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Hi Point Hooligan

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Everything posted by Hi Point Hooligan

  1. So below we have the “definition” of being in the “Fire Arm business”   “A person can be engaged in the business of dealing in firearms regardless of the location in which firearm transactions are conducted. For example, a person can be engaged in the business of dealing in firearms even if the person only conducts firearm transactions at gun shows or through the internet”   So that being said I took a look at the latest FFL application form.   And question 18A asks.   18a. Do You Intend To Sell Firearms Only at Gun Shows? Yes (If yes, do not submit application) No   If you are going to sell at Gun Shows then tear up the form and toss it in the garbage. Because you will not get your FFL.   So, now we are all scared about selling (our own collections) at a gun show, or worried about how many guns (well sell out of our personal collection) If you wanted an FFL to make things legal with Dear leader Obammy you will not get one… So, that being said the great one has just closed the gun show loop hole..   He did not make a law. He just scared the hell out of everyone…
  2. If they want to stay out in the deep woods and train, or bang a gong and talk to their dead ancestors so be it. If they want to talk about killing folks let them do it. But when the rubber meets the road it will be on like Donkey Kong. I don’t think these folks realize what they will be dealing with when they get out of order.  :puke:
  3. After reading the article it seems like he was hunting with a baited field. :rofl:
  4. Well first all of I have not been to EW. So I am unable to comment on that. But it seems like they sprang up as a Johnny come lately during the apex of the gun crisis. The market with shake itself out… I can understand about the not wanting to scratch the merchandise. But the clerk could have handled the situation in a different way.   Now saying this, I was not there. So I am only going by the story on TGO. But for the clerk to threaten to call the police. The customer in question had to do something serious or act in a threatening manner.   Sounds like a place I need to visit and see how I get treated…
  5. Antioch is a target rich environment. Most nights small arms fire is light to moderate.  :rofl: 
  6. Not sure how accurate this is http://www.thebangswitch.com/import-ban-on-7n6-5-45x39/
  7. Get a tent setup on the side of the road...  :cool:
  8. This is just another sign of the end times. Christians will be persecuted, the churches will be looked down upon, and men’s hearts will be hardened. It will be nation against nation, and brother against brother.   When I was younger I had doubts about God but the more I read in the bible and see the things going on today, there are some chilling similarities to be noted. That being said, I think the baker was being persecuted for their beliefs.   -HPH
  9. No more Circle K for me....
  10. Yea, if I got one of these letters Trick Or Treat time would about to get real.... Nuff Said..
  11. To build or to buy is the question. I must say build the rifle. Breath life into the rifle, just as God gave Adam the breath of life. You will know the rifle from inside and out, it will become just like your arm or leg. You will be come one with it…     Rifle Zen,,,
  12. Yea I am a supporter of Black Power myself... it is called AR-15...
  13. Well at least we know now who was buying all the ammo.  :stunned:
  14. Some fruits are nutty, and some nuts are fruity
  15. Oh, yea poor black underprivileged kids. No father figure to guide and train them. Mother uneducated drop out, leeching the government a welfare queen. All the thugs I have met are no more than feral beasts that do nothing but terrorize and destroy everything they touch. And god help us they reproduce and make more of them. The cycle continues.   The problem with young black people is that they glorify violence and stupidity. And the black kids that do well in school, go off to college and make something of their lives, are called sell outs and uncle Toms’ by their peers.   Slavery is the key issue that blacks use to say they are kept down by whitey. The strange thing is, that their fellow Africans sold them out. When warring tribes engaged in battle the survivors of the defeated tribe were sold to slave traders. This way the victors could get rid of the vanquished foe(thus ending the blood line of said tribe) and make a profit off of it…     The Portuguese were the first to engage in the New World slave trade, and others soon followed. Slaves were considered cargo by the ship owners, to be transported to the Americas as quickly and cheaply as possible,[2] there to be sold to labor in coffee, tobacco, cocoa, cotton and sugar plantations, gold and silver mines, rice fields, construction industry, cutting timber for ships, and as house servants.   The Atlantic slave traders, ordered by trade volume, were: the Portuguese, the British, the French, the Spanish, the Dutch, and the Americans. They had established outposts on the African coast where they purchased slaves from local African tribal leaders.[3] Current estimates are that about 12 million were shipped across the Atlantic,[4] although the actual number purchased by the traders is considerably higher.   Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlantic_slave_trade   African conflicts   According to Dr. Kimani Nehusi, the presence of European slavers affected the way in which the legal code in African societies responded to offenders. Crimes traditionally punishable by some other form of punishment became punishable by enslavement and sale to slave traders.[67] According to David Stannard's American Holocaust, 50% of African deaths occurred in Africa as a result of wars between native kingdoms, which produced the majority of slaves.[65] This includes not only those who died in battles, but also those who died as a result of forced marches from inland areas to slave ports on the various coasts.[68] The practice of enslaving enemy combatants and their villages was widespread throughout Western and West Central Africa, although wars were rarely started to procure slaves. The slave trade was largely a by-product of tribal and state warfare as a way of removing potential dissidents after victory or financing future wars.[69] However, some African groups proved particularly adept and brutal at the practice of enslaving such as Oyo, Benin, Igala, Kaabu, Asanteman, Dahomey, the Aro Confederacy and the Imbangala war bands.   Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlantic_slave_trade
