It's hard, man. Not only is supply slim and demand high, but some of these guys have been friends or become friends with the sporting goods person at Wal-Mart. I was at the Springfield Wal-Mart this morning picking up laundry detergent, so I decided to see if they were going to bring out some ammo. While standing there, another guy was bragging about how he has scored a a bunch of ammo at our Wal-Mart, and even 2 AR's in one day. I thought he was possibly full of it....until the employee who's always in charge of the sporting goods section sent him a text message from the back. She came out a few minutes later and said there was no ammo. I kinda got a funny feeling they were up to something, but I left anyway. And he had the nerve to mention that he complained to the manager about a night crew employee selling ammo to his friend before 7:00 am.
When you have the same group of guys making friends with store employees and showing up every single day, the odds are against you.