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Everything posted by Dennis1209

  1.   Amen!   A democracy is mob rule that feels good for the moment and never lasts, as 6.8 AR has eluded too and acknowledged by our founders.   A Constitutional Republic has been and is the best form of a civilized society and government ever established by human kind, IMHO.   Those politicians that continue to espouse "democracy" have an agenda to change U.S. from Constitutional law to dictatorship and national subjects to the Crown.
  2.   I suppose a true hypocrite would surround himself with children when making statements like that?
  3. That's an excellent invite, however...   I couldn't make the cut if I wanted to. At my old age this opinionated old fart can't and won't change his stripes.   I will say, I wish we had a representative in the Tennessee legislature like TGO David. A no compromise straight shooting orator to represent our values and Constitutional rights.   Humm... TGO David for Tennessee Senator maybe?
  4.   Hey Mike!   Mean no offense by expressing my opinion, as I enjoy yours, but...   I do paint all liberals with the same brush. Based on the modern interpretation of what a liberal vs. conservative represents in this day and age, and applying that to Constitutional law, the Federalist Papers, The Declaration of Independence, our founding fathers letters, my beliefs, etc. We are worlds apart in our philosophy as a society, individual and nation.   Are liberals bad people? Absolutely not, we just have totally different view points on our freedoms, the governments authority and responsibilities, moral philosophies and though process.   There's only three stances a person can take on this. The left, the right or a middle of the roader. I don't take the middle of the road because of the yellow stripes.
  5.   I agree with you, however...   If there's one common denomanator with our societies ill's, what would you suspect it is?   I propose it's the Federal Government itself! I invite you to name just ONE thing the Fed's stuck their nose into that didn't result in failure and being worse off than had they stayed out. Welfare entitlements (I'm retired and it's a benefit) and kicking the man out the door and the "yous owes me" mentality, social security, gross wasteful spending, VA Health Care system, Section 8, NAFTA, GATT, WTO, etc. etc.   The ills of our society will cost lots of money. Would anyone actually want the government to efficiently run another failed program? And, who's going to pay for more treatment and help the increasing mentally disturbed individuals? The governments only source of money is to tax, borrow and print our fiat currency and looky where we're at?   The solution is to first get the government out of our daily lives and return to Constitutional law and the powers granted the Federal Government and a return to states rights, then it trickles down to the county and local communities.
  6.   Through the course of human history, each and every time, that's an indisputable fact! And that begs the ultimate question...   Of such major importance, why isn't that being taught in public schools and common public knowledge?   Off the top of my head I could quote dozens or examples, with a few of my books, hundreds. It's as repeatable as the sun rising in the East daily.
  7. It all boils down to this:   (1) You can not legislate an inanimate object to do anything. No one to my knowledge has ever been harmed by a gun, hammer, knife or ax laying harmlessly on the table without human intervention.   (2) When was the last time in human history a government legislated morality successfully?
  8. Personally, I'd like to see a "comprehensive" study on the percentage of bed wetting liberal anti-gunners who have not served protecting this nation, and just "take" and enjoy what this nation has to offer.   My "comprehensive" study of the 2nd Amendment issue would include participants of the following...   (1) Had their brain chemistry changed by experimental drug usage. (2) Did not serve in the military because of their "beliefs". (3) Burned their draft cards. (4) Avoided the draft by faking injuries / illness. (5) Whetted their beds in basic training to get discharged. (6) With old money and public funds, made careers of college deferments. (7) Has a "you owes me" mentality. (8) Contributes little to nothing for charitable contributions. (9) Never performed any community service. (10) Think they are "elite" and smarter than the average Joe. (11) Entered government employment, politics, public education, colleges, universities, media outlets and Hollyweird. (12) Wants to do bee hive good, but with your money and not theirs.   I wonder what the results would be?
  9.   Debate, what debate?   I can no more talk the spots off a leopard than talk a liberal gun hating individual to accept the truth.   You can win the debate, you can back it up with indisputable facts but, you seldom if ever will change the minds of people who base decisions on "feelings" rather than logic and common sense.   And one more thing y'all have probably noticed... Every time the government throws out the word "comprehensive", as in debate, proposal or legislation, get the KY out.
  10. Who is going to be the modern day Jefferson Davis?   Lincoln - Davis Obama - ????   Round two?
  11. Yep, I get UPS packages delivered as late as 7:00 P.M., and this time of year it's well after dark.   When your anxiously anticipating something gun related in that brown truck, being probably the last delivery sucks.
