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Everything posted by TripleDigitRide

  1. Making political comments on stage, in general or in song, is very common. I'm a fan of 60's and 70's classic rock, and I've seen and heard countless recordings where a great deal of time was spent on making political statements, via speech and song. If she/they walked on stage and began bashing Obama, most of you would likely be singing a different tune. Pun intended. While my and Natalie's views are polar opposites, I respect her right and courage to voice her opinion. I don't know her personally, but just like I couldn't bring myself to hate any of your for sharing opinions that differ from my own, I don't share the same level of disdain for her as many of you obviously do. Based on her many interviews I've seen and heard, I believe she is a good person, just a bit misguided. Ok, maybe a lot misguided.
  2. Thanks for the recommendations, fellas. Unfortunately, they were a couple hours too late. It was a last minute decision, so didn't allow enough time forth suggestions to come rolling in. We went to Shoguns. It was close to where we were going, but I'll definitely pass on them for another option in the future. It wasn't horrible, but they were cheap with the ingredients you're paying for. While I wasn't expecting to find the next Sukiyabashi Jiro in Clarksville, I have found some pretty damn good sushi in some very unsuspecting cities. We'll try another when we visit Clarksville next time.
  3. None taken. :D
  4. Where? Address or rough directions from 24 would be great.
  5. His Youtube channel. Just what you'd expect.     http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPgOS81sbK1tk54r5eetqhA
  6. He has been put on paid administrative leave.
  7. I know this may not be a time for funny stuff, but remember that picture you posted a while back where you and your dog looked ot have been in some sort of explosion? 
  8. Holy smokes! Glad it wasn't any worse. I don't currently reload, but I do appreciate you sharing your story. I would have never thought about the possibility of static electricity causing an issue.    Here's to hoping for a swift recovery.  :cheers: 
  9. I agree. In my opinion, if the black community wants to be viewed in a more positive light, they first need to begin by promoting the idea that it's perfectly acceptable - even encouraged - to become someone other than those often described in hip-hop and rap lyrics.
  10. Being white, I generally don't make a habit of searching out racism, but anything is possible. The subject rarely crosses my mind, unless someone brings up the topic. Like you, I have a difficult time believing they encounter racism nearly as much as they perceive. I've had this discussion with my sister and others on many occasions.
  11. Out of sight, out of mind. ;)
  12. http://ahreloading.com/
  13. She performed that song on The Howard Stern Show a while back. Sounded pretty good. While I didn't agree with her opinion of Toby Keith's song, she was spot on about Bush. He is a douche.
  14. Hell yes! That's a steal. Thanks for the option.
  15. I agree, but as I said before, the issue is far more complex than that. They hate being treated differently because of their skin color. It happens far more than it should. there's just certian aspects of the issue that are difficult for the other side to understand.
  16. I think some underestimate the number of blacks who truly dislike whites, and just how deep that dislike runs. Those numbers encompass far more than the typical thug living in the projects. Without going into great detail, I deal with a lot of blacks on a very regular basis. A vast majority of them are living a middle-class lifestyle or above. They are educated, and by all outward appearances, they are your average American citizen. When you truly take the time to talk to them and learn about how they honestly feel, you'd quickly realize just how angry they are with the white community.   Without living in black skin, it is difficult for most whites to get a firm grasp on what many blacks go through on a daily basis. There's no doubt some overreact and interpret certain situations as something they aren't, but having two mixed nephews by a sister who's into black guys, I have been witness to more than a few situations where it was blatantly obvious they were being treated differently. On one occasion, it was equally obvious that I was being treated differently, simply for having them with me in a place I've been to numerous times.   The race issue is very complex, and not easily understood by many. Both sides have a difficult time understanding where the other is coming from. Both sides need to be honest with themselves about what it is they've done as a community to contribute to the issue. Then do something to fix it. Sadly, most people have a difficult time owning up to their uglier side.
  17. Yeah, that's about what i was thinking.
  18. Schedule says Live on ABC.
  19. You forgot to deduct other minorities from the 77.9%. Either way, the numbers aren't even remotely in their favor.
  20. http://www.tmz.com/2013/08/22/george-zimmerman-shotgun-kel-tec-trayvon-martin-shop-gun/
  21. I wouldn't be surprised if this clown is allowed to "resign", only to be allowed to take another position within the .gov.
  22. As far as we know, yes.
  23. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/08/22/dhs-employee-spends-spare-time-promoting-race-war-against-whites/
  24. If I ever trip into a very large sum of money, I will be opening a Whittaker's 2 in the middle Tennessee area.
  25. There's no doubt he's made some choice that I'm not likely to duplicate, but that doesn't negate or justify the .gov's abuse of powers, in my humble opinion. I've known of more than a few people who've pissed me off by doing something I'd consider stupid, but I wouldn't want the .gov resorting to the same shady tactics that could possibly be used against me for little more than doing something that someone else doesn't agree with. They have too much power as it is, and being OK with the abuse of said power for any reason should never be acceptable, in my humble opinion.


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