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Everything posted by Dennis1209

  1. I'm shooting trap and going to start skeet also when the weather gets decent again. Just bought a new trap gun (Citori XT) and was thinking of replacing the factory choke tubes with Browning Diana Midas grade choke tubes for better patterns before I even shoot it.   Using my Citori White Lightning and standard factory in-vector-plus chokes, at 22 yards shooting the pattern board, there are gaps in the pattern big enough to completely miss a clay target at > 22 yards.   So my question is, will the better chokes actually pattern better? I'm also thinking of dropping from 7 1/2 to #8 shot for singles and switching from IM to full choke.   What y'all's experience and opinion?
  2. Retiring and moving here from the North, those days are long gone! I'll enjoy the action on TV from the comfort of my recliner :wave:
  3. If, by some twist of fate, The person who talked to my wife that way is a member here.....well, me and you got a problem, you disrespectful piece of :poop: . If you got a boss and I ever find him, I'll do everything I can to get you fired you low life douche bag.   What do you think the chances are of the preceding? I can understand your frustration but, you don't have to threaten people who share the same values and respect as all of us.   Do you really think this respectful community of like minded individuals would stoop that low? I sure have my differences of opinion with some members at times but, it's an opinion and never anything personal.   You sort of hurt my feelings thinking it could be a member here :stunned:
  4. We need to raise our berms from about 10 feet to 12 feet to meet Tennessee requirements for HCP qualifications for shooting ranges. For FOUR small shooting bay berms our estimates were in the thousands to raise them just a couple of feet?   If it were me, I'd rent a back hoe and do it yourself and call it good if you can get your dirt by landscaping your own property. Again if it were me, I'd be awful nervous having "anyone" over shooting if an errant bullet missed the berm / back stop and there was people / property with in a couple of miles. We all know we're responsible for what occurs on our property.   I thought about doing the exact same thing on my property and weighed the pro's and cons. Based on my perceived liability and the cowboys I shoot with, the con's won out.   Choose carefully?
  5. Dennis1209


