I agree. My route takes me all over Middle Tennessee and Kentucky, and I too have visited just about every gun shop in those areas. Very few are worth a second visit.
I was just at a little shop (don't recall the name) in Hohenwald, TN, and like most others, it wasn't much worth the first trip, much less a second. They tend do have almost no stock, and if they do, it tends to consist of Hi-Points and way overpriced used garbage.
I guess, in more rural areas, this type of gun store is better than no gun store, but I really feel bad for those forced to shop in them.
Two of the best gun shops on my route would be Hero-Gear in Winchester, TN and Whitaker's in Owensboro, KY. Other than some of the bigger chain stores, I've NEVER seen such a selection of guns, ammo, knives, gear and accessories in my life as I did at Whitaker's. It's amazing. And from what I saw, the prices were about as fair as I've seen.