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Everything posted by TripleDigitRide

  1. You're right! If that's what he wants, that's what he'll get. I've always been a safe kinda guy, but if has other means of keeping criminals away, more power to him. I'd like to see the finished product. It appears to be a quality built cabinet. Keep us posted.
  2. Looks like it will be a beautiful display case, but what about keeping the criminals from getting their hands on them?
  3. Welcome to TGO! Enjoy your stay!
  4. You riding a Pogo stick with a weedeater motor? If anything comes of this at all, there may be one closer to your neck-of-the-woods. We'll just have to see what people think about the whole idea.
  5. I've heard all about that place, but haven't been there yet. That very well could be an option.
  6. Congrats! That's a pretty good price on a nice firearm. You did well.
  7. No, I just happened to be searching around for some info and stumbled upon that thread. As far as motorcycle forums go, I spend most of my time at Kawasaki Motorcycle Forums and Delphi Forums: Communities for friends, groups and businesses.
  8. Very, very nice! Congrats!
  9. Is there any interest in a TGO Motorcycle Ride? Maybe towards the end of September, or beginning of October? Cooler temperatures and Fall colors would probably make for a more enjoyable ride. I'm not sure where this would happen, or if our friends in the East and West would be willing to travel towards the Middle Tennessee area for such an event. If it would work out better, this can be done like the monthly Meet & Shoots. There could one planned for each section of TN. We can give it a week or so for everyone to answer the poll, and we'll just go from there. Please answer the poll, and if you don't mind, throw some suggestions out there. Of course, we'll need to figure out where to ride. Do we want to eat before, after, or in the middle of the ride? Or, maybe not at all? One thing to keep in mind when deciding where the route will take us, just remember that not everyone will be on the same type of bike. Those who ride big cruisers likely wouldn't enjoy a route that was nothing but hairpin turns, and the sport-bike riders probably wouldn't enjoy a route that reminded them of riding through the flatlands of the MidWest. I'm sure some of you know of some nice routes.
  10. My daughter says you need to see a picture of her puppy.
  11. I'm gonna have to pass! I'm going to opt for a little French-German engineering. SCARIEST QUAD EVER: WAZUMA PACKS 500BHP V12 Mad BMW-powered Lazareth quad bike spotted This terrifying creation by French motorcycle customiser Ludovic Lazareth could somehow only have come from the country that invented absinthe. And we can only presume that it was conceived after a particularly heavy night on the green stuff. It’s called the Wazuma Bio and the supercharged V12 BMW lump kicks out 500bhp. We also presume the driver must be clinically insane because, judging by the (below), it looks as if riding it is akin to straddling the bonnet of a 760Li and telling the driver to let rip while you hang on for dear life. There’s even a sop to the green-ites, too, as the Wazuma is powered by E85 bioethanol. There is of course a performance reason for this, too: E85’s higher octane rating means the Wazuma can run a higher compression ratio. The 5.0-litre V12 starts life with 345bhp and 383lb ft of torque, before Lazareth adds the supercharger to create the 500bhp monster. Power goes to the rear wheels via a conventional torque converter auto. Best bit of all, though, is the fact that this monster has no chassis – the rider sits directly on the BMW V12 lump (though with a seat between it and him - or indeed her). Brave potential customers will need to shell out quite a lot – the Wazuma will set you back a cool 200k euros (£172k). $284,000 USD.
  12. That would be the fault of you folks who run the gun stores. If you never started accepting those haggled offers in the first place, they probably wouldn't be doing it today. Kinda like you said, people don't go to Wal-Mart, McDonalds, Taco Bell, Auto Zone, etc, expecting to haggle. The advertised price IS the price you're going to pay if you want the item. Once the hagglers know there's a chance you may knock a few bucks off your advertised price, it's all over.
  13. I can personally vouche for the level of customer service provided at Hero Gear. I couldn't have asked for better customer service when building my AR. I don't know every AR dealer around, but I have a hard time believing there are more knowledgeable than Joe. He went above and beyond the call of duty, and that is why I recommend him to everyone I know. There are numerous dealers far closer than Hero Gear, but I'm more than willing to make that 1 1/2 hour drive. Plus, it helps that my route take me very close to Hero Gear on a regular basis. There is an expected amount of customer service at our local shops, but Hero Gear far exceeded my expectations.
