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Everything posted by Dennis1209

  1. I would like to throw a little plug in for Tactical Response myself. I've heard some negative comments about them in the past and won't comment on them. But today I was at the Tactical Response Store for the first time ever. I can't find anyone to purchase and/or install a set of XS Big Dot Sights on one of my Kimbers locally. If I like them, I'll get them on my other Kimber and Glock. So I took a 30 minute drive to Camden to see if they had a set of sights for it and if they would install them. I've read horror stories about having to get the factory sights off Kimbers with rail road spikes and sledge hammers. Got there at exactly 9:58 A.M., walked through the door and immediately noticed a group of people in the back of the store. Two employees immediately greeted me as I was walking in and asked, "are you here for the training class"? No, and I explained why I was there. We went over to the XS sight section and they were out of pistol sights, they only had shotgun / rifle sights. They were so polite and helpful. Anyway, I asked if I bought the XS sights elsewhere and brought them in, would they install them. They said sure, we have several people that would be happy to install them and it won't cost you much, we appreciate your business. WOW, I was floored! They went on to say they were just starting a four hour pistol class at 10:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M. and it's free and I was welcome to attend. Double WOW! Unfortunately I was pressed for time and didn't attend. I'll tell ya this, they made one new repeat customer. Going to take their fighting pistol as soon as I can scrape enough money together the wife doesn't know about. About like the brand new Kimber CDP II .45 I got caught coming through the door with for $200.00. And still got chewed out for spending too much money
  2. Question: It sounds like you're in law enforcement? When someone gets pulled over by LE in Tennessee (city, county, state) is it standard practice for the dispatcher to tell the officer the subject vehicle registered vehicle owner has a HCP? I listen to my police scanner on occasion here in Henry County to see what's happening around here, and seldom do I hear the dispatcher tell the officer HCP status? Thanks.
  3. Say All, Wanted to get your opinions on one aspect of our times I find curious. I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist or tin hatter but, I find no logic with what many countries are doing, including our own. I'm referring to the massive seed banks being created by governments and organizations. Does the government and/or the elites / scientists know or suspect something we don't know? Living in the country I talk to farmers from time to time and discuss their crops, drought, deer damage, etc. Everyone I've talked to has said they purchase genetically modified seed (GM). It's my understanding the majority of the produce you purchase at the grocery store is GM. It's also my understanding GM food seed is generally sterile and unfit to use as seed plant. Not to mention against the law to have without a license. Furthermore, I'm hearing rumblings that insects are becoming resistant to GM crops, and suppose the genetic make up of these seeds change and / or start killing all the pollinators? You can still purchase Heirloom seed through the Internet but, it seems the majority of the crops we purchase have been GM. Remember the pestilence that occurred out West in the early 19th century, when the Mormons were migrating to Utah? Just as in Africa, there's not much that can be done with another out break of locusts in the U.S. It's almost impossible to contain wild fires under certain conditions and a pestilence of locusts would be harder, even with all our advanced technology. You are given an official reason for these actions. But when you have the cooperation and concurrence of many nations working on this, it makes you wonder if there's another major concern. Thoughts guys?
  4. Speaking of myself, old habits die hard. I have to constantly remind myself to get into condition yellow when out in public and/or driving. It's in my DNA to go merrily through life and not pay much attention as I should. On numerous occasions I've been out with the wife and she says, "did you see that"? Dah... No, what was it? I think being in condition "yellow" in public takes allot of training mentally and it's not human nature, for me anyway.
  5. I don't think TNWNGR adequately expressed it! No, no, no, no, no, no... Said another way: KNOW In Two Letters: NO In four Letters: NO NO. Buyers remorse just waiting to happen.
  6. Read this in the Paris paper just now, maybe a nightmare? I had a dream some time ago I got into a fight (I'm an old man), it woke me up fast when my fist hit the headboard post so hard it bruised and cut two of my knuckles My wife thought that was hilarious until I mentioned I still have one good hand left for a matching pair... I don't be needing to do below... • According to what a Henry County man told authorities, he accidentally shot himself in the hand Monday night at his home on Jones Bend Road northwest of Paris. The man told officers that he was in his bed sleeping when he was awakened by a loud noise and discovered that he had shot himself in the back of his right hand. The man said he must have reached over in his sleep and grabbed the gun, which he keeps on the night stand beside his bed.
  7. Got more deer around here than ticks. Driving the neighbors into bankruptcy eating all their soybeans morning, evening and night. Currently like said in previous post, they seem to be in the farmers corn and soybean crops. With the drought we had it's probably going to be a bad year for acorns so they'll be in the Farmer in the Dell's fields more often. BTW. We have some trophy bucks around here but, them are some wary antlered beasts and you very seldom see them. Saw a monster 14 pointer a couple years ago sneaking across low crawling my country road covered in a Gilly suit
  8. What gets me is how divided our nation is on the second amendment and our own personal protection, among other hot issues. It amazes me how people can think so differently. Perhaps I've lost the ability to logically reason? Maybe because I'm left handed and think in my right mind? Or maybe it's my poor math skills in deductive reasoning? Go figure?
