I thought this event was as good as one could expect for an inaugural run of such a show. As I expected, the focus was obviously on quality over quantity.
I've been to gun shows all over the country, and don't recall ever having the opportunity to speak with actual manufacturer Representatives from the type of vendors attending this show. That is a huge deal, IMHO. I always have tons of questions when in the market for certain items, and it doesn't get any better than receiving answers directly from the horses mouth. I'm sure such direct information from the Reps goes a long way when it's time to make a purchase.
I think the next events would greatly benefit by having more vendors dealing in firearms related accessories, used items, and vendors who deal in some less-expensive models of firearms and related items. Not everyone can afford the high-end goodies.
Although I'm sure there are good reasons for choosing the event venue/location, I do know this was a reason for many deciding against making such a trek. I passed out a large number of flyers to many of my customers in Middle Tennessee and Southern Kentucky. Many have always been willing to make the trip to Nashville and surrounding areas for gun shows, but almost all --if not all-- thought Winchester was too far of a drive. And these are people with money to spend.
All-in-all, I was glad I made the trip. I didn't have much money to spend, but didn't feel it was a waste of gas money, either.
A huge Thanks to David and Joe (and anyone else involved) for having the balls to make such an effort towards changing "gun shows" as we knew it. I have full confidence that this event will continue to grow and become what you've envisioned.