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Everything posted by Seaslug
Yep. If the guns are in your possession, they are yours. You may wish to record the serial numbers, however, in case they are ever lost or stolen. Also, if you ever wish to sell them, you can transfer ownership to any other private citizen without any sort of paperwork whatsoever, if you so choose. Hope this helps.
Haha. My Dad just dropped his off on Friday. We're all gonna delay each other's builds!
Just educated myself on the case. It certainly appears that Mr. Fish's justification for the use of deadly force was at issue, and not the caliber that he used. The prosecutors only mentioned that his 10mm was "more powerful than guns the police used" as an aggravating factor.
This is no reflection on you, but I have a hard time believing this to be true. If it happened at all, there is almost certainly more to the story than an otherwise justifiable shoot being labeled as "excessive force" simply because the shooter used a 10mm. Do you have any sort of link or other information that I might search to find out more about this case?Also, I completely respect your concerns about the potential for overpenetration in a self-defense shooting outside the home. This is something with which I struggled for some time before I purchased my G29. Ultimately, I decided that I could trust my ability to be aware of my target and what's beyond my target before pulling the trigger, should I ever find myself in that situation (God forbid). I also practice double-taps and rapid fire as often as I can to make sure that I maintain my ability to overpower the recoil and keep my follow-up shots on target. After all, fliers are even worse than overpenetration.
He's not kidding, either. Unfortunately, the "Clubbing Baby Seals for Food and Fun" program wasn't accepting any more applicants. They just don't have that much to teach up in the Great White North.
Not trying to be smart, but it sounds like those LEO's and attorneys just like to hear themselves talk. There is absolutely no legal precedent that I can find where someone was convicted of a bad shoot simply because of the caliber that they used. The rules for the use of deadly force in a self-defense situation are always the same, regardless of the size of your bore.To further illustrate my point, you've already acknowledged that you've got a 12 ga. shotgun loaded with '00 buck as your primary HD gun (good choice, btw). This is going to be far more destructive at combat distance than any of your handguns, so why are you not worried about THAT being overkill? Oh, and I'd kinda like to see you carry that .44 mag...
It's not so much the shell shock as the quintuple bypass surgery he had a few years back...
The real question is, since you already own it, why would you NOT use it for home defense? Given that you've already stated that you're not concerned about the potential for overpenetration, what else is stopping you? BTW, I have no problem CCing my 10mm G29. I believe in carrying the most powerful caliber that you can effectively control, and I'm more concerned about stopping any potential threat as quickly as possible than I am about being accused of "overkill". Just my $0.02...
My grandparents have 22 acres on Raccoon Valley in Heiskell. They get a little twitchy if there are more than 2 people shooting, though. Your place, however, sounds lovely!
Actually TJ, since Mike's offering, if you'd rather go to his place than the farm on Saturday, I'd be game. And yes Mike, I just invited myself.
They've got mine right now. I've talked to Shannon (the Smith) several times, and I've been impressed with the work he's done for me and others. Can't wait to get it back!TJ, if the weather holds up the way it's supposed to, maybe we can swing by the farm on Saturday and pop off a few rounds with the Tantal. I'm REALLY curious about those 5.45's.
Please don't. Even if it would make the world a much better place, I would have to change my sig, and I'm not that creative.
+1 to that. Nicely done, Poppa.Also, the aforementioned Remingtons and Mossbergs can typically be found at Wal-Mart, so it's likely that you've already seen at least one version of each. The price is right too, although my Dad actually got an 870 at Dick's for $219 after rebate last year. The only drawback to buying shotguns at the big-box stores is that you're probably going to end up with at least a 28" barrel. This is not ideal for HD. An 18" barrel is going to be much easier to fit through doorways and to swing around in tight spaces, and you may have to visit your local gunshop to find one (something I'd recommend doing anyway). I have a tricked-out 870 Tactical Spec Ops 18" myself, and I wouldn't trade it for anything for HD.
Vigal held in Oakland LEO shooting...for the shooter???
Seaslug replied to dunndw's topic in General Chat
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Vigal held in Oakland LEO shooting...for the shooter???
Seaslug replied to dunndw's topic in General Chat
You'll both get no argument from me on almost every point you've made, but do you honestly not see the irony inherent in your positions? By blaming the courts, the government, or anyone else for the heinous crimes that this man committed, aren't you doing EXACTLY what the miscreants at this "rally" have done? You've taken at least some of the responsibility off of this man's shoulders and laid it squarely at the feet of nameless and faceless entities. Does it piss me off when a criminal is paroled only to offend again? You're gosh darn right it does. Still, Big Brother can't be everywhere (nor should any of us want them to be), and at some point an individual--and the community that supports him--must accept responsibility on a personal level and make better choices. I, for one, am not looking to my government to protect me. -
Vigal held in Oakland LEO shooting...for the shooter???
Seaslug replied to dunndw's topic in General Chat
No, it does not. Is the justice system flawed--even broken? Yes. Is the OPD corrupt? Quite possibly. Do either of these things have anything to do with the decision made by a 26-year-old man to fire on officers during a traffic stop because he knew that his parole was probably about to be violated? Absolutely not.It's not about oppression. It's not about subjugation. It's about malice, cowardice, and irresponsibility--plain and simple. It doesn't matter how bad your circumstances are. We are all given the gift of free will, and our lives are nothing more than a series of choices. -
+1 to that! I haven't even posted in this one until now, but I've had the thread bookmarked since page 1. I'm really enjoying this in a must-look-at-the-train-wreck kinda way...
Vigal held in Oakland LEO shooting...for the shooter???
Seaslug replied to dunndw's topic in General Chat
The absurdity of that statement is astounding, and yet quite reflective of the attitude within most minority communities. The concept of personal responsibility is dying, and with it, our nation, our values, and our way of life. -
I used to bounce with a guy who had that same level of irrational fear--we're talking clinical phobia here. This dude was a Brazillian jiu-jitsu instructor and built like a rock. We were sweeping up the patio one night after work, and I noticed that he had something fuzzy on his shiny, bald head. Without thinking, I said, "Hey, you've got a spider or something on your head there", to which he responded by letting out several blood-curdling screams, doing a tactical forward roll (I didn't even yell "Contact!"), and then rolling around on the ground as if he were on fire. Then, he started dry-heaving for a good 5 minutes until he could calm back down. I felt pretty bad about it afterward, but it's still one of the funniest damn things I've ever seen in my life...Oh, and the fuzzy thing turned out to be just a dust bunny...
...I just imagined a 60-year-old, necrotic testicle...I'm done here...
Do not--I repeat, DO NOT--ever come to my neighborhood then... Ah, that pic never gets old...
Welcome from yet another UT alumnus ('98 and '01). Post early, and post often.
Best of luck in your endeavor. I'm a retired LPC/MHSP myself, and I believe that LuckyForward is a counselor, too. I, for one, am very curious to see how this new forum will operate. Let us know how it gets off the ground. That is, if Tung...err...TGO David doesn't mind, of course.
It's not paranoia if they really are out to get you... Dishes? Laundry? You've obviously never been to my house...
I'll certainly try. My Mommy's birthday is Sunday though, and Saturday might be bike riding day if the weather's nice. We'll see what happens, 'cause I'd definitely like to meet Mac and see Mike again. Dan I can take or leave...