I tried to keep an open mind, but Tunica sucks, IMHO. It doesn't even come close to Vegas.
My dad and I went one weekend, and it was dead. I don't recall which big hotel/casino we stayed at, but it was almost like a ghost town. On top of that, the food was way overpriced, and you could only eat off certian bars at the buffet. I guess you had to be a "Platinum Member" to have access to certian foods. I think the buffet was $15+ per person for crappy, stale slop.
We went over to a couple other casions, and they didn't seem to be any better. The casino and our hotel room were pretty nice, but we cut our trip short after the first night. Not what we were expecting.
If you just have to throw your money down the drain, I guess it's worth the trip, but I've never been a big gambler, so I can manage to save my money till my next trip to Vegas. At least I can go broke in style. Oh, and eat much better while doing it.