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Everything posted by KJ48

  1. 346   Pretty cool thing to do
  2. I recently sold a nice AR for a great price, the same rifle is getting almost triple on GB.  I most likely would have kept it though instead of selling it for 3x the price, was my last AR15 and I took it for granted I could always just go to wal mart and pick up another one.   Ammo is just crazy, going to take a lot of fun out of going to the range :(
  3. Its your stuff, there will be a lot of sour grapes because people didnt buy when the time was right.  Its supply and demand, not gouging.  It may be taking advantage of a situation but I bet a lot of people would like to have purchased a load of gold when it was 300.00 an ounce, myself included.    My only complaint is usually when the prices spike up then the prices never come back down since a LOT of people panic buy and when they go to sell the prices stay high.  Same thing happened in '94, I suspect the new laws will be a lot tougher since they are already saying the Clinton ban didnt do anything to stop gun violence.  I wouldnt be surprised if the make certain guns, ammo and magazines illegal to possess.  If you laugh at that idea dont laugh too hard, with the media and current administration on the anti-gun side something is going to pass. 
  4. LOL, I remember watching that on TV.   I laugh every tine he says he was a war correspondent for 25 years or whatever, but he never had to pick up a weapon in any of those wars so his opinion means nothing to me.  Listen to his radio show and its about as left wing as you can get.   I'm more worried about what RINOs are going to do, not what Geraldo has to say about anything.
  5. http://www.serviceof...WeaponsAmmo.htm 20 bucks for wwii brass dummy rounds and a clip. Cheaper to go through dummybullet and buy a clip, thats what I did for function checking, but they drill some good sized holes in the brass and you can see them in the clip.
  6. KJ48


    From what I gather reading that if you do anything more that tell someone what to do, like a lawyer, your labor is taxed. In Illinois there simply was no tax on labor, auto repair, consulting (including hardware installs/upgrades) etc but there is also a state income tax there. My guess is the labor unions had a say in the no-labor tax thing, all parts were taxed of course. The last line says even if you write the software yourself you must charge tax, I would guess it doesnt matter if it started out as open source and you changed one line of code or wrote the whole thing yourself - you create and you charge tax. How many people do charge who knows, probably the same 3000 out of 6 million that pay the use tax I agree if you have enoigh margin then paying the tax even if you didnt charge it on the invoice shouldnt put you out of business, but it may take some explaining on a bid because a LOT of people say there should be no tax on labor. Since I have lived here I have never had work done a car, the way I read it labor should be charged tax. I did have a lot of work done on my house from the hail storm last year and looking at the invoice it appears the general contractor charged tax on both materials and labor. Not sure if thats right or not but the insurance company paid the tax so who knows.
  7. KJ48


    True on the government employee, three different people, three different answers. Thats pretty universal no matter what state you are in. This is from the TDOR website, pretty close to what I was told (I think): Are computer consulting services subject to sales/use tax? In many instances, yes. Consulting services alone are not taxable. However, such services are frequently sold in conjunction with the transfer of software and taxable services. Software is currently taxed as tangible personal property (Tenn. Code Ann. Section 67-6-102(30)(). The "sales price" of software and other tangible personal property includes the total amount for which it is sold, including any services that are a part of the sale (Tenn. Code Ann. Section 67-6-102(26)). Thus, any charges for services that are performed as part of the sale of software are subject to tax. For example, in Creasy Systems Consultants, Inc. v. Olsen, 716 S.W.2d 35 (Tenn. 1986), the Tennessee Supreme Court held that hourly consulting charges for determining the needs of a client, designing a software program to meet those needs, and then writing the software program were all subject to sales tax. Thus, if consulting services are not provided as additional services separate and optional from the sale of software or taxable services, they are subject to tax in Tennessee. It even appears I was told wrong or heard it wrong that if I wrote the software I didnt charge sales tax but I guess not. All I can say is its great to just get a paycheck and let the other guy worry about it sometimes
  8. KJ48


