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Everything posted by Dennis1209

  1. Based on the recommendation put forth for armed school security?   Personally, I believe there are better solutions but in conjunction with a more restrictive access to school buildings, it's a step in the right direction. How could Tennessee fund such a program for its schools without raising property taxes even more?   I'm not familiar with the Tennessee public school systems but was involved with the school system from which I hail, Cahokia, IL. For several years the Cahokia School District was second from the bottom state wide and had one of the highest school property taxes. It's not much better now. They even had a student murdered on their property and their solution was the standard feel good rhetoric and non effective eye wash.   When I went to public grade school back in the day, you had a principal, vice principal, one janitor, a dietitian, a few cafeteria workers and the rest teachers. The teachers doubled up on P.E. and other extra curricular activities and were compensated accordingly. It worked well, as somehow me got my sixed grade deploma  :rock:   I don't know if the Tennessee school system has the pork and waste the Illinois school system has but... They had THREE vice principals that did not teach but only did meaningless administrative duties, each taking down a little over $100,000.00 per year! I won't go into all the other unnecessary wasteful positions created by the teachers union, etc, however, and there's always a however...   Take a position or two that is a waste and hire a couple of off duty local police officers that want second jobs to supplement their incomes for school security. There might even be a reduction in wasted taxes and would provide on the spot immediate security for our precious children.   There's always room for improvement and making the most of the tax dollars the public school system receives.   Just the musings of the chemical imbalances occurring in this old mans brain.
  2. I was thinking the same thing cause I shoot IDPA, 600 yard precision, trap, etc., and went and manually counted my ammunition. Went to Walmart a few days ago and no .45, .223 or 9mm to be had.   I don't shoot the .223 much so I still have 950 rounds left. Shoot usually my Glock 26 for IDPA and sometimes my .45 and getting low. Only have 400 rounds of 9mm left and 600 rounds of .45. With practicing prior to an IDPA match and the match itself, that's at least 200 rounds if you're conservative.   It won't take long to deplete my meager reserves! Then my IDPA classification is down graded to, "thrower, hand, rock, novice division"  :stunned:
  3. Sounds like your not only educated in law but history also :usa:  Bet you know a little about Woodrow Wilson, the league of nations, and Christmas Eve Congressional legislation passage too!
  4. Now the question becomes?   Not being a re-loader and being semi stocked up on the ammo I shoot most frequently at matches and practice / fun... Do I deplete my stock continuing shooting and hope things return to normal in a couple of months or, suspend my activities so I still have a modest stash if things continue to go further South?   Decisions, decisions?
  5. Any y'all own a Stag AR-15 .556?   I'm thinking hard about trading in my Rock River .223 AR-15 for a Stag model 3L (left handed) and I'd like your opinion before I pull a donkey kong.   My Rock River .223 shoots just fine and the only two reasons I'm thinking about switching is...   I can shoot both .223 & .556 with the Stag. But the major reason is I'm left handed and it's much more convenient to have the selector switch on the other side and not worrying about having hot brass going down my shirt. Stag seems to be one of the few or only AR makers to offer a left-handed version to people that think in their "right" minds?   As far as quality, I'm under the impression most AR manufacturers, Colt, S&W, RR, Stag, etc. are comparable in quality and dependability since they are built to the same standards?   Thank guys.
  6. This is MY personal opinion and your mileage may very but, I'll tell you my honest opinion.   I own several high price range 1911's and revolvers. I love them and nothing is better than the feel of a 1911 .45 in your hand. I have been shooting since the late 1950's. I have a bunch of handguns and long rifles. I also own a Glock.   For longevity, ease of maintenance, total dis-assembly, dependability, and no rusting, you can't beat a GLOCK, closely followed by a S&W M&P which I'm familiar with but do not own.   I would like to stand side by side with my son and his M&P 9 and my Glock in the back yard and fire at targets and see who's gun would fail first, but... That would be to expensive in ammunition I can't afford.   I'm not trying to sell you on anything and I'll be getting smoked on here but... IMHO, a Glock or M&P is a much more dependable weapon than my higher end 1911's at a much lower cost.   I'm not talking so much about dependability shooting 50-75 rounds with a 1911, as shooting 300-500 rounds of ammo and expecting flawless performance. A 1911 gets too dirty and it will fail. Kind of like a AK-47 to a M-16 comparison with dirt, use and abuse...   Let the pistol wars begin!