  14. I've heard stories to back up this statement. Unfortunately, most shops don't operate like G&L.
  15. I understand your point, although comparing a stereo to a gun is not a very good comparison. After you're around the world of firearms long enough, you'll notice that most gun owners are quite anal when it comes to the care they give their guns. They are generally treated very well. That being said, you still need to know what you're looking at to determine if the gun has been taken care of. Saving the money you'd spend on taxes and background check can sometimes be a very fair deal. Of course, this is probably only the case when looking to purchase a very gently used or never been fired gun. On a $500 gun, that could be a savings of $60. That's a pretty good savings in some situations. Of course, the more expensive the gun, the greater the savings. Plus, some folks prefer not to have a gun that government can track back to them quite so easily. And they're sometimes willing to pay for that luxury. It's all about what YOU'RE willing to pay. As I said before, do your own research, and don't take it personally when you run accross a price that you think is too high. Just pass on the deal and keep looking.
  16. Nice choice! You decide to go with the Nitron finish?
  17. I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I send my condolences to his family and friends.
  18. Oh, and you menioned "haggling". I'm with you on that one, I hate to haggle. You will hear about people who haggle when purchasing a gun, whether it be from a retail store or an individual. I don't haggle, and that's why I price shop. Either you have priced at a price I'm willing to pay, or you don't.
  19. First of all, getting your prices from a gun show is not a good idea. Especially right now. Many sellers really jacked up the price once Obama was elected. Some have since dropped a bit, but some folks are still attempting to lure those uninformed buyers who are willing to pay the inflated prices. Based on what I've seen, the MSRP is almost always higher than the actual retail prices. This may not be true for firearms that have recently been released to the marketplace, or a select few "special" guns. MSRP is a joke, and when a retailer/seller mentiones how they are selling an item below MSRP, I immediately disregard the statement, because it's little more than a sales ploy. A vast majority of items almost never sell for MSRP, and if they do, it's only when they are first released to the public. Once the initial buying frenzy cools down, the price will drop to something a little more realistic. Shop around! Like you, I tend to look for the best price I can find on many items. Sometimes it pays to spend a few extra bucks, but not very often, IMHO. In the gun world, you will hear alot about paying extra for good customer service. Well, as far as I'm concerned, good customer service should not come at an extra cost. Plus, when dealing with firearms, if you have trouble with it after the purchase, the retailers do not warranty the item. You have to go through the manufacturer. That being the case, I see little reason to pay extra for customer service that doesn't include fixing a problem that I may encounter after the purchase. Sometimes you'll find a shop that may attempt to fix the problem if it's very minor, but it many cases, you'll be forced to ship the item to the manufacturer. All this costs time and money. Time and money you'll likely not save simply because you spend more money with a retailer who claims to give better customer service. Based on my experiences, many of the shops that claim to have superior customer service also have the higher prices. Again, you shouldn't have to pay for good customer service, but looks like that's just the American way. Buying and selling firearms is no different than buying and selling anything else. You have to do your homework. It's just like buying a vehicle. You shop around before making the purchase. You may look at 5 identical vehicles, and there could be a huge difference in prices. One guy may be quite a bit high because he didn't do his homework when deciding to sell. Or, maybe he paid more than what it was worth in the first place, so he's only trying to recoup as much as he can. Then, you may find the next guy has his vehicle prices considerably lower than everyone else because he's desperate for money, and must sell ASAP. You never really know why someone has priced an item at the amount they have, but if you spend a little time doing some research, none of that really matters. After doing the research, you should have a pretty good idea of what a fair price should be, and that's what you shoot for.
  20. Welcome to TGO, Justin! You made a fine choice in the XD40. I have one, too. Enjoy your stay!
  21. Congrats! I'd like a newer truck, but I don't want a payment, and I don't have several thousand dollars sitting around to pay cash.
  22. Who else could come up with something so good? Gotta love The Onion.
  23. I'm not saying it's impossible, but it is extremely unlikely anyone could get close enough to Obama AND have the means to do him serious bodily harm. I would imagine the Secret Service is beyond prepared.


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