    Its pretty confusing for sure. I did computer consulting in Illinois and it was not taxable, and was going to start a small business here to do the same thing and according to the research I did at the time (2004 or so) if I touched a piece of hardware or installed software other than I created (considered personal property) I should charge tax on the labor. If all I did was direct someone then no tax, I would assume thats why doctors, lawyers etc arent taxed. Labor on real property (permanent structure) is not taxed though. I never did start the business but I remember it because Illinois at the time there no tax on labor at all and I was surprised they charged it here.
  9. KJ48


    Last book I ordered from Amazon was shipped from Nashville, so I guess it is.
  10. KJ48


    If you didnt get charged sales tax from Amazon then you owe the state, same with downloaded software, music and movies from whatever source from what I see. I wonder if they tax magazine subscriptions (both paper and e-magazines) as well..
  11. KJ48


    Wont happen, they cut a deal with TN so they dont have to collect the tax for two years. They just have to tell you how much you spent and provide a link to where to pay. Its no different then it was last year, only difference is a lot of people (including myself) had no idea that you had to pay full sales tax on all out of state purchases. I would guess in the next few years the feds will get involved and not only will there be the use tax in TN but there will be a VAT tax as well.
  12. KJ48


    I agree, even if you pay the 10% most online places are cheaper. One thing I will say for Amazon is very good at taking returns, absolutely zero hassles and quick refunds. I dont really see how charging the tax is going to help local stores, still saves me gas money and time ordering online and I usually can find what I want as opposed to the deer in the headlights look I get from most retail salesmen. The tax helps helps the state if anything. A lot of places I order from online collect TN sales tax, wonder how much of that actually makes it back to the state. According to this article 3041 people voluntarily paid the personal use tax statewide last year, that means there are a lot of tax cheats out there, I'm sure a slightly higher amount of the 6.2 million people in TN have ordered things tax free on the internet.lol. http://www.knoxnews.com/news/2012/apr/25/amazon-sends-tax-notices-to-tennesseans/ OTOH, I dont like the 'brick and morter' stores using the use tax as an issue to get more customers in the door, the big retailers are the ones lobbying for pushing the use tax. Forcing the state to penalize people for shopping online isnt going to help anyone, UPS and Fedex is doing very well because of it, and for some saving that 10% is the difference between buying and not buying. Any money pumped into the US economy is a good thing right now. I'm pretty sure the day the TN dept of revenue can get a hold of all internet purchases and starts mailing out notices people will rise up and try to get the law changed. As far as the state the county clerk overcharged me 200.00 on a recent car purchase, they typed in a wrong number in the trade in line and I didnt notice it since they dont give you a detailed receipt. The state sent me a check back in a week when they found the error.,I would have never known. So maybe some hope for you..
  13. KJ48


    I will pay for 2011 to the best of my knowledge (I dont save receipts unless there is some sort of warranty involved) and see what happens, either they will thank me for the payment or they will think they can get more and audit me lol. I'm going to keep all the receipts this year and try mostly to buy from vendors that charge the TN tax if I buy online. I spend plenty locally, internet shopping for my wife and I is a simple a matter of convenience, not trying to cheat the state out of 10%. Lot of people are mad at Amazon about this, I know there is different local taxes that need to be charged but I would think it wouldnt be that hard for them to figure it out to charge sales tax on online sales. I will just avoid them unless they are the only people that have what I want, saving 10% certainly isnt wort the hassle. I have a feeling TN is going to start to get more aggressive at collecting the use tax now that its out there. Appreciate the reply
  14. KJ48


    Can you go to NC and buy furniture at a store without paying NC sales tax? If you pay NC sales tax dont you only have to pay the difference between NC and TN tax? Last car I bought in GA and they didnt charge me any tax, but I did have to pay when the MSO got here and I registered it of course. Seems you are familiar with tax laws here, all I have is a couple days of internet research. Anywhere where I can read about the three year statute of limitations online? Like I posted earlier I have no problem paying the tax, I dont buy that much online but have no problem with the state getting the money. I know it sounds silly that I dont know about the use tax after living in TN seven years but honestly I had no clue. What concerns me a bit is if I do pay the tax from last year that it will trigger them to come and look for more money, I honestly have no idea what I spent in the last three years besides Amazon since the keep those numbers since day one. But I'd rather be limited to three years instead of ten of course. I'm sure I'll buy some internet items but I'll just try to buy from places that charge the tax and keep receipts. If they want to go back three years after I file and go after me thats fine with me, but good luck trying to figure out what I bought - I dont even know
  15. KJ48


