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Everything posted by Seaslug

  1. I'm the buddy, and he's right, it's a lot of fun. I put a quality airsoft folding stock and Aimpoint clone on mine right off the bat. Didn't cost much, and the gun looks and shoots great.
  2. Seaslug

    Your AR setup?

    I started with a RRA Elite CAR A4 mid-length, which means I had a 2-stage match trigger, 6-position tactical stock, Hogue grip, and chrome-lined 1x9 barrel to start with. Here's what I've added: -YHM Phantom flash hider -YHM Spectre-length free-float aluminum quad-rail handguard -V-TAC flashlight mount (for Surefire G2) -Pro Mag vertical foregrip (finished in "Nasti-Grip" by Predator) -Magpul ladder rail covers -Magpul winter trigger guard -Big Latch for charging handle -CAA stock saddle -VTAC tactical sling -YHM flip-up front and rear sights -EOTech 512 I also added the original Magpuls (rubber loops) and Magpul followers to all my steel magazines, and I've picked up a couple of PMags, as well.
  3. I carry my G29 in an MTAC somewhere between the 4:00 and 5:00 positions, depending on which pants I'm wearing (position of the belt loops makes a difference). Since the MTAC is adjustable for height and cant, I cant it forward (front clip offset from rear clip by 2 screw holes) and let it ride pretty high. This setup works great for me, even while driving. I played around with full, 6:00 SOB carry, but there were just too many drawbacks for my tastes.
  4. Seaslug

    Fulmer Gone!!!

