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Everything posted by Dennis1209

  1. Just how well do you inspect your food before it goes down your pallet? Keep in mind this is circa 1968 as a teenager working the grill at McDonalds with a crappy manager on my rear end and making about a buck an hour before taxes. I believe the Big Mac had just come out that year.   A half drunk irate customer comes back in raising Cain complaining his Big Mac was not cooked properly and giving plenty of attitude. You know, I better leave it at that... Let's just say I was working the grill.
  2. Anyone have a Lone Wolf precision match replacement barrel for their Glock?   I've always heard to always replace Glock parts with OEM equipment. Anyway, I'd like a little more accuracy and a s/s barrel but before I drop $109.00 for Lenny's retirement, I thought I'd ask here first.   No, I'm not having problems with the factory barrel just thinking about upgrading my G19. Got the Tungsten guide rod and it did help some with muzzle flip and my double taps are more accurate. Thanks~
  3.     I have ADT and it takes a count down of :45 seconds when activated to alarm whether home / away. And the phone line can be easily cut at the plastic box.
  4.   Might even consider electronic ear protection at the bedside to hear the cell phone for a 9-1-1 call after the fact.
  5. Yep! I carry my Ruger LCP on occasion and it's always a fight between the LCP and belly button on who eats the most dirt and lint. I've pulled pizza bones, cotton swabs and other debris out of the ole belly button. Can't say that of the LCP though :rofl:
  6. Another way to look at it...   A gun, a sledge hammer, a knife, a car is a tool and never hurt anyone without an outside force acting upon them. When a careless person operates them with abandon they are deadly weapons that will maim and kill. What's the difference between an errant bullet and an errant driver? One might be 230 grains and the other two tons and more. What's the difference between 230 grains and two tons just missing you in a parking lot as far as your health and welfare go? They are both a deadly force.   If that 230 grain projectile carelessly passes you are you going to yell slow down partner or get out of the way and call the cops. What about the two ton projectile? It's my experience you can't reason, determine intent or change the behavior of either.   Just sayen...
  7.     No! That's not the problem with food assistance. The problem with government food assistance is it's socialistic, lifetime, filled with fraud, un-Constitutional and lowers the dietary standards I work to pay for, not to mention lowering our living standards. Our monthly grocery bill including laundry and hygiene products is normally $350 - $375.00 a month. We clip coupons, buy sale and off brand products and try and get the best bang for our EARNED dollar. There's something wrong when the life time obese welfare bunnies eat better than I do, and hop into their late model car I can't afford and drive across the street to the liquor / lotto store and dump half their welfare check on booze and tickets.   And yes, I'm going to group every welfare bunny into my classification because it should be common knowledge and observation that the vast majority are able bodies capable of work and supporting themselves. But choose the lazy obese lifestyle because it's a God given lawful right not to work to support yourself.   Ever paid attention to the character, conduct, what they drive, what they purchase and the bling most these fine representatives of humanity possess?   I worked hard to provide a better life for me and my family. I don't work to have a substantial portion of my wages deducted from my earnings to be pissed away and flaunted in my face at every grocery check out line. It's not only wrong, it's insulting. But hey, that's the productive society we created right?
  8. With our dependency on a global economy and goods / people entering the country, open boarders, work permits, visa's, international travel, the speed of airlines today compared to sail boats of yesteryear...  There's no doubt history will repeat itself and one day a disease will spread like a wild fire. There's no possibility of isolating / quarantining an infectious pandemic or plague because unsuspecting infected people will want to and will try to escape the area despite best efforts and will be undetected, that's just common sense.   Here's the doom and gloom! Despite the best efforts of the CDC and World Health Organization, they are powerless to stop / quarantine or prepare a vaccination for the population in time before it's out of control. That's not even considering the mutation of the disease. No matter how advanced our medical science becomes, we will never be capable of stopping plague and pestilence.   I would think when a pandemic strikes U.S. again, the best chance of surviving would be TOTAL isolation and a disconnect until it runs its course. That would include not touching or eating anything from the outside; animals, touching money or mail or in close contact with ANY person. Of course that would mean being totally self sufficient and have stores of supplies for a minimum of at least a year.   Gentleman, history is loaded with pestilence and plaque epidemics that caused millions of deaths. What makes U.S. think we are not susceptible to them in this modern age? The only difference today is the speed in which it will spread.
