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Hi Point Hooligan

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Everything posted by Hi Point Hooligan

  1. Ok try this..when you get to a network that is not blocked, ping your fav gun websites... open up a command prompt and type ping whateverdomain.com. the number that comes back will be the website address.. when you go to your local commie Coffee shop pop open your browser and type in the IP address,, that is the number you got from the ping command and see what happens..
  2.   I would hope that if the US was invaded my local gun shop guy would burn the 4473's just for that reason...ummm, should call him tomorrow and see if he has an invasion plan.  :rant:
  3. The reporters need to leave the guns alone, and do an investigation on all the illegal aliens we have here in TN, and why they are getting food stamps welfare and free health care. Then you can worry about the NICS check some other time..   Or how jobs are being sent overseas, and what the impact on the national/ local economy is. Ok, this is a good one, EBT card fraud and abuse that is a hot button..   Even better people that live on welfare and food stamps for years (as in decades)   Let’s do some REAL investigative reporting..   -HPH
  4. I did check that package out some time ago. I did not do the FFL thing but it looks good.. (was just researching the idea)
  5. Frankly I am truly fed up with the whole lot of them. Anything they don’t like they turn it into some type of anti-Muslim crap. Can be anything, even Lego has been attacked (for the Jabba the Hutt hideout play set. It was claimed that it looked like one of their Holy sites or something of that nature.   And if that gun shop caves in, to the pressure then I sure as He** would not give them any of my business. And if I want to shoot at a zombie that is wearing a turban I will..   **A Michigan gun store will stop selling targets that depict a skeleton holding an AK-47 and wearing a turban after a Muslim civil liberties group voiced concern that the target may cause gun owners to have a negative view of all Muslims.**   Oops should have read the post closer, they have already caved in. Well from what my buddy tells me they should rename Michigan to “Michiganistan” anyway. And before anyone here starts to say I need to be tolerant of other peoples beliefs, well I am. Don’t get me wrong I believe in live and let live… But when you have a group of people that wants to change every thing to fit their way of life, or it offends them well that’s when I draw a line on the pavement. And I have a list of things that I am going to do, and I really don’t care what the Muslims say.   1.If I want to place a manger scene in my front yard during Christmas time they are going to have to deal with it. 2.If I want to drink beer on my front porch, they are going to have to deal with it. 3.It I want to shoot at a zombie with a turban on it’s head they are going to have to deal with it.   4.If I want to speak my mind they are going to have to deal with it.. Yea, folks we can all live together just fine, but don’t let yourself get run over by a bunch of politically correct crap..    (RANT MODE OFF) -HPH  
  6. I love the name...   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Improvised_firearm
  7. Just think what these people will do if the welfare and food stamps were cut off..     -HPH
  8. Well I could see if the gun shop in question was visited by the ATF and when they were auditing the bound book his name popped up a lot. Or the gun shop reported him “Report of Multiple Sale or Other Disposition of Pistols and Revolvers” Source:http://www.atf.gov/forms/download/atf-f-3310-4.pdf   -HPH
  9. Yea, but what if he posted a video that looked like this.   http://youtu.be/nSQQaRw-yU0
  10.   So how is the TICS system "unconstitutional"?  It has never kept me from getting a firearm.. I am not going to say that it is a perfect system.. But if it keeps guns out of the hands of criminals I am all for it..
  11. You know I am not going to argue constitutional law, or what amendments cover what. Because it is a slippery slope. But I will tell you this, I have been watching this guys videos for some time. I am not going to say he is a nut case, but his videos could be used as a catalyst for some people to become violent (he did mention in one of his videos that people have been contacting him, in regards  to when the fun starts)   Alex Jones is just as bad, but he is a marketing GURU, selling conspiracy theory videos, hats and T-shirts. I have double checked some of his reports and this guy just takes the news and spins it.. FEMA camps and coffins what a joke.   Sorry Obummer is not going to side step the constitution or law or anything of the such. Nor is Biden going to have our guns banned. I hear people say look at “Nazi Germany” Well in that time period Germany did not have as many people to control, and towns were closer together than in the US… The population was easy to control, and means of communication were not as they are today.. So word spread slow..   Do you think any republicans would vote for any bill that would take away our guns? They might vote on a mag ban, but that is about it.. so let’s stop all the BS put our don’t tread on me flags, and our come and take them flags away and act like we have some common sense…..
