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Everything posted by TripleDigitRide

  1. If all else fails....... [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPLNulzgRQ0[/ame]
  2. Breaker Breaker 1-9.....This here is Twinkle Toes.....Can I get a radio check?
  3. Yes, it appears the truck was in neutral. But more importantly, no one bothered to set the air brakes for the tractor or trailer. If you see a semi sitting still, chances are it's in neutral. The air brakes are supposed to prevent it from rolling.
  4. That's a good thing. Size 16 is my limit.
  5. Welcome to TGO, Jerod! Enjoy your stay!
  6. Did you just say "Spear Chucking"?
  7. So far, luckily, I haven't been in the position of needing a wrecker for such a reason. KNOCK ON WOOD! The end result is not at all what I was expecting when I first started watching that video.
  8. Being a truck driver, I find that especially hilarious.
  9. I tend to enjoy the Women's Gymnastics. There's something about those strong legs and buns of steel that really make it enjoyable for me. Go Team USA!
  10. This may be a good deal for you BP guys. I'm not up on the prices, but may be worth looking at. Lead Ignots http://www.golsn.com/listings/outdoor_adventure/firearms/475888.html
  11. With nearly zero AR experience, I'll be using the PMAG's. They seem to be the rage these days. Plus, they look better, IMHO. Magpul has them on their website for $14.95 (30 rounder-windowless). That seems to be one of the better prices I've seen them listed for.
  12. Well, the ATF has charged my bank account $30. Now I know they've received my application. The wait is on.
  13. Welcome to TGO, David. Enjoy your stay!
  14. Welcome to TGO, Mike. Enjoy your stay!
  15. Welcome to TGO, Chris. Enjoy your stay!
  16. I've put some serious thought into a custom built 10/22, but this AR build has been priority #1. After the AR is complete, I need to work on a pink .22 for my daughter. I'm looking forward to the pictures of your finished product. By the way, Jason--what do you charge to do something like that?
  17. I wouldn't be surprised if the robbery victim/shooter had this very scenario played out and planned in his head, long before this incident actually took place. I'm sure most of us have tried to imagine and make a plan of action of what we'd do in any number of similar situations that we may encounter. I know I have. I think we'd be stupid not to. I know your imagination isn't the real thing, but maybe, just maybe, you might be slighlty prepared. In my opinion, this guy (robbery victim/shooter) let the situation play out perfectly, intentional or not. Ok....The BG approaches your vehicle with a gun pointed in your face. You know you likely don't have enough time or opportunity to draw your weapon, aim the weapon in his direction, and pull the trigger. Chances are, the BG could have easily pumped 2 or 3 rounds in you before you'd have the chance to raise your weapon above the edge of the window area. So, what's your next best option? Just what this guy did, IMHO. You calmly (as much as possible in such a situation) hand over your whatever is it the BG is demanding, give the BG a chance to get a bit of distance between himself and yourself, step out of the vehicle, draw a bead on the BG's head, holler something to get the BG's attention, and as soon as he turns around, light his a$$ up. How much more perfect could it be? Of course, this is all assuming you're not interested in shooting the BG in the back. I know the story stated that the BG turned around and pointed the gun in the direction of the robbery victim/shooter, but I wouldn't be surprised if the later never happened. Does it really matter? You know the BG has a gun, so, him facing in your direction puts your life in danger. Dunno, maybe it's a Tinfoil Hat situation, but it could happen.
  18. Don't let us talk you into anything. Everyone has something that works well for themselves. What works for me, may not work for you. That's why most would suggest getting your hands on as many options as you can. I only suggest a revolver, because they are so easy and reliable. Once you get more comfortable, a semi-auto is a natural progression, in many cases. A semi-auto has more parts to worry about, and for a new shooter they can sometimes get a bit overwheled with all the moving parts and features. I assume you're asking about ammo prices? I don't think there is a huge difference, but I believe 9mm is generally cheaper than .38.
  19. Yummy! Roulanden is one of my favorites. My Grandmother's was always the best. She would stuff hers with ground pork, onions and pickles. She would also wrap it up with bacon, and cook it with carrots and potatos. Damn all this food talk is not going to help my diet.
  20. I would suggest a .357 revolver for your first SD/HD handgun. One with a 4" barrel would be your best bet. You can usually find a .357 revolver for fairly cheap prices nearly anywhere. They are very reliable and easy to shoot, and having the ability to load them with .38 Specials will really help your wallet when it comes time to practice at the range. Being a new gun owner, range time is key. Being in the Columbia area ( think that's where you said you were from), maybe you can come to one of the TGO meet-n-shoots at Owl Hollow in Franklin. I'm sure some wheel gun guys would be more than happy to let you shoot a few rounds. Maybe this will allow you to get a feel for something you're more comfortable with.
  21. I have a hard time suggesting anything other than an XD. The 4" Service Models are absolutely perfect for me.
  22. Looks good. If it were me, I think I'd leave it just like that.
  23. That's a good thing. I need a much larger Gun Fund.
  24. No, I don't think they do. It's a good thing about umteenmillion other places sell ammo. Of course, it may be a few extra bucks, but I can live with it. Plus, there are much hotter chicks shopping at Target.
  25. I'd stick with the pellet gun. Although a blow gun sounds like a blast, hitting a rat with one will be no easy task. A shot like that would take a serious amount of practice, or a serious amount of luck. Unless the rat is roughly the size of a Great Dane, you better be able to get real real close. It's not as easy as it sounds.


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