    My money's on either Mike Leach at Texas Tech or Butch Davis at North Carolina.
  5. Define super cheap, 'cause I'm WAY cooler than Daniel. PM, perhaps?
  6. Count me in. 70below should be in, as well.
  7. I'll be taking my little girl trick-or-treating in the subdivision with my ex, her new husband, and some of their friends. Ah, good times... Later on, I'll be heading down to Freaker's Ball at The Valarium. Biggest party in town, hands down. Also, this will be the first one I've been to where I wasn't working security, so I'm gonna get my crazy groove thing on...
  8. Damn. Can't make it on short notice. But, I have been out there the last two weeks AND dropped off a gun for a finish job. I even asked for JWP all three times, because I wanted to meet a fellow TGOer. How come I didn't get any free passes (hint, hint)?
  9. This is from last year, but I'm actually pretty proud of it, so I had to show it off. A couple of my bouncer buddies and I decided to work Freaker's Ball as the guys from Tapout. For those of you that are familiar with the show, I think you'll agree that it turned out pretty well. That's me in the middle (SkySkrape)...
  10. When you decide to go, holler at me. I've gotta see this shop. I'll even drive.
  11. SOCOM II online was the most addictive gaming experience that I've ever been a part of. I can't believe you didn't keep playing after that. I can't compare it to Battlefield, because I've never played any of the games in the series. I can tell you that, for me, it is a TON more fun to play with friends than Rainbow 6, COD, or Ghost Recon, to name a few. The Confrontation servers are a little laggy right now, but once they get that cleaned up, it has the potential to be every bit as good as S2--and then some.
  12. If you've already got a headset of some sort, then it's only a $40 game (since it's online only). Don't know if that makes a difference for you or not, but figured I'd mention it.
  13. Wow. And here I thought the Navy would've taught you about this little concept I like to call "tactics". COD4 is great if you like running around by yourself and being a bullet magnet, but SOCOM requires the 3 C's: cooperation, coordination, and communication. Anybody can run and gun, but working together as a team to achieve a common objective has much more appeal to me. Just my $0.02.
  14. For those who don't know, the SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs games are widely considered to be the finest online-multiplayer tactical shooters out there. They are Playstation exclusives, and they are now in their 5th iteration. So, Confrontation came out this week (finally), and despite some moderate early release issues, I'm going to be spending quite a bit of time in front of my PS3 for the foreseeable future. If anyone else is a fan of the franchise, just shoot me a friend invite. My PSN handle is Seaslug23.
  15. I had never found an IWB that I could stand to wear for more than a couple of minutes until I got my MTAC on a whim. Now, I have no problem carrying my Glock 29 IWB all day long--even while driving. IMHO, this thing is as good as it gets. It's even adjustable for height and cant, so you can fine tune it to your own preference. Concealment is terrific. Even a fattie like my G29 all but disappears with an untucked shirt (I wear it about the 4:00 position). If you're thinking about it, pick one up. You won't regret it.
  16. You can put me down for 1 or 2. I'd probably prefer the hook-and-loop, if it's an "either/or" proposition.
  17. Depends on how he was choked. When I choke someone, I use my bicep and forearm to "pinch" both sides of the neck and cut off blood flow to the brain via the carotid arteries. The windpipe (trachea) isn't really involved, so there's no "suffocation". With a solid lock, the jackass usually loses consciousness within 7-10 seconds, and there's no permanent damage so long as I don't hold on. This technique is what's commonly known as a "sleeper hold" or "rear naked choke" (again, pardon the unintended pun). If I were to hold on significantly longer, however, the brain would eventually be starved of oxygen to the point that the tissue would start to die, and this would lead to irreversible brain damage--and ultimately, death. In this scenario, it might be a little scary for the perp for the first few seconds when he starts to black out, but he would (unfortunately) be blissfully unaware of himself and his surroundings by the time I separate his soul from his body... I'm going to stop now before I get a PM from Tungsten. As I'm sure many of you can imagine, this topic has got me a little riled up...
  18. Yeah, but he died a relatively quick and painless death. Like I said, he got off easy...
  19. I've choked a lot of men unconscious over the last several years, but none of them were naked, and none were in my daughter's room. Not sure I could have been that calm and let it go at just putting him to sleep under the same circumstances. The guys I bounced with and I had a saying: "If you smell sh*t, you held on too long..." Sounds like the perp got off easy to me (if you'll pardon the expression).
  20. Hahaha. Welcome to the club! FYI, Georgia Arms sells 500 rds. of fairly hot new-manufacture 10mm for $147.50. Best deal I've found so far on decent plinking ammo.
  21. Gee, thanks for that. I almost made it a whole month without hearing about it. It was a photographic anomaly, damn it!!! Wind!!! Baggy trunks!!! I actually have an "innie"... To Brandon, the G20 is going to be my next purchase, too. I love my G29 so much, I decided that I'd get its big brother to be a range gun. My plan is to possibly sell my G22, and then get conversion barrels in .40, 9x25 Dillon, and maybe .357 SIG for the G20. I'm really intrigued by the 9x25. Doubletap advertises 2100 fps/881 ft. lbs. from the 6" LWD barrel.
  22. I haven't bought from them, but I did sell one. It was a pleasant experience. First though, let me give you a little back-story... My now-ex-wife and I were looking to get rid of her 2003 Saturn Ion a couple of years ago after we bought a Chevy Tahoe from my Dad. Saturn of Knoxville sent us a mailer claiming that they were willing to pay us cash, so we went there first. We were offered what we thought was fair, signed the papers, and left the car, keys, and title while being told that we should expect to receive our check in about 3 days. What we got, however, was a phone call telling us that they were no longer interested in purchasing the car, and that we needed to come pick it up. After 3 full days! When we went back to get answers, we were told that the owner of the dealership (Tom Hodge) had reviewed the terms of our agreement and vetoed it. When I spoke with him in person, he was extremely rude and insulting, and he told us there was nothing we could do but take our car back home. Needless to say, I caused quite a scene, and I will never do business with those scumbags ever again. The next week, we took the car to CarMax, got our offer (the same as Saturn's), and went home with a check in hand. Nice, professional folks. Wish I had gone there first.
  23. I'm jealous. My girlfriend has gone shooting with me exactly once, and that was only because it was my birthday. I took the whole arsenal out, hoping to teach her a little bit about everything. She got 3 rounds into shooting my P226 9mm before she had some sort of weird, incapacitating muscle spasm in her arm, and the only thing she shot the rest of the day was my GSG-5 in .22 LR. She sucks. And not in the good way.
  24. Wow. Wish I'd been there for that... Oh, and nice Saigas, btw. I think I've made up my mind that a good Saiga-12 conversion is my next project (hopefully as soon as prices come back down to earth ).
  25. The first thing I did after purchasing my G29 was go to the Doubletap site and order some Equalizers and 135 gr. Noslers. I had my uncle standing behind me when I squeezed off that first Equalizer round (through a sticky Shoot-N-C), and I asked him if he noticed anything unusual. He stood there looking at the two holes and scratched his head for a minute, and I could actually hear the gears turning. I finally clued him in, and after I finished off the other 9 rounds, that target looked like I'd been hammering it with 00 buck. Although I'm not completely sold on its viability for SD, the Equalizer may be the single greatest plinking round I've ever fired. Makes me happy just thinking about it!


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