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Everything posted by Seaslug

  1. That's what I figured. I'm afraid you're screwed for the time being, though...lol. Magpul has been less than thrilled with sales for all their OD (and foliage) green accessories, so they haven't even gotten around to producing the rifle-length handguards in those colors yet. Hang in there. That rifle's gonna look nice and clean when they finally do come.
  2. Not sure where you went to school, but when I was in school, discipline short of out-of-school suspension could include writing sentences, after-school detention, weekend detention, "meetings" with the principal or assistant principal, "special" assigned seating in class, paddling, extra assignments, restriction from recess, shortened lunch periods, cleaning up school grounds, in-school suspension, running laps, or any combination thereof. Don't ask me how I know...
  3. The point I think YOU'RE missing is that the punishment was NOT laid out before the rule was broken. The decision to suspend was the headmaster's alone, and it was a judgment call--not an application of policy. The only policy laid out beforehand was the rule that students who were suspended after April 1st would not be allowed to go to prom. If the headmaster had exercised better judgment initially and had the students clean up their mess, serve afternoon or weekend detention, and perhaps perform some other sort of active restitution such as litter clean-up or helping out the janitorial staff, then the whole prom/Facebook debacle would have never been an issue.
  4. And there were about a million different ways that he could have been punished that did not include out-of-school suspension and banishment from the prom. Most reasonable, intelligent people understand the concept of progressive discipline. The punishment must fit the crime, as it were. Do you believe that Brian Aiken should still be rotting in a jail cell for having the audacity to transport a gun in the trunk of his car while driving through the great state of New Jersey? After all, he DID break the rules. How about beheadings for minor traffic violations? (Don't answer that one... )The point of this absurdity is that it is incumbent upon persons of authority to exercise good judgment before meting out punishment. That is what we entrust them to do. Those who simply fall back on blanket "policy" without examining other factors such as harm caused, intent, and likelihood to re-offend are both lazy and irresponsible.
  5. No, it wasn't. I seriously doubt there was a policy in place that stated "Hanging up a sign asking a girl to prom = automatic out-of-school suspension". The decision to suspend the students was a judgment call regarding "defacing school property" made by the headmaster--and a poor one, at that. The only policy in place at the time was that any students suspended after April 1st would be barred from prom, but no reasonable person would have thought that this particular offense would have warranted suspension in the first place, as evidenced by the fact that the student SIGNED HIS NAME TO THE NOTE.
  6. I may get skewered for saying this...I've got a Geiselle SSA in my LaRue RECCE, and while I DO like it a lot, it's not THAT much better than the mil-spec triggers in my Noveske Diplomat or my Daniel Defense Mk18. Some standard trigger groups are better than others. Just sayin'...
  7. That's because the shipping for guns is not $14.99 anymore. Still very reasonable, though.
  8. This +1. Active restitution and common sense. Ask the folks in our prison system how well illogical consequences work to reduce recidivism...
  9. And the young child who was suspended from school for bringing a Lego gun? By the "letter of the law", he did indeed violate the school's policy on weapons--toys or otherwise. I think we would all agree, however, that the punishment was asinine and needed to be revisited. The problem with what you're espousing is that, if no one ever challenged them, no "stupid" rules or laws would ever be changed.
  10. Sorry fellas, but I couldn't disagree with you more on this one. How is this any different than all those stories (which we've all decried) about kids who are suspended/expelled for bringing toy guns, etc. to school? There is a place for common sense when it comes to matters of discipline. Logical consequences and active restitution go a lot farther toward increasing accountability and building character than illogical and blanket punishments.
  11. Don't mean to get all "orthopedical" on ya', but I think you mean tibia, rather than femur. If your femur really is just above your ankle, then you're either a hobbit, or that bullet did A LOT more damage than you're letting on... *ETA*: Damn you, crimson...
  12. Don't forget the 10/22 with stainless barrel, black synthetic stock, scope mount, rings, and scope for $239.99! Mine's shipping today!
  13. Sorry. Just now saw this. Why in God's name would you want to see pics of me on my bike?? Anyway, it looks like you found something with which you're happy, so kudos! I'm still thinking about picking up a two-strap pack myself, and the Falcon II is on my short list.
  14. I have a LaRue Covert Rifle Case which is made by Tactical Tailor. It's the heat.
  15. I carry a Kodiak equipped with a Camelbak bladder when I ride my bike. Nice and big, and the gearslinger design lets you access your stuff without removing the pack. I think you'll like it.
  16. For God's sake, don't rush back into anything just to fill the void. Don't ask me how I know...
  17. Just for the sake of clarification, the universal holster DOES cover the trigger guard. Erik's concern was more about its retention, as it's essentially nothing more than a wide strip of velcro wrapped horizontally around a vertical strip of velcro.
  18. I carry a Fatboy, and I'm 6'5" and 250 lbs. The Jumbo just seems too big for me, although you'll get a much better draw with the larger CCW pocket. My Dad wants a Jumbo for his birthday (he's quite a bit wider than I am), and I'm probably going to oblige him. If yours is going to double as a diaper bag, then it sounds like the Jumbo might be the way to go for you, as well. They're both top-shelf quality, and I'm a firm believer in the "buy once, cry once" philosophy. You can't go wrong with Maxpedition gear.
  19. I'd be willing to bet, however, that you'd go to the trouble of finding out before posting incorrect information on your website while campaigning for the most powerful position in the free world, yes?
  20. Here is a cached version of the UPI article claiming Queen's Medical Center. There's a notation at the bottom noting the change to Kapi'olani in 2009.Sen. Barack Obama, Democrat of Illinois - UPI.com Snopes and the Obama campaign's website also claimed Queen's until 2009, but both of those have since been scrubbed, so no links exist. There are some screenshots floating around out there, however, but I'm lazy.
  21. Has anyone else noticed that the address listed on the long-form is the grandparents', and not either one of the parents'? Also, did anyone happen to notice that, when the controversy first started, the Obama camp claimed that he was born at Queen's Medical Center, and the story only recently changed to Kapi'olani Medical Center?
  22. Yep. The wood should be just fine on a piston gun.
  23. I agree. The only thing keeping me from building a 9mm or .45 ACP AR is the mags. Surely somebody can figure that one out soon.
  24. You should SBR it and chamber it in .45. Now THAT would be cool!


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