  7. Hi Robert!   You have a good point and would like to expand on it a bit!   My understanding of free speech is, you can say any damn thing you like, but you're responsible and own what you say, and if you lied, hurt, libeled, created a panic or slandered an individual, that's what the courts and law enforcement are for.   Everyone knows you don't yell "fire" in a movie theatre and you don't bear false witness against a person.   And I totally agree, expression of free speech is limited to public places, the media and public venues. If I disagree with your views, your ideas are not welcome in my house or my property, private property. Homes, mall's, business's and places of employment are private property and they have the right to remove you or change your perceived conduct as they wish, if you want to stay there.   But I'm preaching to the choir. Just wanted to expand on it.
  8. I'll propose this for your consideration, not that I'm for it, but wait and see...   SIN TAX!  Yes, that's right. it's called a "sin tax"! Killing people whether intentional or not is considered a sin by many present and past.   Sin taxes have always been popular to assuage and stroke the masses to create additional revenue for the treasury. They gain popular support for things that kill people and are a drain on society, the politicians are going to jump all over it and have a hay day.   Least you think I've experienced the worlds biggest brain fart, consider.   Alcohol - an evil of society that kills and is taxed more than 50%   Tobacco - an evil of society that kills and is taxed more than 50%.   Gasoline - the bullet of cars, an evil of society that kills via automobile and is taxed just under 50%.   Ammunition - the scourge of society that fuels those evil black AR'S and other "automatic" style weapons that require a trigger pull for each shot.   Based on past history and logic, I believe state, federal, local government(s) will tax the hell out of ammunition / guns and as a feel gooder measure, say they will go towards the prevention of future atrocities. But in fact, will go into the general fund to finance the welfare and projects of the politicians choice.   Want a few dozen examples guys?
  9. Ok, thank you CCI.   Either the media spun it or I misunderstood the report. I never rely on the media for accuracy so I wanted to ask here as you guys are always on top.   Excellent NRA response!
  10. As a left-hand shooter, please correct me if I'm wrong.   I frequently shoot trap and my Browning Citori 12 gage just doesn't feel right, and my scores are reflecting that. The problem is, my shotgun doesn't fit me...   So, how do I get it to fit me? The stock and butt plate is 1.25" to long for me. The left hand grip to mouth is about 3.5", too long. No problem, I'll get 1/4" cut off the butt stock I think. Then I get to looking at the stock curvature, it's slightly curved to the "left" for a right hand shooter.   Well color me stupid! I go and check all my other long guns and sure enough, there's a slight curvature in the stock to the left and made for right handers.   What really gets my goat is, I do allot of research and read everything on a gun before I purchase it. A left or right handed gun is designated only by the action, so it seems? I've never read any description that the curvature of the stock was for "right hand" use? Have you?   So, how does a person who has numerous long guns that are curved for a right hander correct it and get them fitted? Contact a few gunsmiths of course.   Well, evidently that's not the solution as it requires heat and treatment to wood and no one had any solutions?   So, the question is... How would I get the gun to fit me and how can I get a new gun stock set up for my left hand-ness?   Thanks All...
  11. Watching Nashville Fox 17 news this morning and a chill ran down my spine. I'm hoping I heard it wrong or misinterpreted it!   The way I understood the news report as quoted by the news anchors (paraphrased), "the NRA is extremely saddened and will work to prevent a future occurrence"!   Admittedly, I haven't read the official NRA response yet but, the liberal news report made it seem like the NRA is going to compromise big time?   Facts / Thoughts?        
  12. Just a few words come to mind.   Empathy, common sense, disrespect, uncaring, provocative, self centered and evil.   While I'm not for the government regulating our first amendment rights, I'd be first in line to show that dude what a pumpkin head is and share a cell.
