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Everything posted by Seaslug

  1. I've put about 400 rounds of Doubletap and Georgia Arms stuff through my new Glock 29 over the last month. It makes me . So much so, in fact, that I'm thinking HARD about going ahead and getting the G20 so I can have the "full" 10mm experience (sending you a PM re: a deal I've found). It has replaced the .45 ACP as my favorite cartridge, and that's saying a lot.
  2. +1 on the Line-X. You've seen mine, and I'd recommend it to anyone. Even a "good" price is more than twice what you'd pay for a drop-in bedliner, but having had both, I can say without a doubt that the spray-on is 1000x better. Plus, the folks up at Line-X are good people, and they've stood behind everything I've ever had them do.
  3. Seaslug

    Kimber ?

    My very first gun was a Kimber Eclipse Pro II. I had heard at the time (late 2006) that Kimber's QC had gone downhill in the recent past, but I ignored the warnings because of the name recognition (and because the gun was so damn pretty!). Sure enough, I had a fair amount of problems with feeding and extraction--way more than one should ever have at that price point. My Dad bought a Warrior a short time later, and the same thing happened to him. We were both using Wilson mags in addition to the factory mags, so that wasn't the issue. A little research led to the revelation that this was a widespread problem back then, even though Kimber would not admit that. Dad sent his off to Kimber, and they returned it with a note saying that they had replaced the recoil spring (with a MUCH stiffer one) and polished the feed ramp. The Warrior has functioned flawlessly since. I went on to sell my Eclipse to a buddy who immediately flipped it for a profit (jackass), and I turned around and used the money to put towards a Pro Covert II (which wasn't produced until the Spring of '07). I haven't had a single problem with that one in several hundred rounds, and it's probably my favorite gun to this day. Bottom line: Kimber makes some of the prettiest and most well-designed pistols you can find under 2 grand. They cut a few corners for a while, but backlash from customers seems to have corrected that. If you buy a Kimber and do happen to have an issue, you can rest assured that they will stand behind their product and take care of you as quickly as possible. That's about all I can ask for from any manufacturer. Just my .
  4. Ever thought about the Surefire Tactical Forend/Light combo? I just so happen to have one that's almost brand new listed in the Trading Post. I guarantee you that one will not "disintegrate".
  5. Must've been more than one camera on me then...
  6. As promised gentlemen, here is a pic of one of the "little" ones that was conducting reconnaissance on my property... Come prepared. You can sure as hell bet that they will be...
  7. Found one of their scouts dead in my driveway yesterday afternoon (might post a pic later). MF'er was as big as my palm. I can't be sure what sort of intel he was able to gather before he met his demise, but we must proceed under the assumption that they know we're coming...
  8. Just got the e-mail from LA Police Gear. They're apparently clearing out their 5.11 50" rifle cases (made by VTAC) for $69.99 apiece (regular $129.99). Even better, you can get 4 cases for $199.99! They've got 'em in black and deep flat earth. I have the 42" double rifle case in black, and I can vouch for the quality. Lots of padding, good zippers, MOLLE panels, lash points to secure your weapon, etc. You even get a free attachable double magazine pouch with every case. If 4 folks wanted to go in together, they could each get a terrific rifle case for around $50. Just thought I'd pass it along...
  9. I assume you're referring to Feast with the Beasts. Looks like I'm going to be heading there myself after the shoot. If I can do it, I don't see why you couldn't... Either way, 70below and I are planning on coming out again. I picked up 500 rounds of Georgia Arms 10mm at the show this past weekend, so I'm going to finish getting my G29 broken in. And I'll be ready for that damn spider this time, too... Oh, and I sure do hope we have golfballs again!
  10. I did a TON of research while all this was going on, because I've never been in any sort of trouble before, and I wanted to know exactly what I was up against. By querying a number of LEO's, attorneys, and court employees, I learned that this practice is VERY common in Knoxville's 4th Circuit. Apparently, my wife's attorney's first husband blew his brains out right in front of her, so she has a personal axe to grind and has used this tactic against a number of gun-owning husbands in the past. She intentionally chooses to file all of these cases in the 4th Circuit Court because of Judge Swann's infamous willingness to both issue and extend OP's with little or no evidence provided by the petitioner, thus putting a great deal of pressure on the accused to either settle or be screwed for life. A number of other attorneys around town have also used this strategy, and Judge Swann has gained favor with the various women's rights groups who, in turn, help him stay on the bench. All this would've sounded like tinfoil-hat kinda stuff if I hadn't actually experienced it first hand. Quid pro quo politics at its finest...
