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Everything posted by billyscott

  1. Hello and welcome to the site!
  2. Welcome from Mid TN. 
  3. Welcome to TGO!
  4. Welcome to TGO!!
  5. Sounds to me like somebody knew what guns the guy had. Hope he had the serial numbers recorded.     http://wgnsradio.com/over-20-000-in-guns-stolen-from-home-in-blackman-area-cms-17655
  6. Welcome, and just watch the posts on New Content and you will find all the info you seek. 
  7. An attractive blonde arrived at a casino. She seemed a little intoxicated and bet twenty thousand dollars on a single roll of the dice. She said, "I hope you don't mind, but I feel much luckier when I'm completely nude." With that, she stripped, rolled the dice and yelled, "Come on baby, Mama needs new clothes!" As the dice came to a stop, she jumped up and down and squealed. "Yes! Yes! I won, I won!" She hugged each of the dealers, picked up her winnings and her clothes and quickly departed. The dealers stared at each other dumbfounded. Finally, one of them asked, "What did she roll?" The other answered, "I don't know - I thought you were watching."    MORAL OF THE STORY Not all blondes are dumb, .. but all men, are men!
  8. Welcome from Mid TN!
  9. Welcome to TGO!!!
  10. I like the undercover, bought mine about 6 years ago, IIRC $300 with a Galco pocket holster. I practice with target/range ammo and load it with 125 grain +p. 
  11. Sad for both families.  I don't go to theaters any more because of talkers, texters, and general sphincters who seem to be there just to   ruin the experience for everyone else. I wait till a movie comes out on DVD and buy it for less than the cost of two tickets.
  12. Welcome!!
  13. Welcome and thanks for your service.
  14. She cleans up good!!!
  15. I'll check that out, thanks.
  16. Welcome. Nice collection.
  17. Sorry to hear this. I've been through it too many times myself. I know how it feels. I've got a mini wiener dog that don't have long to go.  
  18. I did not intend to get out today. I do not like this weather. I'll take 106 in the summer fine but 8 degrees F, no way. But my neighbor called me. Her pipes were frozen. They're good folks and I don't mind helping them so out I went.  She had talked to her father and her husband and they told her to open the cover on the water cut off and turn it off if the water thawed and it leaked.  The cover was frozen. I put two pitchers of hot water on it and with some taps from a mallet it came off. She said "why did my water freeze?"  I looked at her house and every vent was wide open. Shut the vents and within 15 minutes her water was thawed, no leaks. And I stayed inside for an hour waiting for the feeling to come  back into my hands.  Close your vents and bring in your pets! It's cold.  But to put it in perspective, the coldest day on record in Tennessee was January 21, 1985: 17 degrees below zero!!! 
  19. Welcome to TGO!
  20. That is neat. But I can see me looking for my left thumb to take to the ER with me. 
  21. I'm not a Wal Mart trasher. I know a lot of the people at my local store and they are for the most part good people just making a living.  But I will tell you a story about something that happened 10 days ago, on Christmas Eve at the Wal Mart.  I went in on the afternoon of December 24 to my local Wal Mart. I bought 9 cards, for my kids, grand kids, and great nieces and nephews.  I'm old enough I give them money and they understand. Plus I bought a couple of 2 liter drinks and one gift card, twelve items total. The store was pretty crowded but for once they had half the checkout lanes open. I got in a '20 item or less' line.There were only two people in front of me. Now I always check the time I get in line and the time I am through just for the heck of it. They were having trouble checking out the people at the front of the line. After 20 minutes and two cashiers and a Customer Service Manager they shut the line down and walked away. Just said "This lane is closed." So I moved over two lanes and got in a regular 'all you can buy line' with two in front of me and waited another 20 minutes. They checked out one couple and the next ones seemed to have a problem because they were buying 3 gift cards. They finally took them to Customer Service and I thought 'Cool, I'll get out of here before New Years.' But nooooo! The CSM came up and said 'This lane is closed!' and walked away. I lost it.  I raised so much hell after 45 minutes in line to buy 12 items, they took me to customer service and checked me out.  Haven't been back in there since. 
  22. Like so many Government programs they make it sound good in theory but there is great potential for abuse. 
  23. Guy walks in to a bar. He tells the bartender "I got no money, but will you give me a free drink if I show you something really fantastic?" Bartender says sure. Guy pulls a tiny grand piano out of one pocket and a tiny man in a tux out of the other. Small man sits down at the piano and plays classical music. Bartender says "Hey that's great, but where did you get him?" Guy says "Well I was walking along the beach one day and found a bottle. I tried to rub the sand off it and a Genie appeared, said he would grant me one wish. But I think he was hard of hearing."  Bartender says "Yeah, why do you say that?" . . . . Guy says "Well, do you really think I asked for a twelve inch PIANIST?"


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