I'm Fat. Very fat. It's my own fault.
Yes, I can eat a lot, but it's more what I eat, rather than how much of it I decide to shovel in my fat face. Sometimes I will eat far too much food that's bad for me. On top of that, I am lazy. If I'm not at work, 9 times out of 10 you'll find my fat a$$ sitting in front of this computer.
No need to throw around a bunch of excuses of why I have let myself get this fat, because fact is, there is no excuse.
By the way, I walked nearly 1 1/2 miles today when I got home from work, and I plan on doing it several times per week. No it's not a record, but it's nearly 1 1/2 more miles than I've walked in quite a while.
It's simply something I need to do. I don't want to die of a heart attack before I get the chance to pick up a few sleezy chics on my new motorcycle. Heck, the bike is going to have a hard enough time draggin' my fat a$$ around, it surely wouldn't be able to handle another person.
To answer your question, most people are fat for the very same reasons that I am. It's actually pretty simple. Eating too much of the wrong foods and not getting enough exersize.