  12. 5-Pmag black w/windows on GB for $200.00  :rant:
  13. Well you can carry a lot of it. you can hunt with it... and also this is a shock to some but you can defend yourself with it... also it makes for a good barter item in a SHFT situation  :rofl:
  14. He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one. It is written: ‘And he was numbered with the transgressors’; and I tell you that this must be fulfilled in me. Yes, what is written about me is reaching its fulfillment.” The disciples said, “See, Lord, here are two swords.” “That’s enough!” he replied. —Gospel of Luke 22:36-38, NIV Well today I could say buy an gun... but just 2???   Almost forgot Lock and load..        
  15. I am going to invest in PVC pipe, and start making long term storage kits... 
  16. Screw e-bay..go with Gunbroker...
  17. And in the last days there will be stupidity, and rumors of stupidity.
  18. Well the people that are calling folks greedy are the ones that are mad that they did not stock up so they could make some cash. Do I feel bad about selling stuff??? No not really. I put something on gunbroker starting out at .99 cents and it gets bid up to a few $100.00 dollars, that is not my fault. I did not force anyone to buy it.. Peoples stupidly and fear mongering have ignited the market..   People also lack the understanding of how laws are made. If Obummer could use an executive order to ban semi autos why are we having all this drama about a law being made about a AWB??? You know why? the president can’t do it… You guys give him to much credit for what he can do.   Do I think semi autos will be banned? Nope… even the fact that we had a tragedy with this last shooting. Our reps in DC being of the ilk that they are, will not do anything that will jeopardize their jobs.. Yea, they did get some sort of a ban in the 90’s really did no good at all.. That’s why the bill went the way of the dinosaur.   So I think this new AWB bill will be DOA. Gun and ammo prices will come back to normal, once supply and demand balance back out.. and you will see people at the gun shows trying to sell the stuff they paid to much for..   All almost forget semi autos going NFA? That will take a major over haul that could take years. So, don’t run out and pay the inflated prices for stuff. Meanwhile I will be selling 5-Packs of p-mags at $200.00 a pop. And parts kits at $100.00 a pop. Would I try to sell stuff like this on TGO??? Heck no I am not that stupid… Gunbroker is the place to be..
  19. Well if you ship ammo make sure you follow the rules.. if you get caught the fines are heavy. (and it is not UPS that does this) You will have to deal with the D.O.T     Just slap the ORM-D sticker on it take it to UPS and ship it!!!! from what I understand the only time you would have deal with hazmat charges are if you were shipping powder, or primers.
  20. I am a youtube junkie and this is one of the channels I subscribe to. Just wanted to share this with you..     http://youtu.be/u7txG7futik
  21. Well I can say this, if it were just my manger and I in the store. And something like that happened. And the situation turned out the same as it did in this story. I would have not called the police… We would have kept this between us. No, need to get things blown out of proportion. Unless there was gun fire and some one got hit, I do not see the need to call the cops.. But that is just me..
  22. Well I was at this range back in June/July and it was hot!! I am a big guy and the heat tends to get to me. The RSO(a lady). Checked on me every so often to see if I felt ok. And gave me a bottle of water.. I don’t know her name, but it was very nice of her. Another time I messed up my AR (it was my fault) and the RSO’s helped me out with it. They did not have to, but they did.. So again another thanks to them. I could go out in the woods and shoot.. But it never is a good idea to go alone. I find myself having to go alone due to my work schedule. So, it is nice to shoot somewhere that if something did happen, they could help you out if you were in trouble.. Matter a fact that hot day that I was talking about, someone I think had heat stroke and the range folks called the EMS.. if this guy had been out somewhere by himself…well you get the idea.. And I know that sometimes some of the older guys that work at the range seem to be crabby and mean.. But I believe that these guys take safety as the number one priority and sometimes you have to be stern to get your point across..
  23. Well I guess you guys are gonna ride me out on a rail when I say this.. and before I do I understand everyone works hard for their money and can do what they want with it. But I for one will NOT buy a firearm from wally world, nor will I buy ammo.. I support my LGS, why ??? Well when I visit I am treated like family, never spoken down to.. Always treated fairly. At wal-mart I am just another number.. Wal-mart is killing the little guys, and what are we going to do when the little guys are gone??? Do you think you will find a "Gunsmith" at wal-mart??? Nope... Like I said it is your money, do what you will.. But please stop feeding the beast..
  24. [quote name='Dolomite_supafly' timestamp='1351992077' post='838588'] And you think I don't have one or two of those? Dolomite [/quote] It would not surprise me if you had a surface to air missile in your safe somewhere..


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