  9. Same thing here, only it's 12:25 A.M. Evidently we're not sleepy yet I've had ADT for almost two years now. After the initial installation, their service sucks. I'd like to get another monitoring service but evidently, they're the only one on the block. I believe their hardware and system are proprietary and no other company can tap into it to monitor?
  10. CT laser sights are dead on and work great for me. The existing factory iron sights are excellent for target shooting IMO.
  11. When you're in a hurry and only be haven a forf grade edducation, what's you spect?
  12. Well said and I totally agree. Unless America holds its nose and votes for Romney we're getting another four more years. As I've always maintained, it's a wasted vote voting for any other party other than the Republicans or Democraps. That's the parties money, the liberal media, Hollywood and big business invests in Though I fully understand the concept of not voting for "the lesser of two weevils", the fact remains your protest vote was wasted as far as election results. My reasoning for voting for the "lesser" is sound logic. Theoretically, the lesser will take us on the progressive path from point A to point B at a slower rate. And hopefully in four more years the American people will be tired of choosing between a crap sandwich and a crap sandwich with condiments. Either way, you're going to have bad breath and a choice between Scope or Listerine.
  13. Watching the Nashville news this morning and evidently a couple of guys walked into a Nashville theater open carrying. Scared people and the cops were called. From what they reported, they had handgun carry permits and the police told the OCers the theater was posted and to take their weapons to their vehicles. They did and the movie resumed. I'm not going to argue the merits of OC vs. CCW but, not to bright to OC in a movie theater right after the Aurora tragedy, and it was posted too boot.
  14. To me it's a simple concept on dealing with serial killers, pedophiles and people who commit heinous crimes. Regardless of mental illness, financial disadvantages, poverty stricken upbringing, abused growing up or not on the teat long enough. Determine and define what a human being is, and what separates us from the animal kingdom. Does a human posses empathy, compassion, the ability to reason, the desire and ability to treat others as they want to be treated, the concept of civility, the realization between good and evil, etc. What are the characteristics of an animal? Pack mentality, vicious, kill the whole flock of chickens in the coop, rabid, distemper, etc. If the said scumbag meets the criteria of an animal, game over, no 25 year wait on death row, no expensive life in prison with three hots and a cot and work on your case and publicly financed bachelors degree. You're dispatched and not necessarily humanely, cremated and used for some good, fertilizer. To me anyway, that's starting to get tough on heinous crime. Go ahead and pay me lip service on my "liberal" views on crime and punishment gentlemen.
  15. Same here. It's nice to be able to hear range commands during IDPA matches. I can only get about 12 hours of use out of each 9 volt battery though.
  16. It's been many years since I attended an indoor motion picture. I stopped going when they stopped the news reels and cartoons before the motion picture, but... At my local motion picture / general dry goods store, it was policy to check any bags and purses for any candy, snacks and popcorn brought into the premises. That was a big no, no and would get you kicked out faster than yelling "fire"! And no 25 cent refund on your admittance ticket. The ticket tearer it in half taker / security guy was usually about 5' - 1" tall wearing a "Call for Phillip Morris" starched uniform. That was the same dude that walked down the center isle with his whale oil lantern making sure there was no hankie panky going on, and you were eating the theaters melted chocolate candy and drinking their warm soda pop. Was a great place to go on a hot July / August afternoon, as they had a fan blowing across ice. The band providing the music in the subterranean alcove wasn't very good either. They never could get the lions roar in the opening segment of the movie to mimic the lion with a violin. Back in the day, a Winchester .30 - .30 repeater was the assault weapon of choice for a man, and a cast iron skillet for the other gender. Ah... The good ole days
  17. I've thought about that myself. Thinking back to my military days as a young adult, I certainly wouldn't do allot of things now and take as many chances as I did then. Call it life experience, maturity, wisdom, knowledge or age, I think back and wonder, "just what was I thinking"? There is wisdom with age and reminds me (a 19 Y.O. E-3) of my first 3 day pass to Saigon, me and my 35 year old E-7 platoon Sargent. Upon arrival to our destination in Saigon, our conversation went something like this: Me: Sargent, let's run in there and buy a Saigon tea for one of those ladies. Sargent: No little E-3 grasshopper, let us walk there and buy ALL the ladies a Saigon tea! Me: But Sargent, my pay scale is only E-3! Sargent: Well E-3 grasshopper, age and rank does have it's privileges.