  9. Most large box stores have a non-confrontational let them go policy. At the end of the article Costco claims the customer attacked first, so I assume they have security video to back that up? Our local Walmart has done away with receipt checking as it was very unpopular.   Inflation, theft and fuel prices are the three major reasons of rising retail goods prices and I'm all for reduced / stabilized prices. Then again, in the past after going through the checkout with a grocery cart packed with "bagged" food and frozen items, getting stopped at the electric doors for a receipt check is ridiculous, but I comply. What's worse is exiting through the scanners and have them go off and waiting there for someone as if you're a thief. Since they don't know you from Adam, what's the best solution?   We all want lower prices and shop-lifters caught but, at what price to us?
  10. Well let's be honest here.   When a celebrity or actor makes a commercial endorsing, promoting and hawking a product or service, it's everything I can do to refrain myself from immediately getting out of my recliner and buying that product / service.   When Hollywood elitists, actors and athletes use their notoriety to express their educated views to influence my critical thinking... I stand up and take notice and re-evaluate my own morals and convictions. After all, the Constitution and Bill of Rights were written by a bunch of old fogies and this is the age of enlightenment, entitlement and progressivism.   The really sad part is too many of our prodigy's role models are drug dealers, actors and athletes and take their venom as the gospel. They've never developed the ability to reason and think for themselves due to the federally controlled public education system, their parent and the collective socialism that has swept the country.   I'd like to see a national poll of todays children under the age of 16 asking who is their hero / role model. Then compare it to the same group of kids of generations ago and see what's changed. I'd suspect a generation ago and prior to that is was Dad, grandpa, Jesus and maybe comic book hero Superman? Today would be the local drug dealer, Ice-T, Snoop Dog, Michael Jordan, Hollywood celebs I would suspect?
  11. Welcome and thanks for your service!   Back in the day (1973) I was there, 2/17 Air Cav. for my last year of active Army service.   It's my understanding there are feral hogs on Ft. Campbell that you can gain permission to hunt if you so desire?
  12.   Stop reading my mind :up:   Yes, if you look at the disintegration of American society since, say the 1960's and look at it today, we're not the same civilized society. As the exponential rate of our moral values decline and we slip into a nation of depravity and use owes me... It's not very promising for us, much less our children and grandchildren.
  13.   No argument here and it's called a generational cycle but... Who is this "somebody"? You, me, the government? What about personal responsibility, moral values, compassion, respect?
  14.     I'll debate it here just for opinions sake RED333 and I mean no offense but...   I'm not going to debate or sit down with anyone or any race when I'm the target or intended prey of violence or crime. It's not my fault, moral responsibility or problem how you were raised or the seed that spawned you. It doesn't take "a village" or a community to raise children, it takes moral parents.   If I'm bothering no one going about my lawful and moral bidness, why in the world should I need to sit down and discuss it with anyone? Someone should sit down and discuss this nonsense with a group of racists, thugs, haters, gang-bangers and race baiter's and record the uncontrollable laughs.