  12. Well color me from head to toe totally surprised  :rant:   I've commented on government programs, socialism, waste, fraud and efficiency for decades! I've preached it to me, my shadow and my relection until I was blue in the face and only my reflection listened!   Alex, I'll take "Government Programs" for $1,000.00 please.   Dennis, your answer is... 'What government program has ever been a success, not mired in socialism, is Constitutional and has not been borrowed against, mismanaged, lied about, run into the ground"   To the tune of Jeopardy music...Do do do ta ta do do do...   NONE?   Well, the liberal Canadian Alex Trebek pulls out his liberal study and says, "incorrect"!  :rofl:
  13. Counter point and food for thought...   After living in "The People's Republic of Illinois" for thirty-eight (38) miserable wasted years because of employment, here's a little insight on the attitudes of 2nd Amendment Rights.   There's not much law Illinois can pass to further restrict your gun rights, save an all out ban. The attitude of many of the on the fence people I talked to about gun rights in my 38 year indentured servitude was, so what, you can't do this and that now anyway, what difference does it make? The general attitude of the middle-of-the-roaders is not to rock the boat, what will be will be, don't get involved. If my observations are anywhere close to correct, I suspect New York and Kal-a-for-ni-a are similar?   As I mentioned in another post, seems the urban population centers hold sway over law and lack of critical thinking and common sense. The one thing all major urban areas have in common is their over fluorinated poisonous water supply. Could the poisonous water be the source of lack of common sense and loss of critical thought?   Don't drink the Kool-Aid!   Fortunately I retired and escaped the iron curtain of "The People's Republic" and fled to the country in Tennessee. I can't run anywhere else at my age, I have my line in the sand drawn and it will not retreat. This is America, land of the free and home of the brave, and I like it that way. I do what most of y'all do to maintain our freedoms, I peacefully write my two senators, congressman, governor and president and express my Constitutional rights as a citizen and NOT a subject to the crown.   I fought communism, aggression and the bee hive mentality once already in my life time for a foreign nation I had no investment in. It now appears to me our government wants to subjugate us to the same defenseless subjects as Canada, Australia and England.   As far as I'm concerned, there's only two types of legal American citizens, those that will cower and accept what the government passe's as law, and those who will take a stand and not let that happen. Unfortunately, my rant is preaching to the choir, as I'm not reveling anything new under the sun to those not drinking the Kool Aid.
  14. Not to disparage individuals lacking critical thinking skills, but it makes me wonder how they manage through life without common sense?   You know, it seems 90% of the antis live in urban and high density population areas. What's the ONE thing the densely populated and urban areas are exposed to?   Fluoridated water... So don't drink the Kool Aid  :popcorn:
  15. It is said compromise is what politics is all about, and no legislation could be passed without it?   When attacks come on our Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights as intended by our founding fathers, what compromise is warranted and / or acceptable?   What's so complicated? The law of our Constitutional Republic is the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and Bill of Rights, period.   Piece by piece, they are dismantling our founding documents (law) to suit their own personal agenda's and the will of our changing liberal society. It doesn't take the SCOTUS to hear a case of what is constitutional and what is not. A sixth grader could better interpret our founding documents than what is currently in place.   Just my thoughts on an issue folks..
  16. I'm not going to criticize as you are your worst critic, however... Glad no one was seriously injured.   I've shot many things with a 12 ga. slug. Unless you got lucky hitting a 2x6 inch ceiling Joyce dead on, you have a hole through your roof somewhere, trust me!  A 12 ga. slug is one of the few things that will penetrate ballistic lexan.
  17.   I think you pretty much hit the nail on the head and I agree with your opinion. My father had a mental illness which I swore I'd never accept. Mental illness has always been with us throughout history.   IMO, mental illness is much more pronounced and prevalent than several decades ago and beyond. That seems to be a fact from the percentage of incarcerated convicts in our prisons with some sort of mental defect, the boom of the mental health profession and associated multi-billion dollar drug industry and my recollection of days gone by. The casual observer might argue all the violence and filth produced by Hollyweird, violent video games our children play, violent / rap music, the one parent family, etc. Being a non-scientific observer, I would absolutely agree the preceding are major factors. However...   What's the common denominator of my examples? Peoples changing liberal standards and a reflection of law(s) allowing it to progress, IMHO. Putting MA warnings on movies, music or games is an enticement not a warning to many children.   How we have changed as a moral society of your forefathers! I remember in the 1960's and the FCC standards of decency. I remember when Ed Sullivan would not show Elvis Presley below the waist. If you broadcast even one profane word on radio or TV, it could be your license. Violence and F bombs are as common today as milk and eggs at Wally World.   Got carried away, sorry...   Here's my observation. Like anything else, it takes money to provide a socialistic service to the public. Governments have no money, they take money from productive citizens in the form of taxes to pay for their services and programs.   As the average Joe Blow blue collar worker trying to provide for his family, do I want to volunteer to pay more taxes to support the mental health industry, in the hopes of a socialist solution? Do we want the government to administer anymore programs? Name me just ONE red tape program the government has efficiently and successfully ran?   I don't pretend to know the solutions but, a government run anything is a bad idea.
  18.   I agree and disagree. If we're still a Constitutional Republic, those rights not granted to the Federal government are states rights! Just look at what the Federals have taken over with states rights!   By blackmail, the Fed's will withhold monies to a state until it bends to their will.   If we could get a couple state senators and a hand full of representatives with some testicles to force the Fed's to restrict their activities to what's outlined in their powers, outlined in the law of the land, problem solved?
  19. Personally, I'm glad this wasn't the last straw that broke the camels back. But that "straw" is ever hovering above that damn camel everyday and it might only be a slight breeze of more wackos committing heinous crimes before law abiding citizens are punished and tyranny rains.