  13. No. No. No!  Everyone knows... When you're serious, nothing but 16" will do with an AR-15 attached  :usa:
  14. Here's my take...   I'm all for teachers and administrators to be allowed to carry a weapon at school, I'm more for every HCP holder to be allowed.   Let's look at this from another angle also. Today in many, many schools, we are asking and requiring the teacher to teach each kid to government standards and curriculum those who don't want to be there, are disruptive, bullies, want-to-be gang bangers and detract from a learning environment. In many schools the teachers have become day time parents, baby sitters and instruments for child indoctrination of what liberal National Education Association criteria demands.   I don't agree they should also perform security duty unless they desire to do so, trained and compensated for the additional responsibility.   That would open up a whole other can of worms if an educator had to use a handgun during a shooting spree and things went South, law suits galore.
  15. I, like many of you here don't agree with any compromise what-so-ever when it comes down to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights! However, in the real world it's never all or nothing. When you talk our form of law, politics, compromise, emotion, knee jerk reaction, the left and the right come into play. There's never any absolutes in our Constitutional Republic anymore.   I also believe GOA is a much better organization to protect our 2nd Amendment rights, however... The NRA is mammoth in members and funds compared to GOA. The NRA is a for profit money making business and squanders millions in donated funds that don't benefit our rights. An organization that has tens of millions of dollars spent on a museum and envious gun collection it's members may not share in to name a couple.   All in all, in the end it behoves us all to be NRA members, as they have influence in numbers / campaign dollars and press with many politicians. Although not perfect as stated numerous times above, we have all benefited from their actions and work.   Just my take folks?
  16. I'll echo what Caster stated above.   In Vietnam and my military career the M-16 impressed me as an effective tool to get a job done. The civilian AR-15 platform is a great customizable improvement suitable for everything from hunting, self defense and long range target shooting.   With the advent of carbon fibers, plastics and space age materials to make the weight manageable, even us old farts can lug it around the woods all day with out fatigue. Another advantage for us elderly is a powerful round going down range with minimal perceived recoil and bruise-less shoulders.
  17. I went to Walmart in Paris this morning to purchase some ammo. I shoot a few rounds of trap every week and was running low on shells. This was after I read a few threads on ammo / gun shortages so I paid particular attention to inventory, etc.   No joke, just as I entered through the sliding doors I heard the intercom announcing for sporting goods to pick up line such and such. I heard that announcement three times making my way directly to the sporting goods section. On arrival to the counter there was only one gal behind the counter fielding call after call saying things like, no we don't put guns on hold etc. We won't get another shipment until...   I was surprised I was the only one in person at the counter and she was on the phone the whole time there. They only had 4 of the 12 ga. #7-1/2 value pack shot shells left, now they have zero. They had a quantity of individual boxes of shells though. I wanted to ask the gal a few questions but her attention and mind was on the phone.   They didn't have any Colt or S&W AR-15's in the display case as they usually do, and the gun display case was about 1/3 empty. Where they store the .45 auto and 9 mm on the right bottom shelf in the display case appeared to be gone and I didn't see any value packs of anything for a handgun. The case had about 1/2 the ammo it usually has. Also bought the last 5 pack of 12 ga. 00 buck shot they had since I was there anyway.   Let the good times begin  :rant:
  18. Look what is being taught in 99% of public schools on "conflict resolution"!   Your on the play ground getting beat up by the school bully, and if you defend yourself at all you're as guilty as the bully and get suspended / expelled. You're suppose to run away and cry to a teacher or administrator.   That's how all these alternative schools come about, no monster left behind.
  19. According to Nashville Fox 17 news this morning Walmart is too.   I just don't understand this electrical / chemical process of critical thinking anymore?   To volunteer to discontinue selling guns / rifles at a sporting goods store / department has to be bad for business.   As the adage goes, "guns don't kill people..."   If all mentally stable law abiding citizens are restricted / disarmed, that will make a safer society? I must have an electrical and chemical imbalance in my brain matter to believe that.   Sadly, the difference between liberal and conservative thinking is about evenly split between the public and state & national politicians. Pulling at the heart strings and reacting with emotion will sway many of the middle of the roaders over to stricter gun control laws.   Look for big changes in the near future.
