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Everything posted by TripleDigitRide

  1. No problem. Boy, I really need to get out of an apartment.
  2. Reload/Casting
  3. Welcome to TGO! Enjoy your stay!
  4. Hot soapy (Dawn dish soap) water works very well for me.
  5. If I don't get accepted to Gallatin Gun Club, I'll joing over there. It's a little drive, but I really need a place to shoot with my daughter.
  6. My Mosin should be here any day now, and I started looking at the Swiss K-31, too. I did notice that the ammo may be a little more difficult to come by, plus it's a bit more pricy. Other than that, I don't know much about them. Anyone have any personal experience with them?
  7. What about turkey eaters? Are we allowed, too?
  8. +1 Years ago, my Grandmother needed some financial assistance, so she applied for food stamps. At that time, they offered her less that $60/month. I was shocked, because just like the OP, I had witnessed perfectly able people buying cartloads of steak, shrimp and junk food, only to climb into high dollar vehicles. Yes, there is a possibility the $50K vehicle could have belonged to a friend, neighbor or family member, but when they are walking around on $100 Nike's, chatting on a Bluetooth that's paired with a Blackberry that's clipped to Ralph Lauren jeans, it's a little difficult to buy the idea that the vehicle is borrowed. Either way, the system is seriously flawed, just as it's been since the invention of free s**t. When someone is giving something for nothing, there will always be some who try their best at taking advantage of the system. With so many in need, and not nearly enough manpower, there is inevitably going to be a serious lack of proper oversight. A strict set of quialifying guidlines would be a good start. All this bothers me as much as the vehicles with $5000 rims and equally as expensive sound systems sitting in front of the projects. Even if that crap is stolen or bought with dope money, it should be confiscated and their a$$es should be living under a bridge.
  9. You'll get so many different opinions, but the bottom line is, the best holster is the one that fits YOU the best. Happy hunting.
  10. Welcome to TGO! Enjoy your stay.
  11. Why wasn't he crying when they were bailing out his Wall Street buddies?
  12. Welcome to TGO! Enjoy your stay!
  13. Welcome to TGO! Enjoy your stay!
  14. Welcome to TGO! Enjoy your stay!
  15. I have the TFO's, and I LOVE them. Best night sights I've used. I paid someone to install them, and it was inclused in the purchase rice. Don't recall the total, but well worth it.
  16. No, but men who wear them could be considered so. Ooooops! I hope my boss doesn't read this. Then again, he does carry a Glock, too. :grin:
  17. Yea, I think the move was the reason for 2 seperate FFL numbers.
  18. Well, today is my daughters 10th birthday, and she was excited to get the pink Ruger 10/22. I can't wait to get out for her first range session.
  19. I currently have no reloading supplies, but I would like to learn the process. I've tried to get wheel weights from several shops, but none that have been willing to get rid of them.
  20. Try one of these. Penny Standard weight 2.5 grams Nickel Standard weight5.0 grams Dime Standard weight 2.268 grams Quarter Standard weight 5.670 grams
  21. Things have probably changed since my last visit, because I went long before Paula Dean became known to the majority. My visit was years ago.
  22. I know this probably isn't a plausible solution for your home, but I always hear that a bath in tomato juice will get rid of the scent of a skunk. Never tried it, but have heard that many times.
  23. I've had one, but I actually prefer the Springer Precision. I went with the level 3. It was much better, but still not even close to a good 1911. Installing them is not a problem, if it doesn't have to be "fitted". Some of them claim to be "drop-in", but in most cases, they should be called "semi drop-in". More than a few times have I heard of folks needing a gunsmith to get things to fit just right. I did my own with a very little Dremel work. Personally, if it's a carry gun, I wouldn't spend the money. However, if it's going to be used for competition, it couldn't hurt. But that's just me.
  24. I tried to keep an open mind, but Tunica sucks, IMHO. It doesn't even come close to Vegas. My dad and I went one weekend, and it was dead. I don't recall which big hotel/casino we stayed at, but it was almost like a ghost town. On top of that, the food was way overpriced, and you could only eat off certian bars at the buffet. I guess you had to be a "Platinum Member" to have access to certian foods. I think the buffet was $15+ per person for crappy, stale slop. We went over to a couple other casions, and they didn't seem to be any better. The casino and our hotel room were pretty nice, but we cut our trip short after the first night. Not what we were expecting. If you just have to throw your money down the drain, I guess it's worth the trip, but I've never been a big gambler, so I can manage to save my money till my next trip to Vegas. At least I can go broke in style. Oh, and eat much better while doing it.
  25. Joe must smell me coming, because he's never around when I'm there. Well, maybe a time or two. I guess that's all it took.


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