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Everything posted by Seaslug

  1. I speak a little Manchesterese, so I will attempt to translate: Don't be surprised if you see semi-auto m249 SAW clones in the near future as a result of the higher-capacity mags--either sold as complete rifles from some of the big manufacturers, or modded from kits by the "garage gunsmithing" crowd.I don't necessarily agree with the logic--given that the SAW uses a completely different type of box mag--but I can see how one might arrive at this line of thought. Personally, I just don't see much of a niche for ANY heavy-ass semi-auto that shoots 5.56/.223 in the civilian market. Hope this helps!
  2. I don't know why, but this actually made me LOL. WTF is this poor guy's name? It's no wonder he's so angry!
  3. We've actually got our own now... Welcome to Facebook | Facebook
  4. Just got it. Much obliged!
  5. Crap! Then I guess I'd better get going!
  6. Hey! I thought I was RED TEAM!
  7. I used to live less than 10 min. from the USMC helicopter base in Tustin. Every time we would drive by, there would be DOZENS of illegals picking strawberries in the fields ON BASE...
  8. Three if I'm lucky. Wait...what?
  9. Three days this week. Saturday is a make-up game. Buttmunch...
  10. I'm gonna try to make it out Saturday, but if I do, it'll probably be after lunch. I've gotta coach tee ball at 10:00 AM, and then I have to decide whether or not to try to find a sitter or take my little girl with me. Decisions, decisions...
  11. Here's a couple with whom I've done business and been well-pleased... Dynamic Armament SGCUSA.com - SGCUSA.com
  12. We're actually hopping a plane to Ft. Lauderdale so we can catch a boat to St. Thomas the morning after the wedding...lol. That is, if we're still able to have the wedding in Panama City in the first place. My only job from this point forward is to monitor the activity of the slick. That's why I've subscribed to this thread...
  13. I was really starting to think I was the only one who thought this way! Don't tell my fiancée, but I think I love you... What? Too soon?
  14. I'm getting married on the beach in Panama City a month from today...maybe...
  15. Think .40 bullet weight with .357 velocity. Nasty combination.I still carry my G29 on occasion, loaded with Double Tap 155 gr. controlled expansion JHPs. A G20SF has been on my short list for a while now. Congratulations!
  16. Any other day this might be true, but today, you've got something special to do at 4:00... (Note: This is not sexual innuendo. Caveman and his fiancée are closing on a house this afternoon. He and I only meet for sex on Tuesdays...) Back on topic...umm...I pretty much said all I had to say back on page 1, so here's a synopsis: Skank = dumb. Judge = dumb. There. Hijack averted...
  17. I have no words. Actually, that's not quite true, but the words I have I won't post on the intrawebz for all to see...
  18. This is not an issue of "free speech" as protected in our Constitution, but I agree with the premise that it is obviously an egregious (and narcissistic) abuse of power. Is the young woman a moron? Without a doubt. Should she have been called out and subject to public ridicule for her lack of good judgment? Most assuredly. But jail? Asinine...
  19. Well, duh! Without knowing the current configuration of Smith's gun, I didn't want to assume. I won't mind paying a little bit of money to get mine running right if that's what it comes down to. The folks over at the Saiga-12 forum all rave about the work that Cadiz does.
  20. Mine is currently being tuned for the second time over at CCA, as extraction with anything less than full-power loads (no matter what the gas setting) is a huge issue. If this doesn't work, I'm going to call the folks at Cadiz Gun Works. They're actually the RAAC-authorized warranty repair center for Saigas here in the U.S., and they may be able to help you free of charge. Here's the link: Cadiz Gun Works
  21. Another +1 for the Knoxx stock. You're welcome to try out my tacticool 18.5" 870 anytime, as well.
  22. I've got a whole computer full of 'em if anybody wants. I'll even throw in some of Caveman's mom...
  23. Don't forget the 10mm!
  24. You read my mind. I've been thinking of picking up a Glock 20--or maybe even another 29--with a conversion barrel and making it a dedicated 9x25 Dillon gun. Decisions, decisions...
  25. Duh! I totally forgot about Mike! That's where we all need to go if we can get this whole "re-certification" thing straightened out. After all, it looks like SUNTZU's gonna have to go back anyway...


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