Although you may not have the best job, be thankful for the one you do have.
If it were me, I'd stay right where you're at. Trust me, you're not the only one to miss out on a raise, and many of us will likely miss out on another raise this year. I don't like the fact that I won't see any extra money for a year or three, but I'm more than thankful to see any money at all.
With all the people losing their jobs, unable to find another one, I'd be scared to death to make such a move right now. Just because your brother-in-laws company seems to be doing well today, that's hardly any guarantee it will be doing well tomorrow. Just think about all the people who leave their job one day, thinking everything is fine and dandy, only to show up the next day to find chains on the doors.
Count your blessings, my friend.
Best of luck with whatever decision you make.