I just finished a couple of big bowls of slow, all day simmered pinto beans. I have to tell you they were great. Few things in life bring as much reward as the pinto bean. High in fiber, which keeps the whole pump out line clear of, well stuff I'm sure it needs to be kept clear of. They are also high in protein which is the building block of muscle. And lastly they just taste good. Now I have to say, my wife wishes I hadn't eaten so many beans, as she is sure at some point she will be punished for preparing them for me. So as you sit at your keyboards, reading this and asking yourself why is he pontificating on the lowly pinto bean? Why, you ask. Because I am totally bored to tears. I may also be just a touch . Regardless, bean up my second amendment loving friends. Bean up and reap the benefits. ( And don't forget to pull the covers over your wifes head, later on. This is always good for some holliday laughs. ) Merry Christmas, TGO.