  15.   It appears you need to join me with my on-line liberal sensitivity correspondence training to think like a liberal :ugh:
  16. “A lot of our citizens are working to provide safe and productive alternatives for our youth. For those that choose not to take advantage of these opportunities, we will work tirelessly to identify, locate and hold you accountable”.   What reasonable person with critical thought would suggest throwing money at the problem is a viable solution? They can only play so much basketball, throw so many gang signs and pull up their drawers so many times before they get board. This has become a generational disease of trash spawning trash and being supported with taxpayer money.   Rehabilitation my derrière, do a big boy crime, get big boy punishment. There is no "rehabilitation" in penitentiary, penal or punishment except in the liberal way of thinking.   As a juvenile they don't see big boy punishment and they get treated with kid gloves. They are released by their 18th birthday or at 21 at the latest, their criminal records are expunged or sealed and normally can't be used when they turn adult. And they know it!!!   Maybe I should enroll in an on-line sensitivity training course to accept and tolerate this crap :up:   
  17. Well, if Highpower was a little late to the party, I didn't even attend :snore:  Anywho...   Saturday I just received and installed a set of Trijicon HD'S (yellow front dot) on my Glock 19. The TruGlo TFO'S I had on the G19 I transfered to my G26. The HD's from Opticsplanet were pricey at about $135.00 delivered but, you get what you pay for. The TFO's were about a hundred bucks at the local FFL and installed for free. The following is just my 2 cents worth.   With my aging eyes you can't beat the TFO'S for visibility period! Day, dusk or night the three dots just pop out at you. I've seen many articles and several Youtube videos where the fiber optic tubes pop out of the housing but, it hasn't happened to me yet. In each case I've heard about, TruGlo customer service was outstanding getting them a replacement.   Sixty-seven seconds after I installed the Trijicon HD'S me and my buddy headed to the club range. I set up some simulated IDPA targets and blew through 100 rounds of 9mm in no time. I'm here to tell y'all, I really like those HD sights, the rear sight "U" notch helps me acquire my target faster and the yellow front sight really is easier to pick up with no bright rear sight dots. Of all the different sights I own including XS Big Dots, etc. they became my favorite sights, however, and there's always a however...   One of the reasons I wanted the HD'S in addition to the creative idea of the rear sight U notch was the capability of one handed slide cycling for training classes or actual need. You can't do that with the factory and many of the other low profile sights, but here's the kicker.   I have a few top of the line leather carry holsters, Alessi and Milt Sparks I really like and always use. The bottom of the holster naturally is open, the HD'S sit much higher on the slide. The Glock will holster almost like normal but you can not draw it out of the holster no matter how much you try. I literally have to remove the gun and holster, pry the leather away from the front sight and remove the gun. Now I can only use my Kydex holster or kydex leather hybrid holster with sight channels. BUMMER!   Well my 2 cents turned into a buck and a half hard bound novel, sorry about that :popcorn:
  18. The wife can't wait. I'm so tired of having to go first thing to the DVD section at Walmart to see if season six is out yet. She keeps watching season 1-5 on DVD over and over... Her SAMCRO fan card I.D. number is 000001.
  19. Dippity Do and Cerakote Too
  20. Ah sunflowers!   The first spring here at our retirement property, I planted a large area of sunflowers when I planted my garden in late April. Had a great crop of sunflowers and was all excited for September 1st. Not far into August all the sunflowers were down and dead and the seeds long gone. Bummer...
  21. Spent the last :30 minutes on the TWRA website trying to find WHERE and HOW to purchase a small game permit to hunt Dove's at WMA's / leases where required with no luck. I'm finding all the information I need except that. Am I blind or something?
  22. I was in Walmart sometime back and my fly was open and exposed. It didn't take long for someone to stick their nose in my business and point it out.   Moral of the story: Keep your junk covered up to keep people out of your business unless you're trolling for something.
  23. I may be wrong but, in the video's it looks and sounds to me that Stewart gunned his vehicle to intentionally run him over or maybe possibly avoid him. At any rate, the track would have been immediately under the caution flag and the deceased should not have got out of the vehicle unless on fire IMO.   What an unnecessary tragedy.
  24. I didn't have much luck with customer service via email but...   IMHO. For a hybrid holster at that price, it can't be beat! I really like the spare parts that come with it and over all, I'm a very happy camper. I will get another one for my next handgun
  25.   As a retired maintenance hospital guy, there's much more to it than the doctor / hospital staff doing all they can do to protect themselves. I won't even get into the primitive conditions medical staff face over sea's.   Take into account people have to be isolated, in a functioning, frequently checked and adjusted positive / negative pressure isolation room with adequate number of air changes / hour. HEPA filters must be changed and checked for static pressure frequently, etc. etc. Surgical gloves, HEPA masks, gowns, etc. are NOT a 100% solution to not contracting a disease, they can fail just like your critical defense weapon.   Then there's human nature to rush and take shortcuts after awhile. On and on...   You got to admire and respect those people who put their lives on the line daily to humanity... Doctors, nurses, medical staff, fire fighters, the police and our brave military...


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