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Everything posted by Dennis1209
I'm a member of numerous forums, shooting organizations and gun clubs. They're thousands of us who share my opinion on patronage of establishments who prohibit the legal HCP in their place of business. So, I took the liberty of emailing Waffle House and speaking on behalf of those of us who will not visit Waffle House due to their gun-buster signs denying us and our families the right of self defense. It's important to let these establishments here from us, as the ante's are giving them an ear full. I hope you'll also spend a few minutes and let these business's know they're losing mega bucks posting those gun-buster signs, keeping law abiding citizens from spending their money there. The following is what I emailed to the corporate Waffle House. I doubt I'll receive a reply but, at least they heard from yet another second amendment supporter. You've had a rash of WH shootings and robberies here in TN lately. Perhaps your robbers don't see the gun-buster signage posted at all your facilities. They're literally thousands of us former Waffle House patrons that will not spend our money there due to your unreasonable stance on personal self defense. Should you not believe they're literally thousands of patrons not visiting Waffle House because of your liberal stance on 2nd Amendment liberties, please let me know and I will gladly send you numerous forum links discussing our patronage. Myself and thousands of others look forward to dining again at your establishment should corporate decide to do the right thing and allow legal HCP holders to legally have the right to defend themselves and families from the vicious criminals targeting your establishments. Sincerely,
I bought a Liberty Fat Boy from the Safe House last year and had it delivered. No complaints, very satisfied!
Everything I wanted to know! Thank you very much!
Let's put it this way! I enjoyed the taste of milk delivered to our door in glass bottles. I liked it when the USPS delivered mail twice daily. My mom hated it when I played in the coal bin. Buying my school lunch token at school, sitting at my desk with an ink well, was 20 cents, a milk token was 2 cents. Many woman wore their hair in bee hives. So... Does that give you a clue
Jury finds Va. Tech negligent in '07 shootings
Dennis1209 replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Just another example that you're responsible to save your own life, be it in church or away at school. In addition, a college and/or university does not produce anything to generate income to pay settlements. When you punish a business, police department, college, university, etc, with punitive financial suits, the money is paid by higher insurance premiums, higher tuition and more extended hands out to Uncle Sugar for more. Rightly or wrongly, the tax payer (you and I) ultimately pays the price. We need to hold the powers that be personally responsible for negligence and not the collective. Anyone disagree? -
At 60 years old, I went out yesterday for the first time ever morel hunting in the woods, and could use a little advice from the experienced. They should be popping up now I believe. I know what they look like as I've had some given to me years ago, yum yum! I'm thinking I may not be making them out with the camouflaged leaf litter in the woods? Anyway, I hear they will grow along creeks and hill sides. Do you suppose you might find more (or any) mushrooms on the South or North side of a hill? My logic would presuppose they might not like the sunny South side of a hill due to the extra sun drying them out? Any suggestions guys and gals? Thanks.
Firearm Discharged @ Murfreesboro Publix
Dennis1209 replied to D3vo's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Yep! Another case for, "condition ONE and only"... -
Shooting a VICKERS count stage a the monthly IDPA match I had a little problem and decision to make. Never ran across this type of scenario before. First, I'm shooting my Kimber Ultra CDP II, 7 round magazine and one in the pipe, 8 rounds total.CDP class. The course: There are three Pit Bulls to shoot first to the right, tactical sequence, two shots each (6 shots). Then moving to cover, the next shots are two through the IDPA standard target hitting the steel behind it, triggering the pop-up to try and get two into it. Then behind cover, shooting three more targets, with two each to the left. You're allowed only one tactical / emergency reload. To properly shoot the course without penality, you need 16 shots. According to the rules and only one reload, I have only 15 shots, and got pentalized for an additional miss. I'm thinking moral to the story is to shoot ESP with my Glock and 10 round mags? Ever run across this type of scenario? Not knocking IDPA but does not seem well thought out for 7 round mag. CDP class? Or, am I missing somethings????
