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Everything posted by austin7.62

  1. Let's hope it's on recycled hex receiver!!
  2. They'll probably look like any other Mosin refurb, but I'll report back when I get mine...whenever they come in.
  3. Hey bud good choice on the Rakur. Shoot it until you wear out the barrel and replace with an authentic CHF Bulgarian barrel...it'll last forever.
  4. Dude, are you getting a bunch of different updates on when they will be there? They have sent me 6 different emails today saying that mine will be here today, no wait, tomorrow, no wait next Monday...wtf?!!?!?
  5. I'd try to find one that somebody has already "sporterized". Even rough Russian captures are going for $350 on up.
  6. Haven't seen them that cheap in at least 3 or 4 years. I might get a Tula...can't decide.
  7. +1, I'd stay away.
  8. I wish they weren't molot imports.
  9. I agree in a way, but the 5.45 is wicked.
  10. I remembered why I don't order from them...I have to send a copy of C&R every damn time I order from there because they can't keep up with it.    Edit: It worked after some tinkering...
  11. It's not a bad problem at all to stock 7.62 and 5.56. I had a few 5.45 AKs, and they were a hoot to shoot. I shouldn't have got out of the 5.45 game, but now I can focus solely on my 7.62 stuff.    Check out the Arsenal SLR-107FR: http://www.atlanticfirearms.com/component/virtuemart/shipping-rifles/arsenal-slr-107fr-7-62x39mm-side-folding-rifle-detail.html?Itemid=0
  12. Too bad their site is down, or I'd order one..
  13. Plasma tvs run much cooler than they used to as well. They won't make you turn on the A/C anymore, haha!   Also, OP, check out AVS: http://www.avsforum.com/
  14. Don't ask a salesman...he will feed you BS.    Pros: Great color  Accurate flesh tones 600hz refresh rate standard Said to have a great viewing angle from any angle, even up to 178 degrees (don't know why you'd sit almost beside a tv, but whatever) Cheaper than LED tvs in general Deep black levels that LCD technology will never be able to match   Cons: Heavier and bulkier than LEDs Less effiecient than LEDs (Our 50" Panasonic S60 is rated at $28 per year, and our 60" Panasonic ST60 is rated at $38/year)  ^As a comparison, my buddy's 50" Samsung 6300 LED is rated at $13, and the Sharp Quattron Aquos 60" LED is rated at $28 per year if I remember correctly  Image retention-commonly called "burn in," although that is an incorrect term. It's not as bad as it used to be since most plasma tvs nowadays have pixel orbiters that shift the picture constantly ever so slightly to keep a still image from retaining on the screen. Image retention is not as big as a problem as salesman and skeptics say it is. It's simple, don't leave a DVD menu up all night, and you'll be fine. Glare can be a problem since plasmas have a glass screen. This can be solved for the most part by buying a plasma with a built in anti-reflection filter (think Panasonic ST60) Plasma tvs are more fragile, and they can't be transported with the screen facing down   Overall, plasma tvs are a mixed bag. Salesmen at Best Buy won't try and sell you one because they make their money on LED tvs. I prefer them because I can control the light level in the rooms mine are in. I don't care if they cost more to run or they have thicker bezels...I care about picture quality, so I like plasma. That doesn't mean that LED tvs aren't good tvs, because they are. It just depends on what you want, and how you plan to use it.
  15. Seriously, man! Panasonic ST60 all the way!
  16. Anyone have any leads on areas around east TN? I don't know of many places...:(
  17. LED is the same technology as LCD. Only difference is LED lighting instead of fluorescence, and edge lit instead of back lit. I doubt you'll be able to even find an LCD, most everything is going to LED, as it should. LED is lighter, brighter, and more efficient. Your hz is going to be how fast the image refreshes on the screen. There is no difference between LCD and LED refresh rates. On a 46", you'd probably want a 120hz, but anything smaller you probably wouldn't notice a difference. Or you could get a plasma. I like them better, but I also appear to be one of the few consumers left that like plasma.
  18. It's one that I plan to sell in a private sale. Didn't mean to make it appear as though there are 42" vizios nib for $250 at a retail store! Sorry!
  19. Not a bad TV. I could have sold you a vizio 42" LED for $250 though!
  20. I'm a former employee. I'm not telling you to not buy a TV from Walmart, TDR, but I used to unload trucks sometimes. I have seen pallets of dog food placed on top of TVs. I can't speak for the accuracy of the salesman's statement, but Walmart management does tend to keep employees out of the loop in terms of details, so I'd ask the electronics supervisor or an assistant manager.
  21. By setting it up, I mean that they pull it out of the box, plug it up and turn it on. They make sure there are no cracks and that it functions as it should. They won't hook it up to your existing home theater or anything like that, but it's nice of them to do. My Panasonic came from Amazon, and not a vendor, so YMMV. CEVA logistics delivered it. They were professional, on time, and polite. I highly recommend buying a TV from Amazon now. Did I say no sales tax?!
  22. Sounds like a nice choice for a daily driver.
  23. Which camera, TDR?
  24. +1   Check and see if Amazon is going to have any deals on TVs. We bought our S60 off Amazon. It was $20 cheaper than Best Buy, paid no sales tax, and it was shipped free and the guys set it up and made sure it worked before they left. Perfect transaction.
  25. We've bought 2 2013 models this year: the P50S60 and a P60ST60. Gorgeous tvs!


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