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Hi Point Hooligan

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Everything posted by Hi Point Hooligan

  1. Yes I would like to take a look at the collection myself..
  2. He should be treated with the same rules that apply to prisoners of war or terrorists.
  3.   Should have done my research before I posted. Did not know that, looked it up.. thanks learned something new today. 
  4. Statistically speaking how many times in history has a bomb threat been called in, and a actual device been found?? Pair this with the fact that after we have an event of this magnitude (the Boston event) that all the nut jobs come out of the woodwork to get their jollies.
  5.   Don't worry you live in Brentwood.  :yuck:  :rofl:   Don't worry you live in Brentwood :yuck:  :rofl:
  6. A house divided against it’s self cannot stand. Abe Lincoln wrote these words so long ago in regards to the slavery issue. But I am going to take it out of context and apply it to the general state of the country. While out lawmakers are fighting over the 2nd a and same sex marriages, the country is being conquered from within. We have weakened ourselves with political correctness and greed. To the point that every time I hear a Liberal say something I want to projectile vomit.   Yes the USA is a battlefield right now. It is a battle of ideology, the right and the left. The Christians and the non Christians. The many different minorities’ that for some reason have the idea that someone owes them a living. All of this mixed up into a somewhat volatile melting pot that just needs a little something dumped into it to make the mix explode.   There are some that would classify the Boston bombing as a “false flag attack” then again anything that happens they would say is a false flag attack. I feel that this attack is for real, and it is just one of the many shot’s that will be fired in the “Battle Of Ideology”   -HPH
  7. Yea, I know that pay pal snubbed me for selling stripped uppers and mags.. (not on ebay) just used pay-pal to process the payments. Have no idea how they got me...    :down:
  8. Just could not help myself ....
  9.   I think an IED is made from something you have sitting around that goes boom. Like an artillery round or something of the sort. A home made bomb is one that you have to mix up the ingredients. 
  10. That happened to me the first time I fired a pistol many moons a go  :rofl:
  11. And the cancer spreads. This is a blatant attempt to erase ones individualism and force them to conform to the status quo. Curb free thinking, don’t speak out, take your medication the government is here to help. Think I am a paranoid? Better look around and smell the smelly smell of collectivism.. It is being served up in 60 OZ cups of goodness.   Yea, you could say that I am going overboard. And a hair cut is a small thing.. but remember a cancer cell is a small thing… give it awhile and the next thing you know you are six feet under.  :cool:
  12. Did not think you guys could have guns in CT anymore// :stunned:
  13. Adam Embick 3629 Sentara Way Virginia Beach  VA 1.757.416.6627   Looks to be a rather fresh website. Someone cashing in on the panic... 
  14. Long as the Zombie's keep getting their food stamps and welfare payments they will be ok. Soon as that stops, they are not going to come from the grave. They will come from the ghetto..And they ain't gonna be eating brains.......
  15. Well if it is a fight they want, that is what they will get!! We should send them some copies of the Red Dawn movie(the fist one not the remake) tell them to sit down and watch it and take notes... wanna dance now punk?  :usa:
  16. Did they find an Skittles under the front seat?
  17. Yea I love living in the great state of TN. But we must remain vigilant and stand guard against the communist ideology, that is eroding our fine country. This disease is spreading from state to state. I hope and pray that the day it attempts to gain a foothold in our state, there will be people that will stand up against the scourge and not go quietly into the night of stupidity.   :usa:
  18. Come to South Nashville were the gunfire is light to moderate. :rofl:
  19. The entire AWB was just a scare tactic for something else. Like the universal background check. I really did not think they would get the AWB bill into law. But I think this opens the door for the UBC. It is the less of the two evils, I would imagine that is how the lawmakers look at it.   And I am not going to mention any names, but I have seen some ammo posted on here that was over priced for what it was.. So let’s not start pointing fingers at anyone. (yes I buy wholesale and yes I know the current prices and markups)
  20. See that is the whole idea is to shut the thing down..time to go Crank Yankers on them..
  21. And this is why no one is going to take you up on your offer. This guy had is photo made and look what happened... :rofl:
  22. I have not called  Phillips metals but from what I understand they do buy it.. Not sure how much 26 55 gallon barrels of brass weights. so I am not sure how much it is worth. But it could be a project a few of us could team up on and split the booty..
  23. Well I do, not sure where I would put all of it  :rofl:
  24. Para-cord dream catcher ...   just an idea.


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