Say All... I'm considering installing an eight foot chain link fence, with the three rows of barbed wire on the top around the perimeter of my home. You and I have seen this type of installation hundreds of times I'm sure. So, before I begin, I have some questions. I'm left-handed so please excuse me if I'm thinking in my "right" mind... It seems to me the idea of installing a chain link fence with barbed wire, is to keep people "out", not in? Each and every installation of barbed wire on top of a fence I've seen, has the barbed wire installation slanting at 45 degrees "inward" to the property. Correct me if I'm wrong but, is that not much easier to climb and get over into the property rather than have it reversed and have the 45 degree barbed wire angled away from the protected property? Surely there is some logic I just don't understand? Before you reply, think of how much more difficult it would be to get on your property if the barbed wire on top of the 8 foot chain link fence was installed outward. What ya think?
Ever Get That "Uneasy Feeling"?
Dennis1209 replied to Dennis1209's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
No, not really. He was in a public place where it's legal to be. What justification would I have to report him? I was very uneasy and in my mind very suspicious and had me on guard. Had he been on or near my property, that's a different story. He was just "watching" us at the ATM. Don't know his intent but just watching is no crime. -
Recently moved here a few years ago from up North. I'm at the same longitude as you in Clarksville. Never been morrel hunting here in North Tn. but. My neighbors are telling me if prime conditions exist, mid March until mid April? I'm looking forward to trying to find some. They are so flavorful no matter how you make them. How about I buy all you find for say, $2.00 per pound Good luck!
While sitting here listening to the police scanner and reading / writing on my favorite gun site, a thought occured to me. I'm too busy to listen to the police scanner a whole lot, but when I do, Wal-Mart constantly is the subject of police calls in my little town. Reading many other posts and the news papers, Wal-Mart seems to be a magnet for crime. Shop lifting, fugitives, hit and run, assults, murder, car jacking, rape, pan handlers, robbery, etc. It's all there at Wal-Mart. They have cameras galore inside and out that record everything and normally a mass of people around the facility. So my question would be: What makes a Wal-Mart parking lot so attractive to criminals and being filmed in the process? Do you suppose it is because that's where people with money gather, no outside security, bad video film and low lighting, or a combo of everything? I know Wal-Mart is the largest retail store in America but, percentage wise, I know of no where else crime is as rampet as the parking lot of Wal-Marts. Around here it's getting to the point of being in situational awareness of orange just to go shopping there. What say you?
I was wondering what all the hype was about the VZ grips, as they seem to be very popular, so... I bought a set of G10, ETC black cherry to try out. IMO, they don't look as "pretty" as the other one's but. I'm here to tell you, when I wrap my hand around them, there not going anywhere. I'm a thinken these might even improve my IDPA scores? Other than looks, the only draw back might be the raspy handle rubbing against my little love handle? But time will tell. BTW, VZ Grip service is outstanding, ordered and shipped the same day, wow! BEFORE AFTER
Same here.
Ever Get That "Uneasy Feeling"?
Dennis1209 replied to Dennis1209's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
Yes it is. They have that ugly red circle with a slash at every door. -
Had to run a few errands yesterday, the first being stop by the bank ATM to get a couple hundred in cash, then to the court house and get my license plate stickers, etc. etc. Knowing I was going to the court house, I removed my 1911 from my holster and placed it in the console as I was leaving home and I would reholster after I departed the court house. Anyway, as I pulled up to the Regions bank ATM there was one vehicle in front of me taking their good ole time, then another vehicle pulled up behind me. On a side note, this bank has been robbed twice in the last couple of years. Sitting there I started to think about another ATM robbery at a different bank on the other side of town a couple months ago. I also was thinking ATM'S are prime spots to get robbed then... I noticed someone walking up from behind me and the vehicle behind me, didn't see where he originated from. This guy was shabby looking, unshaven and wearing a hoody sweat shirt with the hood up (it was 65 degrees). It was a beautiful sunny morning, the kind of morning where you let your guard down some and enjoy the weather. It's about 9 A.M., the bank's open, people everywhere are going about their business, all is normal. The ATM drive through is located on the very outside lane of the drive through. This guy walks over to a concrete island about 7 yards from the ATM machine and directly across from it. He's just standing there intently watching the person in front of me with both his hands in his sweat shirt pockets. I'm getting an uneasy feeling in my gut. Finally, the vehicle in front of me pulls out and I'm thinking about driving around and coming back later, as this guy doesn't look right. I'm in a little hurry as I have allot to do today so I open up the top of my console hoping I'm just a little paranoid and drive into the tight ATM lane. I'm eye balling this dude now and then, as I insert my card and punch all the buttons. It's hard to conduct a transaction and watch someone 180 degrees away in a car. He's there eye balling me with interest, just standing there still with his hands in his pockets and head slightly bowed down. I get my cash and leave. Nothing happened and I bought the local paper to see if anything did after I left. Just one of those feelings and things that doesn't happen much to me that invoked a little more situational awareness. Just thought I would share an experience.