  11. Be VERY careful about talking to her between now and the court date. If the OP is an ex-parte, you can not have ANY contact with your wife, EVEN IF SHE GIVES YOU PERMISSION OR INITIATES THE CONTACT HERSELF. The judge himself will tell you, the person who filed the OP can only be chastised for violating it. The person who was served can go to jail. I certainly hope that this is not the case in your situation, but the way that the statute is written, it gives the filing party the ability to legally "set up" the served party, which can really come back and bite you in the rear should things turn sour again. At the very least, meticulously document any contact you have with your wife between now and the court date. On a side note, if the OP is indeed dropped the next time you go to court, follow up with the clerk's office and make sure that it gets recorded. I tried to purchase a police trade-in Glock 22 about 6 weeks after mine was dropped, and I was denied by TICS! I immediately called one of my buddies with KPD, and he informed me that I was still showing up on the NCIC as being under the OP! Mind you, I had been carrying again for a full 6 weeks, and I can't even imagine what would've happened had I been pulled over during that time (I wasn't smart enough to carry a copy of the dismissal with me). It took me 2 days worth of non-stop wrangling with both the TBI and the 4th Circuit Court Clerk's office, but I finally got my clearance to purchase my gun. Anyway, I'm glad to hear that you guys are getting along better. My ex and I have gotten along great since I agreed to give her all the money and absorbed all her debt...lol. I see my little girl 3 days a week, and I've even gotten her to verbally agree to let me have 50/50 custody sometime next year. I really wish that I'd never had to go through all of that crap, but at least I learned a lot about how flawed the system really is. Oh, and I also learned that I could have done a much better job of representing myself than the $250-per-hour lawyer I retained, and I could've gotten to resolution quicker and saved about ten grand in the process. Just my $0.02...
  12. I went through this exact same thing during my divorce last year. My wife and I were on good terms and had already agreed on the parameters of our divorce when I applied for my HCP. Two weeks later, her attorney (who wouldn't have made very much money by filing our agreed divorce) convinced her to try to put the screws to me, and that started with her filing an order of protection against me in the 4th Circuit Court here in Knoxville. Apparently, Judge Swann will issue a temporary OP for anyone at anytime, no questions asked, and you are essentially guilty until proven innocent. All she had to say was, "My husband owns guns, and I'm afraid of what he might do once I serve him with the divorce papers." While I don't know you or your situation, I have no reason to doubt that whatever claims your wife made were completely baseless. I'm 32 years old, and I neither drink nor smoke. I've never been in a fight in my entire life. And I have most assuredly NEVER harmed nor threatened to harm my wife in any way, shape, or form. I never, in a million years, would've imagined that someone with an axe to grind could go down to the courthouse, make a false claim, pay a few dollars, and completely destroy someone else's life. While the order was active, I was not supposed to be in possession of any firearms or ammo, I could not get any job that required applicants to pass a background check, and most importantly, I could be restricted from seeing my little girl. This was just terrific, given that recreational shooting is my favorite hobby, I was looking to pursue a career in law enforcement at the time (something that my wife would not allow me to do while we were together), and my little girl is the most important thing in the world to me. Like you, I wanted to fight the damn thing tooth and nail, and I was confident that I would be exonerated since I hadn't actually done anything wrong. Here's where it gets really good. I was informed by 3 different attorneys that, while there was a chance that Judge Swann would throw the order out once he heard all the facts and saw that there was no evidence to indicate that I was any sort of threat, THERE WAS JUST AS GOOD A CHANCE THAT HE WOULD ISSUE A 1-YEAR EXTENDED ORDER OF PROTECTION THAT WOULD SHOW UP ON A BACKGROUND CHECK FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE. I learned that OP's are not like criminal charges. THERE IS NO BURDEN OF PROOF. The judge can use his own discretion to issue the EPO, whether there is any evidence or not! Holy crap! Well, as you might imagine, this scared the bejeezus outta me. I had my attorney inquire as to what it would take to make it go away, and I was informed that if I would just relinquish my rights to all of the equity in our home (over $30,000) and take on all of our marital debt, my wife would drop the OP and let me see my little girl as much as I wanted (sounds like she was really scared, huh?). Ultimately, this was the route I decided to take, but I still wonder to this day whether or not Judge Swann would've really destroyed a man's life and his ability to make a living without any evidence against him. Oh, and btw, Nashville apparently never realized that I was under an OP, because I got my permit in the mail about month after being served, and no one ever asked for it back. Hope that helps...
  13. That was SOOO not cool! Reading and talking about guns is the only thing that keeps me from using guns! Just kidding, of course...mostly...
  14. This is, without a doubt, one of the greatest comedy sketches of all time. I admit it, I love Chris Rock. And, did anyone else notice that the friend who doesn't know when to "shut the f*** up!" is Darnell from My Name Is Earl? Now, THAT's funny!
  15. Alas, 70below finally busted me. And if anyone would know the most intimate details about my junk, it would be him. The attention being paid to my crotch was both welcome and overdue (would've been even better if it weren't being paid almost exclusively by the other men on this forum), but the picture is a hoax--albeit, an unintentional one. In reality, what you see in the pic is the unfortunate (or perhaps fortunate) product of a combination of angle, lake wind, and really baggy swim trunks. There's really not much to see there at all. Truth be told, I really AM rich...
  16. Dude, seriously...look at her, and then look at me. You had to know right off the bat that there were only two possibilities. I'll give you a hint: I ain't rich...
  17. No moreso than usual. Just naturally gifted, I guess...
  18. Ooh! My turn! My turn! Here's my angry face after the qualification portion of my HCP class last April... Here's the girlfriend loaded down with WAY too much of my tacti-cool stuff... And here's a more recent shot of us just chillin' on the lake...
