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Everything posted by KJ48

  1. http://wapp.capitol.tn.gov/apps/Billinfo/default.aspx?BillNumber=SB2311&ga=109   Licensed dealer needs to take in inventory and do TICS on private sales.
  2. Didnt they change the threshold to 100K before they comment?   http://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-57564203-93/white-house-raises-petition-signature-threshold-to-100k/
  3. I got lucky and picked up a m400 sig at a wal mart a few days ago, wasnt even looking for one, sold my home built AR for the same money the same day so it worked out.   Looks like prices are coming down a little so maybe the panic is slowing a bit..
  4.   Pretty sure the decreased fees were just temporary as a result of an anti-trust suit against Visa/MC.  Previously a business could not charge more for taking a credit card, the workaround was giving a discount for cash but the credit card lobbyists shot that down.   Any business that charges an extra credit card fee must disclose it at the register or before checkout on a website so most likely little will change, unless every seller does it but I doubt that will happen.
  5.   I doubt you will see many add-on charges for credit card use but you might see more and more 'cash discounts.'
  6.   Dont worry, I'm sure the ACLU will be all over it lol.
  7.   Hard to believe Gander sold out all the 9mm they had, there was a ton of it, thats the times I guess.  I have had no problems with the PPU, no different that any other cheap 9mm.
  8.   I'm not that fired up about it. I've been buying new cars for the last 35 years and I know paying cash and not buying warranties and 'protection' packages is not their ideal customer.  I dont go back and forth for hours and expect anything for free, I get paid for the work I do and I dont expect a dealership to sell me a car for zero profit.  All I ask is dont BS me about what I'm buying and just tell me how much they can sell the car for up front, pretty simple.   The last three cars I have bought were over the internet and two were out of state, no hassles, I knew all costs and what the exact total was before I walked in thier door.  Only thing was they wanted to look at the trade first which I can understand, none of them tried to beat me up on the trade after they seen them either.  I have nothing against a dealer selling a car for a profit, just dont much care to do the car buying dance any more..
  9.   Its possible some may have been in the cardboard and I missed it, I didnt really go there to buy ammo, just did a quick scan for 22LR and .223 since I was there.  I'd go check later tonight but I have a feeling once it was posted here it will be gone soon  :)
  10.   I was there yesterday about 3:30pm, didnt see any privi 9mm, I probably would have bought some for 15.00.  .45 and .40 has been easy to find, its been at Acadamy every time I went there lately.  Granted stock seems to fluctuate quite a bit these days..
  11.   Thats the truth, last car I went to buy cash they wouldn't let me buy it until I gave them my SS# (I was OK with that), but then they wanted the amount of my mortgage a month, how much I make and my last two employers.  I ended up walking out, why on earth would they need that info for a cash sale..   It should take 30 minutes to buy a car but it always turns into an all day torture, I dont even want the car detailed usually since those guys end up doing more damage to a new car than I do in a couple years and its still a 4-5 hour affair to buy a car..
  12.   I was at the Turkey Creek Wall Mart yesterday and they didnt have much of anything ammo-wise, thats not why I went there and didnt ask if they got anything in.  I cant imagine Gander selling out all the 9mm they had in a week but I guess you never know these days..
  13. I was at Gander Mtn in Turkey Creek last week and they had more 9mm than I ever seen, it was piled up in pyramids on tables.   If you dont mind paying 20.00 a box anyhow.
  14. Some places are hard to boycott. BWW isnt one of them :)
  15. I'd rather have two decent 74s, only downside to them is if they decide to ban importing ammo but for now they are cheap to shoot.  My wife/kids enjoy shooting a 74, 47 not so much..
  16. I lived in Chicago for 40 years, has to come from a FFL/private individual who will take your FOID or the person has to ship it to a FFL in Chicago.   The law itself reads:   (430 ILCS 65/3) (from Ch. 38, par. 83‑3) Sec. 3. (b‑5) Any resident may purchase ammunition from a person outside of Illinois. Any resident purchasing ammunition outside the State of Illinois must provide the seller with a copy of his or her valid Firearm Owner's Identification Card and either his or her Illinois driver's license or Illinois State Identification Card prior to the shipment of the ammunition. The ammunition may be shipped only to an address on either of those 2 documents.   That was written in 2008, I dont think it has changed since then but I'd look into it a little more before sending it out.  The city of Chicago itself may be different as well..
  17.   Lat time I renewed they didnt ask for my membership number, just took my name, address and CC# and that was it.  When the new card came it had the old member number on it.   I mailed the DVDs back, legal or not I just didnt want the hassle of it. 
  18. I'd sure like them to come here and see the look on their faces when the neighborhood kids are having a full on airsoft war with camo, riot helmets and some really authentic looking weapons. 
  19.   This is the summery just on magazines in the new law:   Magazines: Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Devices are redefined in 265.00 (23): A magazine that has a capacity of more than 10 rounds. A magazine that contains more than 7 rounds. (Meaning that you can use you pre-2013 ban 8-10 rounders but can only out 7 bullets in them). A magazine obtained after the effective date of the new legislation that can accept more than 7 rounds. Exemptions: Curio and Relic magazines and tubular .22 attached magazines. Curio and Relic mags are mags 50 years old or older, only capable of working in a firearm made 50 years ago. C&R mag possessors must be registered pursuant to 400.00(16)(a). 265.36 - Magazines manufactured before 9/13/94 that can accept or can be readily converted to accept more than 10 rounds: These magazines are now illegal. If you have a "reasonable belief that it was lawful to possess" and you surrender or destroy it within 30 days of being told that it is illegal, you are not guilty of the unlawful possession. Possession is otherwise a Class A Misdemeanor. 265.37 - Magazines 8-10 rounds that are loaded with more than 7 rounds. Possession in the home is a violation. Second offense is a Class B Misdemeanor. Possession outside of the home is a Class B Misdemeanor. Second offense is a Class A Misdemeanor.   If you hit the NY section on ar15 they have quite a few discussions on the new laws and exactly what it means.  You have to remember that NY was pretty badly restricted to begin with, now its even worse..
  20. Evil Glock   Evil tattood war vette   Evil 'Dont tread on me' flag   Evil American flag   Evil white folks   Does it get any better for the anti-gunners.
  21. Try finding a 25 round 10/22 mag lol.   I dont get it either, like you said its not like the 10 rounders will be banned, except in NY anyhow..
  22. Are these 'gun checks' just for guns that are going to be sold/traded inside or ANY gun carried in?   Never been to a gun show so I dont know..
  23.   Called them a while back when I got the first set of DVDs, not sure on what the definition of 'significantly reduced' is.  My guess would be most of the stuff I get is from partners, since some of their numbers are not from the NRA even though it has NRA on them.  Its not really that big of a deal, the only thing that really annoyed me was the DVDs, kind of reminded me of the 'record' club' thing from the 70s :)   Maybe it takes a while to slow down, I'm going to send them an e-mail right now and see what happens.
  24. Man that is one left leaning website, a few years ago I would laught at stuff they are printing but now they have an audience :(
  25.   I dont think a lot of New Yorkers will be selling, all they have to do is register them with the state police to keep them.  Pretty sure they are already registered as gun owners.  Pre ban 10+ round mags will become illegal though, may see some of those hit the market but I cant imagine those changing the present price-craziness, magpul could probably produce more mags in a week.  I'm sure some in NY will sell but why would they sell something they will never be able to buy again?


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