  16. Why not let them have their own trains and planes. So when one of them gets the itch to blow something up. They blow up their own kind… 
  17. Well I look at it from this perspective. I would buy it as an investment piece. Not sure if this gun will increase in value (this statement is based on the fact that I do not have any background in this type of weapon) But I know some of my C&R stuff has gone up. But some people just like to buy this type of stuff to have. To put on display… I say if this purchase will make you happy by all means pull the trigger.
  18. The funny part about this video, is that the driver baited the officer. And the officer took it hook line and sinker. I am not sure if all Police officers are like this one. But I think a lot of law enforcement officers have forgotten what their function in society is.   They are to protect and serve the community. Not oppress the community. I have been stopped in Davidson county before (at a DUI checkpoint). I rolled down my window(not that I was asked to). And the officer asked me how my night was going, I replied that my night had been fair. I asked him how his night was going, he replied it had been a long night.   The officer inquired had I been drinking, I told him I had not. (this was the truth). And that I had just been to the Krystal and picked up some burgers and was heading home. The officer said that he was going to head that way after his shift was over, and he told be to have a good night and be careful. This exchange took 5 minutes,,   Now let’s look at the issues. Yes the drivers rights were violated I am not going to deny that one bit. Now let’s look at the officers point of view. The driver did not want to lower the window all the way.(this would cause suspicion, that the driver is attempting to hide something like the smell of  weed or alcohol). Was the driver legally required to lower the window all the way ?? “NO”. And I do agree that the dog search was a ruse to allow the officers to search the car? “YES”   Now before I make my closing statement I would like to say, that I take my liberty and freedom very seriously and will defend it at all costs, and the driver did an excellent job in demonstrating the blatant violation of his rights.   In closing I would like to say that a little courtesy goes a long way. If the driver had just lowered the window the whole situation could have been avoided. Remember Police Officers are people too. They have professional issues and personal issues. And believe it or not police officers are human.. (yup hard to believe but it is true). Sadly there are some pointy headed cretins’ on the force that have a raging power trip hard on going, and will stop at nothing to get his/her rocks off… Remember don’t poke the bear. (no pun intended)
  19. Well it is real easy to sit behind a computer, and type crap on "Twatter"  But these folks can talk the talk... But can they walk the walk?   -HPH
  20. I think I have said this before and I will say it again. These people move in, and just think they can have their way. It happens every where just not in TX. I am proud of the farmer for standing up to this scourge, that is slowly but surely undermining the way of life in the USA.   Yes, we have freedom of religion don’t get me wrong. If these folks want to howl at the moon, bang a gong and talk to their dead ancestors (or what ever they do) I have no problem with it.. But if they want me to change something, just because they don’t like it???     SCREW THEM!!!!!!! 
  21. Soylent Green-pack 'em up ship him back to his peeps.. :pleased:  (now in bite sized cubes)
  22. When you get the stock in(I know this is a lot to ask) but could you post a review of the stock. The installation, shoot, and maybe some photos... that would be cool.
  23. From what I understand when you order something from another state, (import it) You are liable for taxes on the item. The dept of revenue (TN) on their website have a form for you to voluntarily pay the sales tax on the goods you buy in other states.   I would imagine it is not downloaded a lot. So it looks like this law is just enforcing the sales tax law already on the books. Since at one time their have been some misconceptions on what is taxed and not taxed. I am going to cheat and provide a link. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_taxes   Now that being said I shop at newegg a lot. And they do charge sales tax because they have a nexus in the state (TN). Also from what I understand is that not all online businesses will have to collect tax. I think it would be based on the revenue of said business. Don’t quote me on that, I read it somewhere..
  24. Really??? I think it works like this.. You attack us, and you receive a complimentary bomb with no cost to you. Yes the Atomic bomb was/is a terrible weapon. But it saved more lives than it took. If the war were to keep going who knows how many people would have been killed.   And the poor Japanese, I don’t buy it.. They got exactly what they deserved. If they had not attacked the USA we would have not bombed them. End of story.. 


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