyone except to the highest bidder. These maggots will sell their souls to the Devil. The Devil who's willing to dish out the most cash. The whole process is beyond frustrating to me, and it's hard for me to understand why we put with it.
  24. The only way we're gonna see any changes is, there's gonna be a revolution and/or voting Independent. It's beyond obvious that the Democrats and Republicans have no desire for real changes. Plus, the lobbyists run this country anyway.
  25. July 5-6 Gun Show Chilhowee Park 3301 Magnolia Ave Knoxville Aug 8-10 Gun & Knife Show Expo Center I75 Clinton Hwy Knoxville Aug 16-17 Gun Show Convention Center Kingsport


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