Judge who brandished gun in court to leave bench
Dennis1209 replied to MikePapa1's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I guess the moral of the story is: If you want early retirement, pull your gun out in court. You and I would get three hots and a cot unless you're in Maracopa Co., Arizona Unbelievable... -
Hey all... It's my opinion the government, politicians, big business, banks and the Federal Reserve have been driving this country into the ground for some time now. It's a no brainer the U.S. can not sustain this madness of continual reckless spending, massive foriegn debt and squandering our nations resources. We have reached the point where we can barely afford to pay the interest on our debt. I wish some 12 year old would do a school project, and sit down and count to a "trillion" as fast as they can, and see how long it takes. When he or she is eligable for retirement, I'll bet they didn't make it past a couple of billion? This nation is now insolvent and the "good faith and credit clause" is a former bad joke. Hyper inflation or a full scale economic collapse is inevitable at some near point. Our representitives have taxed and spent with reckless disregard. When, not IF it occurs, my question is: Who do we hold accountable and what punishments should be mete out?
Same here!
Doomsday preppers false sense of security
Dennis1209 replied to Glenn's topic in Survival and Preparedness
Ever wonder how many idiots NatGeo goes through before they select the "preppers" they want to air? One guy has a good portion of his guns / ammo / and food in his unsecured garage displayed on the wall? One idiot blew his thumb off and blamed it on his weapon! I could go on and on... I'll admit it's entertaining and I watch all of the "prepper" shows on TV but, what are these people thinking? Some people call it "operational security (OPSEC), I call it common sense and keep to myself and NOT share what my preparations are or are not. Also, some of those episodes are critiqued by so called "experts". I wish they would reveal who those so called experts are? It's my opinion NatGeo is making fun of the doom & gloomer preppers for entertainment purposes only. What say ya'll?? -
Got it, thanks.
The wife tells me I can't color coordinate a darn thing, and she's correct! I bought a set of cocobolo grips for my Kimber Ultra CDP II that doesn't seem to go well with it, IMO. I'm going to purchase a set of VZ grips for it because I want better durability for the weather I shoot in. My question is: What color VZ grip do you think would look best on it? Thanks ya'll. http://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb440/Dennis12091/UltraCarryII.jpg[/img]"]http://
Doomsday Prepper has his guns confiscated by the state of TN...
Dennis1209 replied to Zulu Cowboy's topic in General Chat
Hello! I'm here from the government, I'm here to help you! -
Well, guess who is paying the astronomical medical bills to save this scum bags life and limb? It be YOU... fellow comrads, through your taxes. Makes you feel warm and fuzzy all over does it?
It's never going to happen but, what I would like to see on at least the primary ballot is, "NONE OF THE ABOVE"! If 20% or more of the primary voters vote none of the above, do it all over again until an acceptable canidate is chosen by their party. Like it's been previously stated, I hate to waste my vote knowing either a Republican or Democrap will become president. With all the other parties, i.e., green, conservitive, constitution, libertarian, etc. I'm of the opinion these parties generally diminish the votes the Republicians would otherwise receive.