  20. That's the way I'm taking it too. At least it doesn't appear your school is reacting on feelings and emotion but thought it through.
  21. Who here has the ability to reason, or what is reasoning may I ask?   When did or do we have the ability to reason logically? How bouts, Democraps vs. Republicans or Independents and their laws and reasoning?   Where does the ability to reason come from? Is it taught, parents, inbred in our so called evolving DNA, a religion, a gut feeling or what the mass / government decides it is?   Exactly what would YOU call logical reasoning and forming an opinion, and based on what or who?   What is the difference, if any, between knowledge and wisdom?   What has been learned through out all of human history doing the same thing, over and over, and over again? (Paraphrase Albert Einstein).   Who is to say what is right and wrong, moral or immoral, evil or good, lawful or unlawful?   See where I'm going with this?   Don't be shy, sock it to me...
  22. I preface this by saying this is a horrible, horrible tragedy, and it saddens my heart children were massacred.   Currently watching the news I finally got the reaction I was expecting from the liberal media. Obummers address didn't specifically address a feel good reaction but, the liberal press is all over it like flies on feces. Expect substantial gun control legislation introduced to address this massacre of innocents.    Let's look at this from a logical perspective using knowledge and wisdom, and not a knee jerk reaction such as the Patriot Act. What separates us from the animal kingdom is the ability to thing and reason, and not react unreasonably, I think?   Most of the U.S population is on some type of drug sooner than later, be it illegal, legal as in prescribed medication for an assortment of ills, or just plain aspirin. Can't get it up, take a pill... Have an ache or pain, take another pill.. Having a problem with this or that, take more pills prescribed by the doctor or not, addressing the symptoms and blocking the pain. (Not saying that's bad).   My point being, doctors prescribe medicine (drugs) to mask the symptoms and not address the root cause. Until constructive surgery and / or physical and / or mental repair, it's drugs, drugs, drugs. Masking the root problem and not addressing the cause.   The "root" cause of the horrific acts is not what weapon he / she chose to commit the atrocities but, the individual him or her self. The media is "screaming" what can be done to prevent future acts such like this one and the previous massacres. Gun control of course!   I propose it's a product of liberalism, government and a secular society these days, not the weapon used to inflict such carnage. Our children are exposed to violence in the form of video games, TV, music, the Internet, gang-bangers, violence, smut, one parent families, welfare, sharia law, etc. and society as never before. Whom would disagree with that?   I'm preaching to the choir to many of you folks but, when our people elect government officials, by the will of the people, legislate evil as good and good as evil (I'll not mention them), we're in dire straights guys.   This question begs to be asked of y'all at the risk of seeming insensitive but...   Had that been your child needlessly slaughtered by a 24 year old madman, would you blame the weapon he / she used, or the individual?   My basic point is, it's not what was used to commit a heinous crime but, the persons heart and exposure to all the violence our government has legislated as acceptable from liberals hell bend on destroying this nation and what we formally stood for.   Just my opinion on what I've seen in the last six decades guys. Correct me if you see we're evolving into Nirvana?
  23. Want to hear a mad unregulated radio frequency good buddy, breaker one-nine South bound and down :up:
  24. Wait, there's more.   We work collectively to prevent terrorism, secure borders, enforce and administer immigration laws, safeguard cyberspace and ensure resilience to disasters.    Please "press uno porfavor", if you believe in propaganda Ms. Katrina, Ms. Sandy and Mr. Border Patrol Officer?   Why I feel so secure I just may stop upgrading my anti-virus software and stop my Rosetta Stone Spanish lessons to use the ATM's and telephone!   They have to be talking about clothing or picture borders amigos. Hasta la vista hombres.
  25. Hey, I feel ya...   Look at it this way... The country is making progress (save the Peoples Republic of Illinois from which I hail). It's states rights and the will of the people at the ballot box.   If I were King of Tennessee, you'd be one pistol packin dude my man!


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