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Everything posted by billyscott

  1. To get my $.02 in, I agree with daddyo in that I feel no guilt, I did none of these things. These things were done by individuals not by a race.  These things were done before I had a say in what was done. All that has been done against Blacks, Native Americans, Chinese, and whoever else has been done for the monetary benefit. And I could say more but I'm sure this thread is going to be locked soon so I'm going to go ahead and post.   
  2. I agree with 6.8, Cavuto and Shepard Smith are the best on Fox News. I guess Cavuto is tired of Obama blaming Fox News for all the problems Obama himself created. I don't remember any President before that singled out a specific news source like Obama has. 
  3. Dang man! Sometimes I have to use my left arm to get my right shoulder back in joint in the morning.  Hands numb every morning. But I'm old, almost 62, sorry this happens to a younger guy.
  4. I know a guy who has been broken into twice in the last five years. First time was a week after he had Dish installed and the guy came in to install wiring the second was a week after he and his wife had a housewarming party. Last month he let some door to door people come in and clean the carpet in one room for free. He called me and said he had given me a reference and they wanted to clean a room for me for free. I said NO. And I told him he might just get broken into again. Don't let people know you have guns and don't let strangers come into your house.  But to get back to the OP, I saw one of the same safes at a TSC just a couple of months ago. It had been damaged in delivery, they had it marked down to half price, it had a small dent in the top but the top had split from the sides. Not good safes. 
  5. If it was between Arnold and Hillary, or Arnold and Biden, I'd have to think about it.  As for actor presidents, every one I've seen since I stopped poopin' yellow has been an actor. 
  6. RIP Millie. I know how you feel Robert. I've been there too many times. It leaves an empty place in your life. Just know that you gave her a good life for many years. 
  7. Went to bed at 12 and now I'm up. Shot of rum and coke and I'll try again.
  8. Not me. I just spent 2 hours talking to my daughter. She works night shift at St Thomas Rutherford and she's used to being up at this time. For 24 years I got up at 4:30 AM to be at work and since I retired I have shifted toward later hours. 
  9. Welcome!!!
  10. What if it's a mirror image? Looks like LYL on the helmet and 132 on the piece under it. 
  11. True story... A few years ago I bought a stun gun. 50,000 volts. Not one that shoots darts but one you have to touch somebody with.  I intended to use it as non leathal protection in the truck. After thinking about it I decided I did not want to come in contact with someone who might have a knife or a gun and getting it out might just take time away from getting my gun out.  So I put it away out of reach in a closet.  Couple months ago my neighbor came over with some old gun I didn't want and wanted to trade for something. I told him I didn't have anything to trade and then I thought about the stun gun.  I told him about it and he said "OK let me see it". I got it out and turned it on and no arc.  I said the battery is probably dead and I turned to my cabinet where I keep batteries and  he said "Wait". Before I could say stop he put the stun gun to his arm and pulled the switch.  Then he let out a yelp and went into a violent seizure which caused him to drop the gun.  At least he was in a chair or he would have fallen in the floor. It was 30 seconds before he could talk and when he could he said "Man that hurt".  I took the battery out and hid the gun where I can't find it.  I guess the battery was too weak to create an arc between the prongs but still enough to charge up 10 or 20 thousand volts.  He doesn't want a stun gun anymore. 
  12. Looks like the "sidelined government employees" are going to be paid anyway.   http://www.wsmv.com/story/23615775/government-doors-closed-but-workers-may-get-paid
  13. This story really makes me wonder whats going on here.     http://www.wkrn.com/story/23605977/2-of-4-found-dead-in-car-faced-child-porn-charges
  14. Here's a link to an amateur video of part of the chase.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_1785648025&feature=iv&src_vid=5kGfqvv15as&v=I-C0Yui2zJg
  15. According to this Capital Police may be the ones who fired the shots.       http://www.wsmv.com/story/23602633/reports-woman-shot-before-lockdown-lifted-at-capitol
  16. Wow, small world rugerla1. I spent my summers up there every year in the sixties. Great place. The lead belt. 
  17. Welcome sir. My parents were from Flat River MO and my Grandparents lived in Elvins. I had uncles and aunts in Farmington and Fredericktown. 
  18. Just an observation; Felina is an anagram for finale Felina is the name of the "Mexican Girl" Marty sings about in El paso Fe-Li-Na  Iron-Lithium-Sodium Blood Meth and Tears
  19. Well, I guess nobody can figure out what to say. I'd say Gilligan tied up all the loose ends and went out with a great finish.  RIP W.W.
  20. Welcome Eric. And I second Wolf's recommendation on OK Corral. 
  21. According to NBC News a neighbor called "911" to report it. And the neighbor knew it was an airsoft gun.  This is Nanny State and none of the School's business.
  22. Sounds good. I've never shot there but I know where it is. 
  23. More Nanny State. Not the School Board's business. 
  24. If it was made in 1952 that's probably before S&W started using model numbers and it was called the M&P model.  In the late fifties they called it the Model 10. Looks like it's in good shape.
  25. Back in 2004 I worked at Nissan in Smyrna. One day I was at their training center taking a class and there was a group of new hires there for orientation. At break they started asking me about the place and one asked me how long I had been there. I said "I started in 83" to which he replied "I was born in 83".  And right now I realize that I told a story about feeling old and I started it by saying "back in 2004". 


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