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Everything posted by TripleDigitRide

  1. That's strange. I had over 5000 (5009? +/-)posts the other day, now I have 4992. How did that happen?
  2. Firearms are prohibited on campus, including residence halls. LMU Handbook
  3. Now that you mention it, I must have broken the 5000 post mark not long ago.
  4. Welcome to TGO! Enjoy your stay!
  5. The only real complaints I've heard about the Sigma Series is in the trigger. Long and gritty feeling. I wouldn't consider these safety issues. As far as the quality aspect, I guess you get what you pay for. But for $250 after rebate, you can't hardly go wrong. There are simple do-it-yourself trigger jobs all over the Internet for the Sigma, but I can't speak for how much of an improvment you should expect. If I were in need of a firearm for protection and on a budget, I wouldn't hesitate to purchase a S&W Sigma. Again, you can't hardly go wrong for the price.
  6. Damn! That's a crib.
  7. The common denominator appears to be your wife. The body snatchers are after her. That is weird, though. Was your friend able to give a tag number to the police?
  8. Ah, just make some slight changes/improvements, give it a different name and you're good to go.
  9. Not sure how factual the information is, but according to the TDOC officers I've talked to, they are the lowest paid correction officers in the country. I can honestly say that I don't recall meeting a single one who was truly happy with their job. Playing politics appears to be one of the biggest complaints - next to crappy pay.
  10. Let me clarify; I wouldn't be too afraid of the gun somehow discharging while under a mattress, I just want the ability to reach either of the weapons as quickly and easily as possible.
  11. I have no idea how big you are, but I make regular deliveries to a prison in Only, TN (Turney Center), and if some of those TDOC folks were able to pass, you'll likely do just fine. I've seen more than a few hefty men and women around there. I've also seen a few that appeard so frail, I'd be surprised if they could fight themselves out of a wet paper bag.
  12. I've never felt comfortable enough to keep a gun under my mattress. I keep a shotgun and handgun next to the bed. I keep the shotgun standing in the corner, and the handgun is on the floor. I can reach both very easily. I've thought about getting one of these. Ultimate Bed Holster | Store
  13. Did you check with the previous owner regarding these issues? One would imagine such an obvious defect would be noticable, unless they just happened to be using a certain kind of ammo that wasn't being affected by a chunk missing from the feed ramp. I've never had to deal with SIG customer service, but I've always heard positive feedback from those who have.
  14. Because you know how much I like them, and have full intentions to leave them to me in your will. No one in your family would cherish them quite like I would.
  15. Correct! Thanks for playing.
  16. Close, but no cigar.
  17. No problem. Here is a decent site for such info. Ballistics by the inch
  18. What kind of difference are you talking about?
  19. Someone already posted the correct answer - about 4 or 5 pictures ago. Someone already posted the correct answer - about 4 or 5 pictures ago.
  20. Enough about the gun. Where's more pictures of the girlfriend? Cool picture, by the way.
  21. Zombieland
  22. I just called him to clarify I was giving the correct information. He ordered a Stronghold holster from TT GunLeather, and that arrived within about 1 week. He then ordered a custom holster with shark skin trim, and that took 4 or 5 months to come in. He has been very pleased with both holsters purchased from TT GunLeather. Note: The custom holster was for his 1911, not the Glcok 30SF. He is still waiting for the custom holster for his SF to be made/shipped.
  23. A friend of mine ordered one (shark skin, I think) from TT GunLeather. It is a very nice holster, but IIRC, the wait is quite long.
  24. Mayor Richard M. Daley is a complete douchebag. As if the streets of Chicago aren't already flooded with guns -- by the criminals.


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