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Everything posted by TripleDigitRide

  1. You may not be able to force me into your religion, but when enough of you get together and vote for certain rules, laws etc. based on your religious beliefs, I am most certainly forced to live my life based on your religious beliefs. But that's the way out system currently operates, and I accept it for what it is.
  2. Gem State Armory LLC - $139
  3. Congrats on the nice truck. I basically did the same thing when I purchased my current truck. It definitely makes the process much easier. 
  4. Generally speaking, there is far more pressure from the right to end abortion. Also, generally speaking, the Right tends to base their opinions on religious beliefs. That's really the only point I was trying to make.    As I stated before, I'm not gay or religious. Because of this, the gay issue couldn't mean less to me. My biggest problem, is the fact that we have so many on both sides who like to complain about some other group forcing their ideals, all while acting as if they don't do the very same thing. You can play semantics all day long, but as someone who doesn't have a dog in this fight, I think both sides are full of crap, turning it into something it isn't.     For whatever reasons, BSA enrollment has dropped nearly 50% in the last 30-40 years, almost 15% in the last 10 or so years. Unless there's a mass exodus — which I don't believe there will be — the loss of members won't be anything new to the organization. As difficult as it is for many to swallow, the times and society are constantly changing.   As I said before, there are battles and wars I'm willing to fight, but this ain't one of them. Some claim this issue is somehow a political ploy by the Left, but I think you're giving the opposition far too much credit. If it is a ploy, you just fell into their trap by taking your eye off the ball. If a ploy at all, it's nothing more than a distraction, and I'm not willing to give them that much credit.    Sadly, much like the BSA, the right-leaning Republicans are a dying breed. If we push away the minorities, the gays, and anyone else we don't completely agree with, we are left all alone. If you wish to stand by your convictions, no matter the outcome, I'm all for that. On the flip-side, if this is the path you choose, be willing to accept the consequences. Personally, I think the Right could be a little more flexible on certain subjects. Let God sort them out.  
  5. Of course I'm not in favor of universal background checks, but what are we going to do if such a law is passed? You can either follow the rules or not. I didn't vote for Obama, but I am forced to live with it for the time being. I'm certainly not going to cry about it. It is what it is, and we have a chance to change it.
  6. I would disagree. The pro-life versus pro-choice is the first thing that comes to mind. The right/religious-right has been doing everything in their power to put an end to abortion. No one is forcing those who are pro-life to have an abortion, yet pro-lifers want to tell everyone else they can't have an abortion. How 'bout everyone live their lives as they see fit, as long as it doesn't directly interfere someone else's.    As someone who's neither gay nor religious, I don't give a damn how you choose to live your life, and I don't give a damn how Adam & Steve live theirs. As long as none of you try to force me to follow you religious beliefs or force me to be gay, we could be great friends. I have friends from all walks of life, with varying religious beliefs and sexual preferences. Never once do I sit around and dwell on how much differently they are living their lives than I am, and I wouldn't or couldn't live the way they've chosen.   Some people have far too much time on their hands. I have one short life to live, and I can't fathom sitting around and worrying how everyone else is living their life and why. In the end, none of this matters.  As far as I am concerned, it's just one big pissing contest. 
  7. No more than you would expect the gays to roll over and take it. No one is forcing anything on anyone. There was a vote, and majority spoke. End of story.
  8. Very nice collection you have going.
  9. You can try Standing Stone State Park. It's located near Livingston, TN. It's nothing amazing, but we've rented cabins there on a couple occasions, and it was quite fun and relaxing.
  10. If that's the case, then you should have a real problem with the gay lobby, who is infiltrating every aspect of society and demanding that everyone accept them and approve of their behavior, regardless of the beliefs of those they demand acceptance from, and many times labeling those beliefs as bigoted and intolerant, even going so far as to demonize and vilify anyone who doesn't accept their lifestyle. Seems like a glaring double standard to me. Why is it ok for gays to force what they believe down my throat, but not ok for Christians to speak what they believe to be the truth? The religious are doing the very same thing, and has been for a much longer time. Like the gays, they don't like it when they lose a battle.
  11. That's better than 60¢ per round. At least it's headed int he right direction.
  12. I believe — in your frustration for the ways in which certain aspects of life as you once knew it appear to be changing — you are unjustly generalizing and clumping far too many people into one large group that you consider the enemy. I don't believe issue "A" necessarily always effects issue "B", and I certainly don't believe we all need to agree on every issue in order to be on the same team. Tunnel vision can be just as destructive as nearsightedness, if not more so. This whole generalized us versus them mentality has not only gotten way out of hand, but it's also forced a lot of them to leave us. In the grand scheme of things, the gay issue couldn't be a bigger non-issue, in my opinion. The religious-right's staunch contempt for how two adult of the same sex choose to live their personal lives has forced otherwise right-leaning Republicans to become left-leaning Democrats. I know of at least a couple perfect example of this. Other than the whole being gay thing, they conduct their lives in much of the same ways as a stereotypical right-leaning Republican, but they feel forced to vote for Democrats so they can preserve the happiness of being in a same-sex relationship. The gay issue is one battle the Right refuses to admit they've lost. No matter how much you despise it, there is no turning back. The Right is outnumbered by the Left on this issue, and will soon be outnumbered by its own in the not-so-distant-future. You can suck it up and move on, or you can spend your last precious days on Earth dwelling on what could have or should have been. There are far bigger fish to fry. In the art of war, do we rarely always agree with those who's got our back.
  13. I change oil every 5000 with Mobil 1 synthetic.
  14. Yes. Troop 379 of the Koyasan Buddhist Temple.
  15. I was at Wal-Mart yesterday morning having my oil changed. To kill some time, I decided to walk over to the sporting goods section. It was after 7:30 a.m., so I figured the ammo crowd would have already come and gone. There were a couple fellas hanging around, shootin' the breeze with the employee, so I joined in. About 15-20 minutes later, here comes the ammo cart. There was a good assortment of .22LR, .223, .380, .45, and maybe a few more. After the 3 or 4 people got their ammo, the employee said that based on his 10+ years experience working at Wal-Mart, if everyone went back to buying ammo at the rate they were before things went crazy, there would be plenty of ammo to go around. He said the same guys who would come in once a week or once a month and buy a box or two are now coming in multiple times a week and buying the 3 box limit, every chance they get.
  16. If religious folks didn't impose their beliefs on everyone else (as they always seem to claim they don't), every single politician wouldn't need to pretend to be a God-fearing individual, abortion wouldn't be such a hot topic, etc. Everything is kosher, just as long as you're the only group shoving your agenda down the throats of others.
  17. Hey now!
  18. I once allowed some very attractive girl to flirt with me just long enough to sucker me into buying some magazines. The next night, her photograph was among one of several on the local news for running some magazine scam in our area. Needless to say, I never got my $30 worth of magazines.
  19. My dogs are like children to me. I'll leave it at that.
  20. While AK's are more expensive than they were in the not-so-distant-past, The Outpost Armory isn't exactly a fair representation of "normal" prices. 
  21. You didn't happen to stumble upon my cache of ammo, did you?
  22. If the majority (61%) hadn't voted to allow openly gay boys in the scouts, you may have a point. 
  23. The newest merit badge has just been released.
  24. The two piles of rifles were probably left as payment to you for your troubles. 


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