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Everything posted by billyscott

  1. BlackHawk93. I know what you mean. I went for jury duty about 5 years ago and had a 2" blade pocket knife. I had to take it back to my car and stand in line another 20 minutes.
  2. I went to Wal Mart once to buy ammo for a 7x57 Mauser. The clerk tried to sell me 7mm Magnum ammo. He said it's the same thing! I tried to enlighten him but he didn't seem interested.
  3. A very brave man. RIP
  4. Dave, my mind is going Dave, I can feel it. . . When and where were the names released? I've been checking the Knoxville News Sentinel, the last I saw on this incident was published January 24 and the next to last paragraph reads " The officers' names have not been released. " All I was saying was the names didn't have to be released. If there are no charges and no discipline then why drag their names through the mud? But yes, I am still interested, despite my ignorance, which I apologize for!
  5. Dave and mcgyver, I agree with some of what both of you say. But this thread has gone on for so long because there is still a lot of interest in it. And all we know so far is that the DA is not going to press charges. As far as the ORPD investigation, it's been seven weeks. Nuff Said. People would like to know the story of what really happened. And the officers names don't have to be released. As far as "any other possible criminal or civil cases that may be coming out of this case", I don't know if an ORPD statement would be admissable in court, but as long as it's the truth, it shouldn't matter. My 2 cents for the day.
  6. I read of a couple of cases lately where the bad guys wear bullet proof vests when they break in. What's the answer to that? You bend down to render aid, you open his jacket and you see Kevlar. Then you see his eyes open.
  7. You can renew six months before your permit expires.
  8. Very good thread Dennis. To get back to your original question which was about rendering aid, I choose B. I know that in any case where an Ambulance is called and violence is involved the Ambulance will "stage". That means they will park nearby and wait till the scene is secured by the local LEOs. They won't go in and risk their lives and I don't blame them. It's not their job. And a man on the floor can still be a deadly threat if he pulls a gun out of his pocket and shoots at you. And if someone breaks into your home and you confront him and he shoots you, do you think he is going to call 911 and stay and render aid to you till they get there?
  9. My two cents. Only two people have a key to my house. My daughter and my girlfriend. They both know, if you come over in the middle of the night call me first. If you can't get me by phone, hammer on the doors and let me know it's you. If you don't get a response from me, call the cops. If I wake up in the middle of the night and see someone in my house, it's only going to take me a fraction of a second to determine if it's my daughter, my girlfriend or a person in police uniform. Anybody else I shoot. And I'm not a doctor, a nurse or an EMT. The best medical aid I can render is to call 911 and tell what happened and request an ambulance ASAP. And I am not going to lay my gun down and try to stop the bleeding or give CPR. There may be another gremlin in the house. I will keep my gun in my hand until cops arrive and then I will give it to them.
  10. The last time I sat on a Grand Jury we PO'ed the Prosecutor. Probably not a good idea. But I remember on about two cases the alleged victim came in and testified. The judge briefed us when we showed up for duty and he said that an individual can go before a Grand Jury and request an indictment. And he told us that the Jurors run the Grand Jury. And we did. The only knowledge of the law that I have is what I've gotten from serving jury duty. But my entire adult life I have been called every time I was eligible. I've lived in Rutherford County for seven years and been called two times for duty.
  11. Could Estep go before a grand jury himself and testify to try to get an indictment?
  12. Yeah man, get the kids away from crack heads. You might save some lives right there. And don't let it expire. The class again, which is not that bad and another $150 to the State. Sorry $115 to the State.
  13. China Coaster, where do you get the Glucosamine and Chondroitin? I've tried it before but I got the Wal Mart stuff and it didn't do any good. Jmoe, I like to carry right in the small of the back. But when you're sitting it's no good. Can't get to the gun.
  14. I noticed that this article stated that both officers pulled their guns. Just a point that I haven't heard yet. Thing is, if you weren't there you don't know what really happened and never will. Like a lot of incidents, even eyewitness testimony isn't reliable. But . . . was there any video evidence? I'd love to see it if there was.
  15. You are probably right Volzfan. But sometimes I can get a great deal on a gun from an individual.
  16. I talked to a guy today that I know has bought several guns from individuals. He said, he has a friend who is a LEO, his friend will run the numbers for him, with two conditions. The LEO has to have possession of the gun and if it comes back reported stolen he has to confiscate it. And fill out a report. But there won't be any charges against you. But you've got to explain where you got it. Better than being caught carrying it. But what I wonder is, is this gun comes back clean is it then registered to you?
  17. TMF 18B, I don't know about probable cause but I do know that if you are stopped in Rutherford County or Murfreesboro when the LEO runs your DL number the dispatcher comes back with your DL status and if you have a HCP. Even if you had a HCP and let it expire, they know. My thoughts on it is, I know the LEO has a gun, I'll tell him or her I have a gun and show him or her my HCP. Up front. When I took my HCP class about ten years ago we were told by the instructor that this would not happen. I don't know if something has changed or if that's just how the instructor thought it was.
  18. Maybe this subject has been addressed before, if it has I haven't seen it but I'm just a Newbie. Is there any way to check the serial number on a gun you are buying from an individual? I ask this because I heard today about a guy who got stopped for speeding, he told the LEO he had a carry permit, the Leo wanted to see his gun and ran the serial no. and it was reported as stolen. He was arrested, cuffed, locked up, car towed, had to pay a bondsman and get a lawyer. The guy he bought it from denies selling it to him. I get info and a bill of sale from someone before I buy a gun nowdays but it would be nice to be able to look it up before you buy to be sure. Heck, I got a couple of guns I bought 15 years ago from a guy that's dead now. This incident has made me think.
  19. I agree with Dave. This has been the best thread I've been on. Now here's another question, what if the witness testimony and video evidence shows that Estep lied? Isn't it a felony, class E I think, to file a false police report? If so he should be prosecuted. I don't want him making false charges against me or anybody else.
  20. Diablo. I can see points 1 and 3 being valid if they are true. Does anyone know of a way the check Texas records to see if Estep does have multiple or even one conviction? As far as the time elapsed I would think if the DA has decided not to take action that would be worthy of an announcement to the press.
  21. I believe it's been five weeks today. Anybody heaard anything?
  22. gregintenn, I agree. I got a few semi autos and I love to shoot them but for personal protection and home protection, I have revolvers. And I had a lock box given to me. Some friends bought a house and found it, didn't know what it was, and asked me if I wanted it. I said Yeah, had two keys. That's where the guns go if kids come over.
  23. Good post. Info I was not aware of. But why doesn't the LEO just put his gun in a lock box?
  24. Wonder how fast he thought he could draw his weapon? They said it was unloaded, I bet there's a speed loader up in there somewhere.
  25. Assembly Speaker Silver seems to have some sense. Mayor Bloomberg needs to be sued for slander and libel for stating she had cocaine when she did not. And stay the h*** out of New York City if you possibly can.


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