    If you live in TN and buy a car from GA you have to pay the tax on it when you register it at a later date, try to make that point to the county clerk when you try to get plates and a title. I'm not one of those people who will tell anyone what to do or not to do. I lived here for seven years and had no idea there was a use tax on internet goods shipped here, not once did my tax preparer mention it (except that I could write off major purchase state tax on my federal return). I'm not a dummy, and I know ignorance of the law is no excuse, but until I started reading about this Amazon stuff I had no idea I was supposed to record and pay for internet purchases in TN. The state should really get the word out, I bet a lot of people that lived here their whole life dont have a clue about the use tax, mater of fact everyone I talked to today at work had no idea what I was talking about. From now on I'll just buy from online vendors who charge tax, so I guess Amazon is out. That should eliminate me being my own purchaser, accountant and tax assessor just to buy a pair of shoes for my kid
  16. KJ48


    The internet sales tax free ride is coming to an end everywhere. The deal the Governor cut with Amazon is they wont have to collect the TN tax until 2014, until that point Amazon must send TN residents how much they bought and a link to where to pay it. Its not Amazon's decision to send the e-mails, Amazon also (at least at this time anyhow) will not share any user data with the state. So far the Supreme court says they dont have to share that data, we'll see how long that lasts. Its a double edged sword, TN has no state income tax and they depend on sales tax for revenue. Its really the state's fault no one pays the use tax, they dont push it at all (I have never heard of it in TN until someone told me about the Amazon e-mail). Many other states have it along WITH an income tax. For example Illinois charges you 5% of your adjusted gross income for state income tax. And on top of that they charge a 6% use tax like TN, except you have to report it on on the tax return, if you put '0' on that line you are now a tax evader. You can also be somewhat honest and let them take .06% of your AGI for use tax if you have no documentation. Also if you buy something out of state and bring it home you are expected to pay the difference in tax if its less as well, so pick up a book on vacation in NH for 3% sales tax and the state of TN expects you to pay them the difference in tax - really. Tennessee needs to do something a little better if they want to collect that money, lot of people buy little things from eBay/Amazon etc and dont keep detailed records. The TN website is like something for the 80s for use tax. They only take debit and credit cards, and charge an extra 2.9% if you use a credit card. IMO if they just did something like Illinois and let you pay a tiny percentage of your AGI on your federal return for use tax they would at least get something, but I'm sure the anti state income tax people would start screaming. Who is going to list every single internet purchase they make in a year these days, plus some places charge tax and some dont so you would need to be an accountant to keep accurate records. The TN website form wants you to list every single purchase, including downloaded software and songs. They really need to streamline it if they want to collect some money voluntarily, Plus I have a feeling once you make a payment and give them your SS number you will be hearing from them again. I have nothing against paying the sales tax, even on out of state purchases. But no one pays me to keep records on personal purchases, let Amazon or whatever seller collect the tax. Amazon has offered to collect the sales tax for their 'partners' at a 3% charge so they are more than able to do it. I dont buy on the internet to save sales tax, I do it so I dont have to deal with traffic, idiots in parking lots and stores never having what I want and wasting hours of my time. Plus some things just cant be purchased at local retail stores, say you want some small gun parts or parts for an old Kenmore range. Its only a matter of time before the feds get involved and every single thing you buy online will be reported to them and the state. I dont use Amazon much but I buy books and movies for the kids occasionally, and they have every single purchase I made online from them since 2002 available for me to download, both the value and exactly what it was. Plus your bank has pictures of every check you wrote since 2000 or so, credit card company has every purchase you ever made on file as well, so does eBay, paypal and the rest. Once the states get a hold of that they can see what you have been buying and what you owe them.
  17. Congrats, i have yugo version and its a fun gun to shoot. My bore is pretty frosty but it still shoots well, matter of fact the whole gun is pretty nasty looking, it was definitely used but I like it.