  18. I wasn't aware Clarksville had a gang problem? Anyone know what gangs, Bloods, Crips, etc.?
  19. The proverbial nail on the head...
  20. Well since you brought it up, may I suggest the best use for Gar in a SHTF situation? Keep in mind this receipt is to keep from starving. This may sound outrageous but, you'll notice my palette preferences pertaining to the Gar fish. Take 2-5 pound Gar and get as many bones out as humanly possible. Place Gar between two 8" x 8" pieces of 3/4" plywood. Pack Gar and plywood with 3" of fresh cow manure (dry dung will do in a pinch). Throw on hot coals for 5 minutes each side. Remove from coals, let cool, relocate Gar to garden, eat plywood and dung. Even Fish & Game had to hold their nose putting the Alligator Gar on the endangered species list.
  21. When people discover they can vote themselves largess from the public treasury, guess what? There was a time in this former great nation when you had to own property to qualify to vote. Seems our founding fathers were thinking, "hey, been there, done that". There's a very large percentage of the population that are renters (not bashing renters), they do not have a horse in the race. Why should they qualify to vote for personal property, property tax increases for any reason? Example: I lived in a crappy little house on a very small lot in East Saint Louis, Illinois for thirty-eight years. It became crime infested and a good portion of it was Section 8 housing. When I walked away, no I ran like hell, from Illinois, my property tax bill was $4,000.00 per year on a $55,000.00 house. At the local Wal-Mart, Quick Trip, etc., seems like I was the only one in line not paying with foo sta or WIC. I'm way past the point of fed up. Problem is, I have to live with it and nothing I can individually do about it. I believe the powers that be coined a term specifically geared to forced welfare. Grin and Bear it...
  22. Too many bones for me. Want to hear a good one? For many years I had a bass boat and spent hundreds, thousands of hours bass and crappie fishing. Can't tell you how many hundreds of times I caught a crappie, bass, catfish, lipped them and put em in the live well. Got ingrained about like muscle memory with a pistol you know? Bet you know where I'm going with this! Yep, one day I caught about a 8 pound gar on a minnow, nice fight while it lasted. Without even thinking, muscle memory kicked in, thumb and index finger slips into the critters mouth and... Let's just say my muscle memory was re-taught
  23. Color me dumbfounded and academia challenged. Has this generation lost its ability to logically reason? I’ve heard examples of mass hysteria, but mass stupidity? Other than the witch trials and superstitious nonsense of the early American colonies, I can think of no other generation in American history where mass’s of people think bass akwards. Of course I’m speaking of the tragedy in Aurora, Colorado. Got up this morning and flipped on the TV to get the local weather and a little news. Went to the Nashville Fox 17 news channel; perhaps someone else on TGO viewed it this morning. There were these talking bobbing heads discussing the Aurora massacre. Among other nonsense, they were stating point blank, Americans need to give up some of their freedoms to prevent more of these same tragedies. Then they went rambling on to say, “that if assault weapons were banned, tragedies like this would be averted. All of law enforcement fear these weapons and want them off the streets. The NRA has the Republicans in their pocket and Democrats fear them, blah, blah, blah.†They even mentioned the theater had no guns allowed signage, go figure? The talking heads more or less implied, assault weapons kill too many people, people don’t. I don’t identify myself as a Republican, Democrat, conservative or liberal. I consider that label a political philosophy and a way of thinking what a group wants you to think and support. That’s why I dropped my Whig Party membership back in the day. As tragic as this event is, the fact remains that more people die everyday from automobile accidents, drug overdoses, suicides, etc. Will more laws, restrictions and less freedoms help? Or would that just be feel good measures? People are going to be people, everyone has their own vices and evil has been around as long as there have been humans. When will our society realize you can’t legislate morality? I’ve even heard what separates us from the animal kingdom is the ability to reason. It defies reasoning to blame an inanimate object for human actions. This same “reasoning†of higher intelligence says the death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment, Planned Parenthood is a legal right, and I need to work to support those to lazy to do so. Dr. Dennis1209 proposes this way of thinking is a mental illness and we’re all doomed. I can think of no other generation in American history where a large segment of U.S. citizens call good bad, and bad good. What really stood out and scares the heck out of me, when the media and self proclaimed experts with agenda’s spout out that we need to give up some of our freedoms to prevent… Who was it that said something like: those that will give up freedoms for security…? As far as the Second Amendment, how can there be any debate or court decisions on what and whom the founding fathers meant on the right to keep and bear arms? I can’t even spell I.Q. but, the Articles, letters and intent are so clearly spelled out, that even I, an academia whipping boy can understand the exact meaning. Just wanted to rant a bit. Perhaps my brain wiring is under developed and I have it all bass akwards.
  24. Nice to have you on board!
  25. You wouldn't have to worry about the mirror. That's one of those things that goes with the house when you sell it to help pay for the judgment against you. I do agree with you but... It's a sad state of affairs and law when you have to do "the right thing" by the numbers.


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