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Everything posted by TripleDigitRide

  1. Best looking 1911, IMHO.
  2. Dairy King on Thompson Lane in Nashville is no more.
  3. You may wanna post that here: http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/knives-bladed-tools/39354-ill-first.html
  4. No, but a Waaaaaaambulance would be nice.
  5. Anyone ever used a knife sharpener similar to this one? I've seen these (or something very similar) at a few of the local gun shows, but didn't want to take a chance without getting some reviews.
  6. Knives and Bladed Tools - Tennessee Gun Owners posts are not showing up in Recent Threads.
  7. Cold Steel Recon 1
  8. As sad as this is, this storm is going to create plenty of work for some of us. We sell/deliver flooring, tile, countertop, and many other decorative surfaces. We saw an increase in business after some of the more recent tornados, and I'm sure we'll see even more after all this water is gone.
  9. +1 They have been able to get some surveillance video from nearby businesses, and are hoping for more. I thought I remember reading something about New York City installing cameras and bomb sniffing devices all over the city. Maybe I'm thinking of something else.
  10. Yeah, I thought the same thing, but I figured it would be worth a shot. Maybe someone knows someone who needs help.
  11. Someone just sent me a photo of the square in downtown Lebanon.
  12. You're lucky. I'm in Hendersonville, and it's been pouring rain for at least 2 hours.
  13. Do we have any TGOers that may need help because of the storms? If you do, don't be afraid to ask.
  14. You didn't hope hard enough, damnit! The rain is coming down in buckets this morning.
  15. Very bad news for those already under water. The rain is coming down again. Big time!
  16. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/02/nyregion/02timessquare.html?hp A suspicious vehicle in the heart of Times Square led the police to clear thousands of tourists and theatergoers from the area on a warm and busy Saturday evening. Police officials said a witness reported a running Nissan Pathfinder with Connecticut plates, with smoke coming out of the back. A bomb squad robot popped the back latch of the Pathfinder, and officers found what they initially believed was a bomb. The vehicle was found to contain explosives, gasoline, propane and burned wires, a Fire Department officer told Reuters. The officer, who did not give his name because he was not authorized to speak to the news media, said that a man was seen fleeing the S.U.V. and that the police evacuated the area in case there were other threats nearby. The officer said that the police were treating the vehicle as a “failed device.” The police were searching for a suspect. The license plates on the Nissan were registered to a Ford, the police said. A New York City firefighter who told Reuters he arrived early on the scene said that the vehicle was smoking and that he saw “a flash” from the back of the it. “We put two and two together” and the evacuation was ordered, he said.
  17. I'm sure it's just me, but you lost me there.
  18. 5 confirmed deaths so far. At least one man died while attempting to save a woman. Very sad.
  19. Mud and rock slides are soon to follow.
  20. Awesome! Great picture.
  21. Some sort of structure/building floating down I-24.
  22. Interstate 24
  23. Welcome to TGO! Enjoy your stay, Super Trucker!
  24. Yeah, I tried watching on the TDOT site, but there's no feed.


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