  18. Just received a service grade SA from CMP, USGI SA wood (no cartouche but circle P proof), 2.5 million serial number (feb '44) and correct op rod, bolt and trigger housing, plus a nice, correct type II lockbar sight. It was re-barreled in '51 so I assume a rebuilt with the new stock back then and didnt see much if any use since then. But from CMP you never know, it could be just all parts thrown together from bins and it turned out well. Half the fun is trying to figure out where all the parts came from. I got extremely lucky on a mail order, next time I'll drive down to the store though.. Best part is the ME was 1 and TE 3, and it shoots great, cant say how pleased I am with it overall. Its a bit of a hassle doing the CMP thing but well worth it, so many fake 'correct' rifles out there and others just way overpriced, I'd get a CMP while you can.
  19. They are some pretty cheap pot metal, but thats the first one I seen explode, I agree it should handle any kind of factory .22LR. I never had one of those apart, is the slide one piece or does it have a steel insert?
  20. Or SR Ruger. M&Ps are fine guns for sure. Honestly just about any name brand 9mm out there these days are good guns, thats why everyone should have at least one of each
  21. If you want a reasonably priced semi auto with a reliable, consistant, trigger pull and a gun that wont let you down its between an XD and a Glock these days IMO. I love Glocks, own several, but after shooting XDs for a while I can that for ME its a better shooting pistol. But its hard to beat Glocks for cheap parts, easily changed trigger pull, holster selection and magazine interchangeability.
  22. +1, its a good training gun but everyone I know with them has had problems. Sig will fix it though.. He said he swapped from CCI to Federal and still had problems, I think he pulled the trigger DA several times on the pictured so they did go off eventually.
  23. Yea, I seen the 2022 there for 599, its been there a while. Most likely its been there well before Sig dropped their prices on the P250 and 2022, not sure how it works with guns if Sig kicks them the money back on inventory when they drop pricing or once a dealer buys it they own it.. I have had them take some money off for cash deals and some not, I'm sure some guns have more room than others to deal on. Their pricing is like any other gun store around here, some a little high and some well priced, you really have to shop around these days. I was at Frontier the other day and they had a 27 EXO glock for 629 and DPMS AR15 carbine for 659, was at CC a couple days later and they had a 27 EXO for 539 and the same DPMS AR for 749. Certainly pays to shop around..
  24. I bought a new 22A a year or so ago so for use at the plinking range by my two sons. It has had around 10000 rounds through it so far with ONE failure to extract that I was aware of using bulk Federal Champions and some CCI mini-mags I had left over. I had to replace the plastic buffer thing after 5000 rounds, there were two extra with the gun and I called S&W and they sent me three more for free. While that seems like a lot of use my kids can go through three 10 round mags in under a minute, I toss them a box of 525 Federals and they are done with that in 30-45 minutes and are well into another box before we leave lol. I have had an aimpoint, pistol scope and reflex sight on it and its a pretty good shooter. The black finish (powder coat or some kind of paint) on the slide, rail and barrel is about 1/2 worn off but it hasnt been babied, I do keep it clean. Takedown and assembly is easy as could be also. I like the 22A, but I have been right next to others with them at the range that had feeding issues, couple people have borrowed my mags and the same ammo and still had problems. I did polish my feed ramp on mine when it was new, not sure how much it helped. So there are 'good' ones 'bad' ones, seen it first hand, but my last MKIII was a 'bad' one IMO, light strikes (went back to Ruger) and wouldnt work reliably with anything except mini mags so it goes both ways. Honestly though, the standard MK series Rugers are what I consider a 'lifetime' gun, all steel and they never seem to wear out. For 50-70.00 more you are getting something that will last a lifetime if cared for, plus it has some nice luger-like lines and is nice3 to look at as well as shoot. The 22A uses modern parts, finishes and plastic and is a good gun IMO, but the Ruger is a classic.
  25. 13.00 for a box of blazer or PMC at Coal Creek isnt that bad really, seen some other ranges around sell the same for 14-15.00 a box. Cant blame them for not wanting people to shoot unknown ammo in their rentals, that and they have to make some money I guess


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