    Having a wisdom tooth pulled and get dry socket, getting a flat tire on a raining night on a two lane road in the country with no shoulder and hanging out door Christmas lights.   One is preventable!
  6. Last week for the first time in two years, I was able to walk in to our local Walmart that afternoon and purchase three boxes of CCI .22LR. They have had deliveries for a long time now but the .22LR ammo whores were lined up long before they even brought it to the counter. Way back in the military I swore I'd never stand in a line again! That's mostly held true with the exception of the occasional restaurant. And if it wasn't for the wife, I wouldn't stand in any line.   Well Black Friday shoppers, you know where I don't stand now :rofl:
  7. Exactly the same here except for the 33 round mag.
  8. That should settle all of the "which caliber is best" debates :up:   But seriously, with all the nice weather out doors ours have been open also for some fresh air and one screen slide door has no lock. I've thought of that too and usually have a side arm within arms reach. The guy got lucky it was only one BG and he was able to take advantage of a distraction. Had he / they been zip tied in the beginning or more than one scum bag, can you imagine if it were you, what would be racing through your mind?
  9.   Well there Cruel Hand, I won't argue the point but... From my perspective, if your annual income is above $25,000.00 and / or you can afford a monthly trip to McDonalds... You are the rich and elite :surrender:
  10. As an IDPA member / S.O. I just about didn't renew my membership. It started to appear to me the organization was catering to the elite, famous and / or wealthy. It's nice to see they found out what side their bread is buttered on.   What's y'alls opinion on organizations that grow and cater to the famous and elite? Such as maybe the NRA using member dues / donations to purchase multi-million dollar historic weapons only the elite / famous may handle and shoot? The average annual or life members do not have that privilege. Or IDPA starting to trend that way?
  11.   I'm sorry, Alex Trebek, he say Randall53, you didn't precede that with "WHO ARE" or "THEY BE"  :rofl:  You're a runner up.
  12. That was the first episode of walking / talking dead that I almost turned off it was so boring, but suffered through it. There's getting so many splits in the characters I hope they don't devote entire episodes to one group. And the biggy!   How many of y'all got all the flashing warnings during last nights episode? Unless something is done, Direct TV is dropping AMC and The Walking Dead. I'm so tired of Direct TV doing this with the Weather Channel to OWN to too many two mention. I'd drop it but what's the alternative?
  13. The only thing MSNBC does for me is "Lockup" and "Lockup Raw" on Friday and Saturday nights.   If you've never seen it check it out.
  14. WARNING!   Performance enhancing steroid use my result it itchy trigger finger syndrome, Congressional testimony, brain farts, ...
  15.   I've had two old neighbors tell me about that one recently too? Never heard of it...   They told me the seeds were in the shape of a spoon or something, so I went over there and cut one open for myself.   Mine said to hurry up and buy three lottery scratch off tickets from Murphy Express. I took a short cut and bought them from Kroger instead.   Should have listened to the persimmon!
  16.   That was my initial thought too...
  17.   Yea, I've talked to a bunch of old time canners that canned long before we got all the alphabet soup agencies and they didn't use pressure canners or follow all the guidelines we have today and they did just fine. Today with technology, much more is known on food safety and the FDA probably has a safety fudge factor in their recommendations. I'd rather be safe than sorry when it comes to food safety and process something too hot or too long than take short cuts.   I know all about not being able to get the All American monster pot, or large water bath pot on the gas stove hot enough in a reasonable period of time, so I cheat :ugh:   I use a hand propane torch to heat it up to the point where the gas stove can handle the load :up:  
  18. Hey Dolomite, tell us about your well hand pump you installed? I've been wanting to do that myself but heard a hand pump probably would not work for a 90 foot deep well.   Fortunately I'm retired too and moved from urban to rural for a number of reasons, a pandemic sure would qualify. A pandemic / pestilence is a historical question of not IF but WHEN. I keep in mind the lag in reporting time, the accuracy of it to prevent panic, and the possible number of infections incubating and not diagnosed before I would consider panic and isolation mode. I have many of the prep's ready to go as described above. I still need to make me a sand / charcoal pre-filter before running it through my Berkley and a few other preps.   I can't completely prepare for any disaster but have the basics to at least extend our survival should it occur. I can't afford the one is none and two is one mantra. I'd be running my spider web of cords and running the 5,000 watt generator sparingly 2-4 hours a day to conserve gasoline.   I don't particularly like the idea of my bills automatically deducted from my account for several obvious reasons but... Under a quarantine situation you better have a supply of stamps if the mail is still viable. Then again, if your quarantined you don't want to be touching delivered mail, money or the like that others have recently touched.   BTW. Did you know those chemical lights have a limited shelf life? I purchased a couple hundred of them some years ago and needed them when my power went off for nine days. I only tried a few dozen but, not one of them would work. What a waste and surprise. I discovered my stash of D cell batteries for my lanterns had also by date expired, fortunately I was able to get some use out of them. Things I found out too late and fortunately it wasn't a national / global emergency. You know, my Berkley is still in the original shipping box. I best take it out, put it together and see if everything is there and it works before I need it. As a matter of fact, I have several items I best check before I really, really NEED them!
  19. All the above is spot on advice! It can not be over stated to read "Ball's Blue Book of Canning" !   Two things that were not touched upon much I'll add to is...   Sounds like you're not going to can as much as I do so, a Presto pressure canner that will process 7 quart jars might be your choice. Personally two years ago I bought the "All American Pressure Canner" monster that does 14 quart jars. It was an "investment" of about $300.00. Sure does save time and will last me generations to come. Another consideration with cheaper models is the gasket, keeping it cleaned, oiled and replaced when necessary. Always keep a spare lid gasket if you get a gasket model. The better pressure canners don't use the seal.   I've shy ed away from water bathing anything, hotter is always better when it comes to food safety. Over the last decade the FDA has changed it's guidelines on canning different foods and the change have always been from water bath to pressure canning.   After you lift your jars out of the canner and place them on the counter / table to cool for a minimum of 12 hours, don't touch them what-so-ever to prevent the seal from un-seating.   He's a critical canning step many canners neglect.  Many times the food in the jars will escape from inside the jar for several reasons, quick pressure change, over filling them being two.  After your jars have set at room temperature for a minimum of twelve hours un-touched, check them to make sure the lids are properly sealed (again in the Ball canning book). Completely and gently wash the entire lid and jar in hot soapy water and rinse to prevent contamination of your sterilized food inside, you won't need to store the jars with the ring on but wash it too for reuse. Lightly dry you lids / jars with a towel, air dry and store.   The most important item is, is your food safe to eat the next time you grab a jar? Again Mr. Ball has the answer in THE BOOK. One thing I have found with any tomato based / high acidity product like pasta sauce, stewed tomato's, salsa, etc. is...  The lid starts to rust bad after a year or so, so be careful on that.   Many of my canned foods like ham & beans, stews, chili, etc. after 6 months of storage look like something flushed down the toilet bowl, but, but, but (pun intended). It's still delicious, safe and normally re-generates to its former appearance when heated on the stove.
  20. Might sound funny but... Every year I break it down, throw it in a hot soapy bucket with Dawn, use tooth brush, rinse, blow with compressed air and sit outside in sun during summer or use heat gun to get all moisture out. Lube & reassemble. Rest of the year it's my cologne, Love Potion #9 :up:
  21.   Tell me about it! I have Republican poll workers, friends, these forums and the stupid ballot in front of me and everyone has a different view of what it means and what effect it will have.   These are important amendments we're voting on and probably 90% of the voters (myself included) don't know which way to vote on them?  It's got to be by design!   Not much would be more infuriating than taking the time to vote and find out later you voted for what you're against.   If you have any extra, pass the bottle this way :surrender:
  22.   I have the official ballet in hand that will appear when you vote. You almost need to be a legal eagle to figure it out so I sat down and wrote down the response from a Republican poll person.   Constitutional Amendment #2 Currently the Governor appoints the supreme court and appellate court judges. This would require the legislature to confirm the appointments and then the judges would be elected in a "retention" election by the voters.   So IMHO a "YES" vote is a good thing.
  23. Was going to sign but get an error from the link.
  24. Thanks for the insight guys!   I wasn't aware of the ammo sensitivity issues as my G19 is my IDPA and carry weapon and I use Golden Sabers SD ammo. Naturally I don't want to have to remember to swap out barrels between IDPA and CCW so I'll pass on that upgrade and put a Tungsten guide rod on the G26 instead. The G26 is just for walking 200 yards down to the mail box, quick runs to town and the annual IDPA BUG match.   It maybe psychosomatic but... That extra weight in front and below the barrel seems to me to drastically reduce muzzle flip. As a side advantage, if you ever get into a self defense situation where you need to send 1,000 rounds down range rapidly, you need not worry about melting the factory plastic guide rod :up:


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