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Everything posted by Romad7
I like trader joes frozen spinach pizza and the wife adds more cheese and lotsa fun toppings. I think I'll go reheat the last slice now. Here's the method that I like: http://lifehacker.com/5862749/reheat-pizza-in-a-skillet-to-bring-back-crispy-crusts
I'll pocket carry my LCP in a pocket holster in my back pocket in certain situations like a quick trip to the car at a hotel. It was also good when I didn't have a good IWB holster that I liked at the time. I could draw that about as quickly as my IWB 1911. Not my prefered weapon but it works. Carried a Taurus 357 like that too but didn't like the width.
That was the OP asking:-)
It's Time To Stop Talking and Start Doing
Romad7 replied to RobertNashville's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I like the idea. Hopefully a lawyer will chime in with some tips. Maybe setting up a Non-Profit would be a good way to go to insulate the helpers from the helped. Count me in for whatever. I can help with ammo, a rifle, legal fees or even with admin help (training, coordination, etc). That being said, there is going to have to be some kind of structure in place to make this thing legit so nobody gets screwed. Some kind of plan. As to earning the rifle. Maybe make it so that once a child completes certain tasks that he can keep the rifle. Like in Scouts if they get certain merit badges then they can keep the rifle. Good ideas like these have a way of disappearing due to a lack of organization, if you or someone can get a handle on this then I'm with you. Edit: If this does get off the ground and you want a website to explain the program, let me know, I can help with that too. -
Just pull out your handgun carry badge and you'll be fine;-) If they have it under control then let them have it. If they are in trouble and you can find cover that protects you from both sides, take your shot. Like in the LA bank robbery shoot out, if I had my 7mm mag and a good spot I would take the bad guys down.
There's always the good ol' pistol bayonet;-)
Probably be cheaper to have it made. Very cool item though. Thanks
Bear with me, I grew up in CA but is that legal here? I want one!
Have you checked the Saiga-12 forum? There's a ton of info on all things Saiga and Vepr there.
I had the Raging Judge Magnum 6" and it was just too much for me. I like shooting the 454 and 45 Colt but it was expensive (454 was a blast but $$$) and the gun was too big to be useful for what I wanted. It was my first wheel gun and I wish I had went with a 4" in 357, it would have been much more useful. If you are hunting or just like huge guns then the 6" 44 mag sounds like fun although there are probably better calibers for hunting, I don't know. The RJM was a pretty good gun though but the quality of work wasn't the best. Mainly cosmetic from what I could tell. Machining marks, some rough edges and the lettering was pretty crappy. I would probably only buy another Taurus if I didn't have the money for something better. Not bad guns but I prefer higher quality when I can get it. The Tracker series may be better quality than the RJM. I don't mean to put down the brand, mine was a solid gun but its the little things for me.
So many great quotes, that's one of my favorites. Makes me want one even more.
I was going to say G17 but since you don't like it I will recommend a 1911 with equal enthusiasm. It seems that most of the people who don't like the feel of a Glock are 1911 fans so this could be you. Colt is a very good choice. I like the Officer sized 1911 for carry but will be getting a full sized for range shooting and home defense. You said 9mm is your preference but be open to different calibers. I like .45 for carry but own .380, 9mm, .22, .357. They all have their positives and negatives depending on the intended use. I'm actually considering .40 for carry. But you got it right, it's about how it feels in your hand and how it shoots for you. Everyone is different and you can find 10 different opinions for every feature, caliber, material, etc. I've had Berettas throughout my military career and they are nice guns. I hadn't seen that 90-Two before, it's interesting and kinda growing on me. I do prefer the 1911 grip though. I like a slim grip. Have fun at the range, I'm interested to see what a new-to-auto-pistols shooter will think about the different styles.
Good points but with good muscle memory that's not a problem. When I was in Afghanistan, I had no issues flipping the safety back and forth as needed on my M4 or M9 without thinking. It kind of just happened instinctually. This was under considerable stress also.
Good advice. My RIA and G17 shoot quite well so I'm not lacking in that area. In reality, I'm probably not going to get a huge jump in reliability and accuracy by putting an extra $2-3k into a gun. I want this gun to be as good as it gets in all areas and be a work of art at the same time. Also, I like to know that if I am off target with my shooting that it's me and like having a higher standard to work towards. Then I can focus on my shooting vs wondering if I need to work on the gun. Not all my guns have to be this good of course, they all have their specific uses, I just want this one to be the best.
$4k is a lot and hopefully I don't get close to that with what I want. Between shopping around for used ones or just having one built, I shouldn't have a problem keeping it under $3k. That's probably still too high for many of you but I'm good with that if I get what I want. I'm really liking the Nighthawks now, too many guns and not enough money for all of them. Is there a shop in the Nashville area that would have a good selection of high end 1911s that I could look at? It would be good to be able to get a feel for the different styles/brands before spending that kind of money. Thanks!
Those Nighthawks look good, you got a nice one there. How much was yours used, if you don't mind? Are they associated with Wilson since they are both in the same city?
I do like the classic look, I'm most likely going to get a full-size 1911 after this build (will be compact for carry). I think that I may be on the road to a 1911 addiction.
From looking at his work, I am talking to Tim Calhoun so we'll see where that goes. I would really prefer a local builder so I am glad there are a few good builders in mid-TN to choose from. I guess when I ask is it worth it I am looking for some of the answers that were posted. Work of art, super-precision, accuracy, reliability, etc are things that I am willing to pay for. As for a 1911 at nearly $4k, unicorn horn grips, diamond sight dots and supernatural accuracy are things that would have helped justify that price or at least a built in bottle opener;-) Hopefully I can get everything that I want for a lot less. Edit: And to please the spirit of JMB, this gun will be a .45, that caliber just feels right for a 1911.
Yes, Tim Calhoun is the guy that I was thinking of. I'll add Sam Hoster to the list as well. Thanks!
Like this 9.5" "muzzle brake". I do like this gun though. http://www.sigsauer.com/CatalogProductDetails/sig-mpx-c.aspx
I checked out Hero-1911 (Jeff Meister) and I really like his guns and they do ARs so maybe a matching set is in my future! What was the name of the 1911 guy out west of Nashville? Isn't he a member here? The idea of a hand made 1911 from a small local shop really interests me, I would be much prouder to say that my gun was made locally in Tennessee than even to say its a Wilson Combat. And I am a big supporter of local gun shops. It looks like I will be spending a good amount of money for this gun, maybe not the high 3s but probably the mid to high 2s. I think that it will be worth it in the end. I don't do this kind of thing very often but when I do, I tend to go big and rarely regret it. You guys are awesome and the reason that I will stay a benefactor even though I rarely sell anything. It's great to be able to field ideas with such a varied group of good dudes!
The custom build is sounding great to me. That sounds like a lot of fun to me as I do like shopping for gun stuff. I'm sure that I could show him all the things that I like about the Wilson and he could do it the way that if perfect for me. You might be onto something there. Then I could used the savings to buy a couple more Glocks. Win-win!
That's exactly what the world needs...another 1911 vs Glock thread. I carry a 1911 and my bedside gun is a Glock so I'm not in either camp. But I am a bit of a romantic about guns, I want my carry gun to be special like a swordsman in the old times.
That's what I'm thinking. I want the gun that will stand above all others in my eyes. If I'm going to spend a bunch on "the" gun then I don't want to be thinking that I should have bought the other one.
This is why I carry a 1911 although I love Glocks. I know that a Glock can be carried locked and cocked but I do feel safer with the 1911 safeties.