  20. I would like all your opinions on competition holsters shooting IDPA, etc.   I shoot IDPA as a way to practice my self defense skills and always use my carry guns / holsters as I do EDC. I use my high quality holsters such as; my Alessi and Milt Sparks, however.   Probably 90% of the gang shooting IDPA uses some sort of Kydex holster, maybe for a reason. IDPA is a match scored on accuracy and time and many people are interested in winning, not me?   I use OWB quality holsters and I'm here to tell y'all, they are tight on the draw and scares me somewhat trying to constantly re holster a Glock.   Doing a little research, it seems Dale Fricke has a great Kydex holster, the "Michael" I believe for OWB.   Any recommendations guys for competition shooting?   Thanks!
  21. Hey Y'all...   Just wanted to let everyone that lives in the NW portion of Tennessee know about a great little gun shop I've done business with. Well, not so much business the last few weeks as he is also sold out of the most popular guns and ammo, but so is everyone else. When prices are reasonable I'll fully support a local gun shop, as it's great to have a local gun shop nearby and to support our local community.   His prices on guns and ammo are very competitive and he did a pistol transfer / back ground check for $20.00 for me to my surprise. Most likely because it came from my son on active duty at Ft. Benning, GA.   Anyway... About every month I would stop by and purchase a case of .223, 55 grain ammo (200 rounds for $86.00) for my AR, just to stock up, glad I did with all that's occurring. While I was there I told him I would take another case of that Remington 55 grain .223 for $86.00. Before he even spoke and that sly smirk crossed his face I already knew the answer. Naturally he said he was out and that $86.00 per case .223 was most likely a thing of the past.   I highly recommend Tom at:   Buchanan Shooting Supply 980 Oak Grove Rd. North Buchanan, TN. 38222 (731) 641-6650   Disclaimer: I don't have a horse in this race.
  22. It's not going to be the 300 linear yards of green beans and 42 tomato plants I did last year, that's for sure. It was spring and I got carried away. As it turns out, after 40 years of planting tomato's, this was the best and biggest crop I've ever seen! The first month (the ones the bugs and critters didn't get to) were as big or bigger than soft balls, and dozens of them!   I canned enough green beans, tomatoes, tomato paste, spaghetti sauce to last two years.   With just the two of us, I planted 8 zuchinni plants, half of them three weeks apart. I'll be dog gone if they didn't all start producing at the same time? We couldn't find enough people to give them away.   This spring my goal is to plant enough spinach and greens to can a lot for next winter, and there is the problem. All greens are not created equal and I really only like one type. I don't remember if it's turnip greens, collard greens or the other one I can't think of?   What really burns my behind... Me loves sweet potato's, watermellon and canaulope, like craving and dreaming about producing my own.   Sweet potato's are out... Planted them three years in a row, and when the leaves start to look really wonderful and go out the next day... Where the heck did I plant the sweet potato's? The deer eat everything to the ground!   Canaloupe same thing. When they are ripe and about ready to pick, I go out and they are destroyed. The deer use their hooves to smash them open and eat them, Bad, Bad deer!   Watermelon? I'm here to tell you about watermelon, no problem with the deer on this one! Nine out of ten watermelon I pick are not ripe and only have a core that is red and delicious. I've left them alone until their umbilical vine has dried up and still not ripe. Hell, I can't even pick a ripe one up that's suppose to be nice and ripe from the road side vendor? I've thumped them until the cows come home and asked advice. I've got forty (40) years trying to figure out how to determine if a watermelon is ripe or not with no success. So, I've come to the conclusion, it's not possible for anyone short of x-ray vision to determine it. Don't need no advice on this one gentleman!   Loves me some carrots too! One of the few vegetables I never have much luck with, as they are mostly stunted and slightly bigger than baby carrots. Probably because I'm too lazy to thin them out once above the soil.   Anyway, garden produce is delicious and reduces the grocery bill and I'm excited to get at it this spring again.   BTW. My potatoes did pretty well last year (first time try).
  23. I don't particularly like the way the M&P's look so I don't personally own one, however...   My son and a couple of friends have the M&P9 and I shot them a few times. Combined they have maybe 3-4K rounds down range with ZERO problems. Actually, I've never personally talked to anyone who had any problems with the M&P line of handguns.   Based on the above, sounds like it's more than a winner.
  24. Well, here's another thought to ponder on mental illness?   Why is mental illness always negative and many times results in tragedy, heinous crimes, suicide, etc. Why doesn't it ever result in good actions, going to work and giving all your money away to charity etc.?   Why doesn't a mental illness attack a persons inner demons, dark side, evil thoughts and enhance and nurture positive aspects of ones existence? There all stored in the same location(s) of the brain right?   As defined by the American Medical Association and U.S. criminal law as having a mental illness, could some of it just be unadulterated pure evil and demonic spirits? Through our DNA are we pre-programed to commit heinous acts or can we control them?   Questions, question?
  25. Ok... I needed that to return to earth. I get too serious sometimes. That put a smile and snicker on my face, much needed. Thanks!


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