  19. Congratulations! I know that it about drove me crazy waiting for my HCP last year. My Dad and I applied at the same time (awww...), but for some reason, he got his in the mail a full month before I did. As for the Glock, yes, I'm VERY happy with the 10mm, and I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed your .45. I'm impressed that Glock was able to design compact pistols in such large calibers that are both manageable and accurate. I went and had all my parts polished yesterday to smoothen up the trigger pull (still debating about switching to the 3.5# disconnect), and now I'm just waiting on my Dawson Precision fiber optic sights. Oh, and get the ball rolling on that MTAC. You won't regret it!
  20. Not to be nitpicky, but I don't know if the G30 would be considered the "big brother" to the G29 in anything other than model number. They're both built on essentially the same frame, and even though it's a smaller diameter bullet, the 10mm packs significantly more punch than the .45 ACP. That's not taking anything away from the .45 (which is still my second favorite round), but you have to shoot this thing to really appreciate it. I hope you get to make it out to the shoot tomorrow with that G30. I've never shot .45 through anything other than a 1911, so I'm curious to hear what you think. Good luck, and great choice of weaponry!
  21. Surprisingly manageable. To be honest, I perceived the recoil to be less than my .45 (4" aluminum-framed Kimber). I guess this is partially due to the fact that even the hot Doubletap rounds aren't allowed to live up to their full potential when fired from the shorter barrel, plus the G29 is one thick, heavy SOB. I have a hard time calling it a SUBcompact, because it has a substantially larger profile and much more heft than a G26 or G27. Still, just because I felt the recoil less than I do with the .45 ACP doesn't mean that this gun doesn't bring the thunder. In fact, the Kimber was quite jealous of the deep, booming report of the Doubletap 135 gr. Noslers. Believe me when I say that this gun MOVES things when you shoot them. All in all, I'm really happy with the purchase, and I can't wait to finish getting her broken in. Ammo is RIDICULOUS, but I knew that going in. I made sure to save all my brass, which is something that I should've been doing all along with all my calibers, so hey, there's an added benefit. Maybe I'll finally get motivated to start reloading!
  22. ...I bought a(nother) new gun. I've been bothered for a while by the fact that I don't carry enough, so I decided to do something about it and take away all of the excuses I've made for why I do not. First of all, I'm a pretty big guy, but all three handguns that I owned up to this point (Kimber Pro Covert II, Glock 22, Sig P226) are full-size, so they can be a bit cumbersome for CC--especially with as much time as I spend on the road. To complicate matters, I've got 3 jobs and work 7 days a week, and I can't carry while working any of them. So, rather than dealing with the constant putting on and taking off of heavy rigs, I've found myself just going unarmed for the most part. As we all know from reading these forums, this is simply not acceptable! In an effort to correct this, I've been researching various compact handguns for the last couple of months. I decided to subscribe to the line of thinking that one should carry the largest caliber that one can shoot both comfortably and accurately, so I settled on the 10mm (or .40 magnum, as my buddy calls it). And just who makes a compact-framed pistol chambered for this powerful, man-stopping round? Why, our old friend Gaston Glock, of course! So, without further ado, here she is: My new Glock 29! I even ordered a new kydex body for the MTAC, so I've got no excuses! I put 100 rounds (both plinking and hot stuff) through her on Saturday before the rains came, and she's everything I ever dreamed she would be! Now, if I could just get the girlfriend to start speaking to me again...
  23. RRA Elite CAR A4 with some minor upgrades
  24. Hey, don't be knockin' Powell! We have a Wal-Mart, and everything... Okay, it was annexed by the city of Knoxville years ago, but still, it's RIGHT THERE! We've even got our own Bruster's Ice Cream! How many of ya' can say that?
  25. Didn't say she should. Perhaps I should've been more clear. I think the general consensus on this board would be that unsupervised visitation of any kind is probably not in the daughter's best interests at this point. I wanted to make sure I stopped short, however, of telling TDR that this is what he SHOULD do. As I noted in my original post, only he can decide what's truly best for his daughter, but he needs to be prepared to make an informed decision, rather than a reactive one. IMHO, trying to end any and all contact with Mom at this point could ultimately be just as destructive as the alternative. Some have advocated restricting contact to phone calls only. No one would blame TDR if that were the path he chose, but there are other options. Here in Knoxville, there are a handful of local agencies that will host supervised visitation. If Mom shows up high, she'll be asked to leave and forfeit her time. I've never been to Hendersonville, but I'm sure the court could make a recommendation for something local. My personal feeling is that supervised visitation would at least allow Daughter to focus on Mom and (hopefully) begin to see her for what she really is. It's EXTREMELY important, however, that she arrive at that conclusion for herself. Kids who are not allowed to work through issues for themselves retain them, and unresolved issues can manifest themselves as all manner of physical, emotional, and social problems throughout adolescence and on into adulthood. I hope this clarifies my position. It's just my $0.02, and I want to be clear that I don't presume to tell anyone how they should raise their own children (at least, not anymore...lol).


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