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Everything posted by TripleDigitRide

  1. Yep. It's been that way for the bestter part of the day for me.
  2. I just thought if I ran the Twinkies and Ho Ho's through the juicer, they would digest better.
  3. Thank You, BigPoppa! Right back at ya! Happy New Year to all!
  4. Welcome to TGO! Enjoy your stay!
  5. You're absolutely correct. Being the damn yankee from Chicago that I am, this vernacular is one of the greatest, ever. It seems to finally be working it's way south of the Mason-Dixon Line. Although I've heard it being used here and there, since moving to Nashville 13-14 years ago, it's yet reached it's full potential.
  6. Same thing here. Not that I'm expecting it to be some magic fix, but I'm buying me one of those Jack Lalanne Juicers. I know two people who have incorporated one of these juicers into their diet plan, and it's worked very well. Anyone use one of these? What are your thoughts?
  7. You're asking these questions to a bunch of southerners. Do you really want the answers to those questions? I kid, I kid!
  8. I clean mine every time I shoot. This is true, even if I shoot only 1 round. Not that I shoot only one round very often, but in the event I do, it get's cleaned. Waiting until the next day is not generally an option for me. If something were to come up that was more important than cleaning my guns, at the very least, I'll soak it down with some CLP for a next day cleaning. That's VERY rare.
  9. I can't tell you how many people I've talked to who think it's against the law to own a full-auto weapon, then there are those who think it's perfectly legal to turn your semi-auto into a full-auto. Hell, my daughters aunt, (my ex's side of the family) saw my AR while my daughter was showing her our house. The next day I get a call from that side of the family wanting to know why I have an illegal machine gun in the house. Yes, I know this has nothing to do with ammo, but kinda fits the topic.
  10. Welcome to TGO. Enjoy your stay.
  11. I haven't, but it's going to be a "must see" for me. I'm always intrigued by anything to do with Hitler. I've seen a few trailers, and I still can't come to terms with Tom Cruise playin the part, but I'll do my best to overlook that aspect of this film.
  12. No, but its far enough away that he'd never make back before the party was over.
  13. Thanks for that info. I didn't know that. I don't have a problem with emails from any of the other gun related forums. I just tried to send myself an email through TGO, but it didn't go through. Guess I'll have to edit my email on TGO. Thanks again.
  14. BTW, any chance I can get you to deliver some of that Big John's Bar-B-Q? Darn, that's some good stuff. That loaded tater salad is smack-yo-momma-in-the-mouth-good!
  15. Personally, I would go with the 1911. Not that I'm a huge 1911 fan, but finding a place to shoot a 700 is not all that easy for me.
  16. I just read in the Tennessean that we in Hendersonville will be seeing some new changes in the near future. Simialar idea to the one being discussed, just slightly different.
  17. I know what you mean. I quit going to Hickory Hollow a long time ago, and Rivergate shortly after. I live less that 5 minutes from Rivergate, and I'll travel the extra distance to Opry Mills or Franklin if I just have to go to a mall for something.
  18. Very Nice! Congrats on the new toy. Looking forward to a range report.
  19. Happy Bithday! Enjoy the day with your family. Let us know what kind of goodies you get.
  20. That's true, but Wal-Mart doesn't sell the type of guns everyone's all freaked about. If everyone was in a panic to buy 12 gauges and .22's, Wally World would be good to go.
  21. I guess I was misinformed. I did a google search and came up with a few atricles regarding Wal-Mart and guns. According to reports, Wal-Mart decided to stop selling guns in 1,000+ stores, nation wide. They were targeting (no pun intended) the stores with sluggish gun sales.
  22. I have no idea if it's true or not, but I was told that only 1 Wal-Mart per county is allowed to sell guns. Again, only what I was told.
  23. If that's a problem, I would be more than happy to remove the link. Seeing how countless other members have links to countless other gun forums in their signature, I didn't realize it would cause any trouble. I have made a conscience effort to NEVER discuss that site in a public forum on TGO. As I stated in a previous thread, that site is not mine. Someone asked me if I would be willing to help out a little, and I agreed. IIRC, there are other TGO members who are Admin's or Mod's on other forums as well. Again, if the link in my signature is causing you any trouble at all, just say the word, and I'll be more than happy to remove it. I'm not here to cause any trouble.
  24. If the only emails I would have received were from subscribed threads, that would explain why haven't received any emails. I don't subscribe to threads. And as far as me Admining another forum, you seem to be far more sure of that than I am.
  25. I'm not sure what emails you're talking about, but I don't think I've ever received an email since becoming a member of TGO.


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